• @Hazor@lemmy.world
    1228 days ago

    Hard to get the proper shots if the FDA doesn’t even know what the proper shots should be… Flu mutates rapidly, that’s why we get updated flu vaccines every year.

    • @thejoker954@lemmy.world
      428 days ago

      They’ll just have it figured out privately. They’ve got their fingers in everything now.

      Their goal is to get the masses sick and not themselves. All to further their agenda of becoming dictator-kings.

      The people who curry favor will get access to medical care the masses won’t.

      • Tavi
        428 days ago

        That’s what they think too. Unfortunately, they are yet unable to buy immortality. You cannot buy something that does not exist. They cannot pay money to buy knowledge from thin air, or manufacture a product with no lead time, no matter how much money they have.

        They can however seclude themselves on a private island and live vicariously through a phone screen in a reality of their own. Until wifi drops, at least.

        “the event” is exciting. fresh and new. a real challenge. Afterwards… is boring. sucky. nobody wants to be there. so don’t imagine it. they could head to their bunkers right now, if they wanted. but they won’t. they just keep waiting for “the end” that never comes. The game doesn’t stop, the credits don’t roll.

        A billion dollars won’t buy you the exit from the rat race. Try again.