• @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Yeah, I honestly did not really understand why Myspace was that big of deal (other than for bands trying to make it - it did seem like a useful platform for that) and I didn’t really see what distinguished FB as anything remarkably better? Maybe it was just more addictive, and that’s it. I still get annoyed when someone sends me a FB link to something, because usually to read much of it, I have to log in. FFS, walled garden? Why not send me a link to a Compuserve forum or something?

          …but it still makes me laugh that starting around the time of FB’s ascent, the notion of technical/media literacy jumped from actual literacy in either/both of those things, to knowing your way around a particular brand’s version of that, all while dumping on the last set of now-deemed-uncool-by-the-cool-kids brands. So, at one point, it was all the hilarity to bash someone still using Myspace, while being on Facebook. Now it’s moved onto dunking on “boomers” still using Facebook with any kind of frequency and proclaiming that only the people on TikTok really “get it”.

          WTF is there to get? This is a brand thing. People sliding their finger around on a screen, engaged with an algorithm meant to treat them like someone at a slot machine are probably actively getting stupider about both tech and media, regardless of the brand they happen to be using. This is like saying someone drinking Coke doesn’t really get it, because “Pepsi is the choice of a new generation”. Brainless.

    • Cruxifux
      331 month ago

      Yes he is. He went in Joe Rogan recently and tried to pretend that he goes bow hunting and Rogan could tell he was lying and made him look like an idiot.

      • @Broadfern@lemmy.world
        171 month ago

        Rogan is one of those idolized dorks who occasionally, somewhat usefully, point out to their base that another idolized dork should be rightfully mocked.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        It’s so fucking weird that he would think that bow hunting is some kind of flex. I guess that’s 'merica for ya.

        I’d be really curious what he means about “masculine energy” at companies. As in, what is the actual manifestation of that? Do they go bow hunting as a team building thing?

        • Cruxifux
          71 month ago

          The dude is just insecure with his masculinity. That’s all it is. He’s trying to cultivate some kind of manly tech bro image that doesn’t fucking exist, and he’s bad at it.

          • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
            21 month ago

            I mean, I understand some knob like Ted Nugent making bow hunting his “brand”, if you will. You practically expect it.

            But…who does Cuckerberg think he’s kidding here? That he’s out conquering some wilderness on the island paradise of Hawaii, living off the land, etc.? 🤣