Hasn’t touched a computer in several years, yet can immediately hack into one of the most secure systems in the world in 1/60th the time of the best current hackers…
Well hilariously, its even worse/better. It was RSAs 128bit rc5, which would take waaaayyyyyy longer than an hour to crack. Like, supercomputers dedicated to the task for years sort of thing.
“I’m going to try to hack the system.”
# sudo apt install hollywood # hollywood
“We’re in!”
While Hugh Jackman gets some sloppy dome (with a gun pointed to his head).
Its because he’s the best there is folks.
Swordfish 2 plz
Hasn’t touched a computer in several years, yet can immediately hack into one of the most secure systems in the world in 1/60th the time of the best current hackers…
Well hilariously, its even worse/better. It was RSAs 128bit rc5, which would take waaaayyyyyy longer than an hour to crack. Like, supercomputers dedicated to the task for years sort of thing.