The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada’s Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
I read the bill and came across this in section 11:
Do I think this is a good bill or a necessary bill? No.
Do I think it can be abused to block a wide swath of sites? Yes.
Does it necessarily lead to that as the OP article suggests? No.
Does it put people on a list that can be leaked? In principle it should not.
Will it make it more difficult for smaller websites like to host? Possibly, but most likely not, as it can operate as normal until the government gives the server admins an official notice.
The fact that it must be collected at all is the problem. I have very little faith that the government will actually choose a privacy preserving solution, and even if they do, I doubt it’ll be implemented perfectly.
The neat thing about government privacy, os that it’s way stronger than everything the private sector does.
Why does my car collect my sexual history? I don’t know, but I garanti they resell it.