Nope. Other than all having a bird, they don’t have anything in common. The designs are wildly different, the first two aren’t holding weapons but rather representations of the sun, and I’m not sure WHAT the Roman one is holding, but it doesn’t look like any recognizable weapon.
Not to mention that the regimes referenced were wildly different in most ways and rivals where overlap happened. This is “the Illuminati controls everything” level bullshit.
My nuts are nice and responsive btw, thank you very much 😄
not sure WHAT the Roman one is holding, but it doesn’t look like any recognizable weapon.
In this case, it may just be AI generated garbage. But historically, the Roman eagle was sometimes stylized holding bolts of lightning (as a reference to Jupiter).
Yes. You posted a picture of past Empires that used birds as symbols, implying that’s the reason America is “the Roman Empire.” But Egypt did it first.
me posting a picture doesn’t mean I’m claiming that because of 1 similarity. not worth the argument you clearly have no interest in shedding what “knowledge” you’ve been forced fed. take care bro
Yeah but the bald eagle in particular has a proclivity towards cowardice and scavenging, despite its size. Red tailed hawk or turkey is a much more admirable bird
Turkeys are super cool, but it’s still a bit silly to apply human values to wild animals. Pretty much all animals are wired to survive while expending the least amount of energy and reducing risk to themselves. Stealing catches from other animals is quite common across species because it’s easier and safer. The reality is that it’s brutal out there. I don’t have diminished admiration for a bear because it found some food in a trash can instead of catching fish from a stream.
Love how it’s modeled after rome since that’s what’s gonna happen to us too
The Roman Empire, which lasted about 1000 years, looking at the American Empire collapsing after 250 years:
I can assure you the “roman” empire is still alive and kicking my friend
TIL that empire = eagle logo
Empires = chicken logo
Kingdoms = cat logo
Sys admins = dog logo
Community colleges = anus logo
“From many old people”, in case you were curious.
Old people are assholes? 🤨
Everyone knows that Albania actually rules the world
it’s the same logo for the same empire numb nuts, just rebranded with better weapons
Nope. Other than all having a bird, they don’t have anything in common. The designs are wildly different, the first two aren’t holding weapons but rather representations of the sun, and I’m not sure WHAT the Roman one is holding, but it doesn’t look like any recognizable weapon.
Not to mention that the regimes referenced were wildly different in most ways and rivals where overlap happened. This is “the Illuminati controls everything” level bullshit.
My nuts are nice and responsive btw, thank you very much 😄
In this case, it may just be AI generated garbage. But historically, the Roman eagle was sometimes stylized holding bolts of lightning (as a reference to Jupiter).
Spoon and fork, duh!
Of course! Roman eagles be hungy 😄
no one said anything about Illuminati… stay ignorant friend no skin off my back
Then please, enlighten the class as to how these are related?
figure it out yourself since y’all so high and mighty
“don’t cast your pearls to the swine”
The US eagle was indeed inspired by the Roman one, but that doesn’t mean it’s a continuation of that empire.
it most certainly is friend. Rome still lives you’d be a fool to dismiss it. how can you defeat an enemy that is thought to not exist?
By your logic, shouldn’t it be called the Ancient Egyptian Empire?
my logic?
Yes. You posted a picture of past Empires that used birds as symbols, implying that’s the reason America is “the Roman Empire.” But Egypt did it first.
me posting a picture doesn’t mean I’m claiming that because of 1 similarity. not worth the argument you clearly have no interest in shedding what “knowledge” you’ve been forced fed. take care bro
The eagle steals prey from other creatures, like the fake predator it is.
Raptors are awesome and they absolutely hunt and kill other animals. You don’t have to make up fake animal facts to dunk on the US.
Yeah but the bald eagle in particular has a proclivity towards cowardice and scavenging, despite its size. Red tailed hawk or turkey is a much more admirable bird
Turkeys are super cool, but it’s still a bit silly to apply human values to wild animals. Pretty much all animals are wired to survive while expending the least amount of energy and reducing risk to themselves. Stealing catches from other animals is quite common across species because it’s easier and safer. The reality is that it’s brutal out there. I don’t have diminished admiration for a bear because it found some food in a trash can instead of catching fish from a stream.
Ben Franklin said we shoulda gone with the turkey!
it’s a representation of the phoenix phenom.bit will come back (Venus comet) the great dragon
He kinda looks like Caesar there, and we all know it ended well for him
Damn no one wants a trump salad
The Ides of March is coming up next month…
Sic semper tyrannis…