there’s an alternate universe version of this where musk’s attendant sycophants and bodyguard have to fish his electrocuted/suffocated/crushed body out from the crawlspace he wedged himself into with a pocket knife

  • @selfOPA
    1510 months ago

    you’re right, most secure data centers are more paranoid about access than this, even if they had a server room to themselves. I’m assuming the part of the story we’re not getting is the intensifying sequence of billionaire manbaby meltdowns musk had every time he was told no, which you can kind of see by how the folks running the data center treated the damage he was doing to their infrastructure towards the end. very much “fuck it, I’m tired of getting yelled at, let him do it and we’ll bill or sue him later,” which is kind of a foolish approach when you know musk doesn’t pay

    • @bitofhope
      710 months ago

      If they have a full room to themselves, a DC might let them fuck around without supervision. There’s no way I would let them into the structural/electrical bits without seeing his signature under the mother of all responsibility waivers, though.

      After that, if this was just a regular asshole I’d hope their fuckaround trip goes without a major incident both to save myself from a lot of trouble and out of common decency towards a fellow human. This particular asshole would really be testing the limits of the latter.

      • David GerardMA
        410 months ago

        this is apparently NTT, presumably one of the bits that used to be Verio, and they’ve been fundamentally competent in my experience. To fuck around seriously, he’d have to buy NTT first.

    • @froztbyte
      610 months ago

      Yeah, the manbaby tantrums were my guess too

      Bluster and force and intimidation go a hell of a long way on people who don’t necessarily know what backing power they have (which a lot of people in gate/door control roles often fall into)

      I’m quite unsurprised they got that access