The YT algorithm washed ashore this review from a random small youtuber. I foud it interesting enough to share with you, as it has a headphone jack and seems to have good repairability.

    2 months ago

    The HMD Fusion product page makes no mention of it but several places on the internet says there is one.

    Look at the first image in this article.

    Actually every article I found before November, their version has a headphone jack.


    Edit: JerryRigEverything got the phone. It looks like his model has the headphone jack. The video was published on December 28, 2024.

    Also the HMD Youtube account has a video for this and the exploded view of the phone has a gap in there. Video was from 4 months ago.

    I think GSMArena is wrong and HMD forgot to add it to their product description.