The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
Little late.
The bill hasn’t passed third reading yet; hopefully it will die with the upcoming election.
The Cons have been pushing this bill and others like it for ages, so expect to see more of it.
What disappoints me the most is that the other parties (Green, NDP, PQ) are all backing it. It’s garbage - even if you support a nanny state, it’s garbage. The only real purpose of this bill is to eventually ban pornography entirely.
All the parties are colluding together again? They must have been called up to Ottawa again for another “Solidarity Meeting”
Seems the libs are the only ones opposed to it based on what I read. It fucking sucks
I guess it was filibustered last time it came up. I’m hoping it will die as well, but I won’t count on it.
Seems like the cons are all about it so I doubt it will die. Just more erosion of privacy
And there’s also Bill C-63 that may fuck us up too…
I briefly skimmed a few parts of it, nothing really popping out at me. What’s potentially bad about it?
That would put the burden of verifying the identity of users on the website operator before they can participate. Personally, I know I don’t want to have the responsibility of handling PII just so that a stranger on the Internet can participate on a public forum where there could be harassment when I think we’re doing a good enough job by moderating the platform with a decent set of rules.
And this kind of requirement doesn’t really consider the nature of a federated platform such as the fediverse, as I couldn’t vouch for the identity of remote instance users if we get audited.
Fair enough. When you put it like that it does in fact sound like a bit of a nightmare…