Came across a list of pseudosciences and was fun seeing where im woo woo.

Lunar effect – the belief that the full Moon influences human and animal behavior.

Ley Lines



Body Memory

Faith healing

Anyway, list too long to read. I guess Im quite the nonscientific woowoomancer. How about you? What pseudoscience do you believe? Also I believe nearly every stone i find was an ancient indian stone. Also manifesting and or prayer to manipulate via subconscious aligning the future. oh and the ability to subconsciously deeply understand animals, know the future, etc

    1220 days ago

    Time probably isn’t real.

    I don’t know what to do with that information. It’s just a weird gut feeling.

      1420 days ago

      Listen up brother because im about to open your third eyes fourth eye. Time is a construct made up by the big clock industry to get us addicted to their minute munchers which is exactly why I stop looking at them.

      I dont know what day or time it is. I’m pretty sure I haven’t slept in 84 hours and I’ve never been more certain that I am absolutely terrified of everything.

      Wake up.

        720 days ago

        That… actually makes a lot of sense. Time could just be an emergent property of entropy. The second law of thermodynamics (the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems never decreases) could then be applied to explain why time appears to only move in one direction.

          320 days ago

          Seeing as the time axis doesn’t seem special compared to spacial ones (especially in edge cases like black holes) I think time is just a perspective thing.

          My take is that all particles must be moving at the speed of light through 4d space time. Everything always moves at the speed of causality, just not always in the direction you are looking from.

          Do we know if the second law of thermodynamics is just a statistical thing? Does it work at extremely small scales? I know heat propagation could transfer from cold to hot. Its just so astronomically unlikely especially the more complicated the system gets.

          119 days ago

          I’ve often thought that maybe time is like color or weight. Electromagnetic radiation exists, but color only exists as an idea in our heads, how we’re perceiving and interpreting what does actually exist. Our weight is variable based on our mass and gravitational effects in our environment, rather than being an actual property that describes us. Is what you’re saying about time potentially being an emergent property of entropy the same deal? Are color and weight emergent? (I’m asking both about the actual wording and also how analogous the ideas are.)

    • IngeniousRocks (They/She)
      420 days ago


      Time IS real, but like all dimensiona of space it must be traversed in a direction. We can only experience it in a linear fashion, but as it can be traversed there must be a forward and backward (regardless of if we can access it or not). Ergo, predestination is real because all moments are happening simultaneously in different locations upon the time axis.

        319 days ago

        Here’s a twist I just came up with. We experience time passing, because we’re sliding through it uncontrollably.

        Imagine a sled sliding downhill. If you wanted to stay still in time, that would take active effort. It’s like pushing against the sled to prevent it from sliding down. If you want to go back where you came from, it would take even more effort. It’s like climbing uphill.

        Also, I have zero evidence about any of this, which makes me 99% confident that time doesn’t really work this way. It just sounds like an appealing concept that should be a foundation of a scifi novel.

        220 days ago

        must be traversed in one direction

        See that’s the part I’m not so sure of. At least for all information transfer. Matter is likely too weighty to go against the current.

        But time “feels” like a plane where traversal is just beyond my fingertips.

        Or I’m just in the really early phases of dementia.

        • Random Dent
          120 days ago

          I think it’s like… in terms of time we’re kind of ‘2D’. Like if you picture a dot on a sheet of paper, it can only move around the directions on that flat plane. That’s time and velocity for us. if you go further up the X axis, you go less far along the Y axis, which is why time slows down the faster you go.

          If you were somehow ‘3D’ in time, it’s be like if you lifted the pen off the paper, you could hop around all over the place or maybe even to a different sheet of paper entirely.