The Dems lost. The Dems are also immensely incompetent, and most of the party’s leaders at this point should probably be sent to the career-equivalent of a guillotine. But the core reason the Dems lost is because the American electorate consists of a supermajority of fascists, and fascist supporters.
You were so close to getting the point and then you went and fucked it up right at the end.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
“We’re sick of gutless politicians proposing moderate policy in-line with what their base continually elects in the primaries, so we’re going to give fascists the go-ahead to kill minorities.”
Very responsible citizenship. Very moral behavior. Not fascist at all. Thanks bunches.
Hey I didn’t vote for the Cheeto either. I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.
I hope by that you mean that you voted for the only other viable option, because otherwise, that’s a vote for fascism in our system.
I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.
Man, all up and down Lemmy the Dems have been blamed, both before and after the election results. The election happened. It’s over. The results are in. That means we have to square with the fact that, whatever the strengths or weaknesses, or the sins or stupidity, of the Dem Party, the result of the election was that a supermajority of the US population gave the green light to murder as many minorities as possible, and save as few as possible.
The Dems didn’t fumble a football. The Dems didn’t miss a layup shot. This wasn’t a game we ‘gave’ to the Democrats, our aristocratic overlords, to play on our behalf. It was an election, in which we, the electorate, cast our votes. The electorate, en masse - over 2/3s - said “The Dems haven’t earned my vote, so marginalized demographics can go get fucked.”
That’s what I said from the start, and you objected to.
The electorate doesn’t care about fascism - if the blue-colored circus isn’t entertaining enough, if the blue circus doesn’t ‘earn’ my existence, the electorate says I die. If the blue circus isn’t entertaining enough, the electorate says they don’t mind seeing fascism murder a few minorities. Maybe it’ll convince the blue circus to be more entertaining next time.
The Democrats have put every marginalized person in danger. Fascism doesn’t come out of nowhere and doesn’t thrive in real opposition. We are constantly relearning the lesson from the 1930s, there is no such thing as liberal anti-fascism. The Democrats decided not to oppose fascism, but to use it as an excuse to stop offering anything to voters other than moving right and being slightly more polite than Republicans.
Their entire existence is to absorb all opposition to Republicans by being the only alternative, but not actually having any non-right wing positions.
You were so close to getting the point and then you went and fucked it up right at the end.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
“We’re sick of gutless politicians proposing moderate policy in-line with what their base continually elects in the primaries, so we’re going to give fascists the go-ahead to kill minorities.”
Very responsible citizenship. Very moral behavior. Not fascist at all. Thanks bunches.
Hey I didn’t vote for the Cheeto either. I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.
I hope by that you mean that you voted for the only other viable option, because otherwise, that’s a vote for fascism in our system.
Man, all up and down Lemmy the Dems have been blamed, both before and after the election results. The election happened. It’s over. The results are in. That means we have to square with the fact that, whatever the strengths or weaknesses, or the sins or stupidity, of the Dem Party, the result of the election was that a supermajority of the US population gave the green light to murder as many minorities as possible, and save as few as possible.
The Dems didn’t fumble a football. The Dems didn’t miss a layup shot. This wasn’t a game we ‘gave’ to the Democrats, our aristocratic overlords, to play on our behalf. It was an election, in which we, the electorate, cast our votes. The electorate, en masse - over 2/3s - said “The Dems haven’t earned my vote, so marginalized demographics can go get fucked.”
That’s what I said from the start, and you objected to.
The electorate doesn’t care about fascism - if the blue-colored circus isn’t entertaining enough, if the blue circus doesn’t ‘earn’ my existence, the electorate says I die. If the blue circus isn’t entertaining enough, the electorate says they don’t mind seeing fascism murder a few minorities. Maybe it’ll convince the blue circus to be more entertaining next time.
My existence has to be earned.
The Democrats have put every marginalized person in danger. Fascism doesn’t come out of nowhere and doesn’t thrive in real opposition. We are constantly relearning the lesson from the 1930s, there is no such thing as liberal anti-fascism. The Democrats decided not to oppose fascism, but to use it as an excuse to stop offering anything to voters other than moving right and being slightly more polite than Republicans.
Their entire existence is to absorb all opposition to Republicans by being the only alternative, but not actually having any non-right wing positions.
Chuck Schumer sends his regards!
Well if listening to “the base” voting for moderate politics loses elections maybe they should stop doing that lol
“Stop having primaries” is an interesting take.
Not really. The democrats didn’t have a primary in 2024.
Yes, for all intents and purposes there was no 2024 primary, or, rather, no serious 2024 primary challengers. But what you said was:
Yeah. I mean, if they want to win elections. It’s clearly not working what they’re doing, they keep losing to racist clowns
Okay, so what’s your proposed alternative, since “democracy” is no longer an option for picking candidates?
Buy guns
I don’t always agree with your views on trans people, Pug, but sometimes you make a great point. Keep on fighting the good fight.