Preferably into the EU. I speak some Spanish and I’m set to graduate with an Associates this semester. Hoping to get CompTIA certs sometime soonish and would like to continue schooling to get a bachelor’s in Compsci. Most notable work experience is 2 years in an office setting making collection calls and processing payments. What resources are available to me? Who or what agency/department can I contact to get more information? What’s the pipeline look like?

I know I could look most of this up, but there’s a lot of information out there and some(a lot) of it I find somewhat confusing. Plus, I don’t really even know where to start.

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed
    342 months ago

    Step 1: Marry a EU Citizen

    Step 2: ???

    Step 3: Enjoy your life

    (remember, same-sex marriage is legal in the EU so you got plenty of options, just saying 😉)

      62 months ago

      Same sex marriage is legal in the EU isnt true.

      Basically nothing is “in the EU” There are some general laws that each country applies on their own (often treating them as suggestions and get fined if they dont respect them)