I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
Yikes. Someone makes a gender based overgeneralization when overwhelming evidence (look at crime stats) proves it incorrect, and those that dare to defend that group get attacked.
Bigotry is bigotry. If you hate a group purely based on their superficial membership, then you are bigoted.
The strongest argument you have is when you compare violence perpetrated by gender. But even then, that doesn’t support your argument that all men are evil in some way. And at such low numbers, it’s disingenuous deflection b/c even the two summed up don’t account for even 1% of the population. Sad that so many of you have brain rot.
Woman: “I and every woman I know have had some really bad experiences with men”
This dude: “Actually, you’ve had bad experiences with a small minority of men. Why do you hate all men?”
Lol pretty much. Bigotry is bigotry. You’ve got no moral high ground here.
That’s like saying that “the majority of crimes in Sweden are committed by white people” is bigotry. It’s not bigotry, it’s fucking statistics.
No, the argument is that the overall number of crimes is so low you can’t make any population inferences lmao
You bigots demonstrating they don’t understand sound argumentation.
So you feel totally safe walking alone at night and a strange man starts approaching you, right?
Because my penis sure doesn’t make me feel safe in those situations.
Where is the victim’s gender even mentioned in the meme?
Also, I would suggest calling a mod a bigot on a community where the very first rule is “be respectful” might not be the smartest thing for you to be doing.
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And of course your common sense take is getting downvoted. (Edit was -2 when I posted). They should get the bears to protect them.
does the post say “all men are murderers”? no, it doesn’t. it is however true that a disproportionate amount of men are murderers, especially compared to women, the number of whom that are murderers of men or other women are so statistically low compared to men that it isn’t even worthy of consideration.
men, generally, are far more likely to commit acts of violence than women. and the number of men who do, while not the majority, is high enough for women to be afraid of men in general.
under our existing patriarchal social conditions, men are murderers. they’re more inclined to violence and present a higher risk than women. saying “men are murderers” doesn’t mean “all men including you are murderers” it simply means that the threat is near entirely comprised of men. you should also be aware that we also don’t think that this is inherent to being a man but a manifestation of social conditioning under patriarchy that encourages such behavior in men.
lol, i literally point out how your retort is flawed, and you bull head through it anyways.
What’s funny but somehow escapes the terminal basement dwellers is that the majority of productive women do not worry about this b/c they understand how stats work. But bigots are never smart enough to even understand basic stats.
you didn’t cite any actual statistics, meanwhile throughout this thread people have been citing stats that prove you wrong. violent crime between men and women is not equal, and women are disproportionately victimized by it and men disproportionately cause it.
and yes, i’m fully aware these statistics compare violence by gender. no one is saying that because the majority of violent crime is committed by men, that the majority of men are violent criminals. you’re being obtuse and missing the point on purpose.
with that said, the number of women in total affected by violence, sexual violence especially is indeed high anyway. even if it isn’t all men, it happens enough that all women have to live in fear.
It’s not hard to find how low the crime stats are. FBI posts them yearly. It’s called google.
Obv you don’t get how to make a statistical argument if you bull headedly stuck with it. In the end, while you’re busy preoccupied by the gender distraction, a good amount of us are furthering the real divide, class. And well, while you’re still repeating your tired, pointless arguments, productive people (men and women) are leaving you behind…happily.
Simply put, you can’t say “too bad men are murderers tho” or any other derivative when you use a stat that doesn’t actually support that argument. But again, bigots aren’t the smartest lot.
Have a nice night.
i actually posted the FBI statistics in my reply. you didn’t. you didn’t even fucking read them i bet.
you can’t liberate the proles without the liberation of marginalized groups among them. stop pretending to be a comrade in class struggle when you’re just a misogynist and opposed to what we stand for.
Yea, but the stat doesn’t support your argument lol
Also, your assumption of my misogyny is completely unfounded. However, your misandry/bigotry is an full display. It’s all good though. Your bigotry will hold you back for as long as you hold onto it. I, on the other hand, will continue to work with my colleagues, men and women. We work well together b/c we actually understand how to dissect an argument and how racists/misandrists/misogynists/bigots lie with stats…like you’re doing now.
it literally does. you don’t even understand my argument.
good luck having women work with you though, i’m sure they’ll love how you downplay their experiences with sexual violence because “not all men are bad”
No, I get your argument. It doesn’t prove what you think. Plain and simple.
You cant make a comparative argument and claim it’s a population inference b/c the comparison could either be devoid of any scale/sampling consideration and/or the comparative bar could be set so low that it’s misleading. Both are well known issues in statistical analysis as well as human biases that are well documented.
But sure, go ahead and keep believing what you will. It’ll only negatively affect you. Why? B/c most ppl don’t like being hypocrites, and to behave like you is super hypocritical as well as pretty blind.
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Lol nice