Simultaneous purging of the chief generals of all three branches.
They are ensuring the military has no cohesiveness to stage a future coup against the Executive Branch, and are replacing all control with their own loyalists.

    4029 days ago

    You know. Its interesting. Like… really interesting. And sobering.

    Reading history books about the rise of the nazis and the reich, and you ask yourself, “how could they have not known what was going on?” and “how could they let these things happen?” What were they doing just standing around? Why did they let this happen?

    I understand that history is written by the victors. I understand that there is so much we will never know. There is nuance and circumstance and so many things that snowball into the most terrible things.

    But now… im starting to understand the feeling of powerlessness now. The inability to change the machines that are in motion. The overwhelming dread.

    I could make generalizations of the people of germany in the 1930s. But it would be disingenuous. And unnecessary. It feels like they are my neighbors now in 2025. They are angry, or apathetic, or ignorant. And the machine and history does not care about them in the slightest. History will be written by the winner and we are all going to be a broad generalization of what happens next. Your experiences will be written off as a success for the new order, or as a failure. If it is written at all.

    History doesnt teach you to dwell on the minutiae and routines of the common man. It doesnt teach you that, despite everything you may do or what you believe, or how much you loathe the actions of your leaders, that you have so little sway. That you are powerless and ineffective.

    I feel that and understand that now.

    History books in school taught us the wrong lesson i think. But i dont think that we can learn this experience from a book or documentary. If it could, we would not be repeating it now.

    • ProdigalFrog
      28 days ago


      That powerlessness you feel is by design, and every state technically wants you to feel some form of it, with varying intensity. It keeps people from trying to make things better without actually having to put effort in to preventibg them.

      But there are things we can do, and we are not powerless. Get involved in your local communities while there is still time to organize:

      That’s how everything in history has ever changed for the better.

        228 days ago

        I would argue that the powerlessness is not by design. Its a consequence. It is an immuno response.

        It is my sincere belief that the social contract still exists and that, in the grand scheme, all this happening now is the symptoms of a fever.

        The social contract is being tested. The system is working properly, if slower than we want. Our immune system is working correctly and the treatment is occurring in real time.

        If it is a cancer, we will be dead soon. And if it is a bad case of the flu. Well in that case, our immune system will balance it out. I hope. We arent taking any vaccinations, and the ones we took in the 1940s have worn off.

        This can be a booster shot, or a skipped immunization. But we actually have experienced this sickness before.

        Dont get me wrong. We are sick right now. But our job is to be the antibodies and white blood cells that regulate the system. Ive still got hope in it.