Trump is pushing for softer language on Russia’s war in Ukraine, straining G7 unity.
Officials say the U.S. is blocking references to “Russian aggression” and prefers calling it the “Ukraine conflict.”
This shift follows Trump’s peace talks with Putin that excluded Ukraine’s President Zelensky, whom Trump later called a “dictator.”
The change in rhetoric contrasts with Biden-era support for Ukraine and threatens a unified G7 stance.
I’d love to ask all of the MAGA heads to just question themselves this: Why go through all of this just to help Putin. Some fucked up shit must go on that Trump risks all of this just for Putin.
Same reason the US helps Israel?
The US helps Israel because they like the US more than the rest of the middle east and the US wants control of the middle east so Iran doesn’t control it as a proxy for Russia.
So the US supports Isreal to hurt Russian interests. And is now diverting all Ukraine funds to Isreal to waste the money.
Under Biden we were on track to steal Palestine as a reaction to Putin stealing parts of Ukraine.
Now that Putin has Ukraine he doesn’t care about distracting the US through Iran and is fine having his puppet Trump keep sending their tax dollars to Isreal.
But since Trump is giving up Ukraine it is more of a trade where the US trades control of Ukraine for control of Palestine.
The US has already had control over Palestine through Israel for decades.
Weird that it’s still called Palestine then. Why would Isreal need to take their land if they already owned it?
Do you know the difference between owning and controlling? Israel has been invading more and more lands from Palestine in order to establish more and more illegal settlements and accomplish the policy of fait-accompli, while maintaining control over the remaining parts of Palestine.
Are you a bot?
Jesus dude the US has to support Isreal when they whine about people retaliating against them for colonizing the area.
Russia got their ally who they control to attack Isreal to make the US waste money there instead of Ukraine.
Not hard to understand
Why does the US have to support Israel when it commits genocide and ethnic cleansing?
Sorry but what the fuck are you talking about. You’re inventing connections between conflicts that aren’t there. Russia and the US don’t particularly care about Palestine. Believing that there’s some kind of exchange where the US is ‘taking’ Palestine because of the conflict in Ukraine is some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. It’s like you think all of geopolitics is the US and Russia sitting around a map of the world and both of them are ten year olds.
Isreal is financially supported by the US
Iran is financially supported by Russia
This has been going on since at least the 80s
Russia didn’t like the US supporting Ukraine, so they got Iran to get Hamas to start a war to siphon US tax dollars to Isreal, who the US is required to support because of treaties, and divert them from Ukraine ro weaken Ukraine.
Sorry if you aren’t interested or believe something else, but that’s the geopolitics on display in observable reality
joe biden himself said if isreal wouldnt exist, america would need to create a proxy there to control the region.
The US-Israel alliance has been a disgusting and embarrassing debacle