like being told to “move my fat ass” or just plain annoying and then telling me they were joking.

    151 month ago

    You see when any kind of asshole wants to be an asshole, they’ll say some things. If you like and/or agree, it’s all good with them. If you get offended then they get to be a different kind of asshole because you don’t like them being an asshole. They are banking on most people’s unwillingness to be confrontational and call them on their bullshit, especially women, minorities, or members of any other vulnerable group.

    There’s only two functional counters to their assholery; either be confrontational and be a bigger but contextually justified asshole to them until they fuck off, or retreat. While counterattacking is more likely to get them to back down or realize they can’t always be an asshole, it comes with inherent risks that make most people avoid it. This is understandable, as you never know what kind of maniac the asshole might be, and local or immediate circumstances might not favor you. However if you’re in a position to put them in your place and willing to accept the any possible harm, it’s morally and ethically justifiable to stand up to them.

      61 month ago

      “In what way is that funny?” Is a simple way of countering the “it’s a joke”-cover for assholery.