
In a speech on the Senate floor, U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Co-Chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, asked for unanimous consent (UC) to pass a simple resolution he introduced condemning Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children and called on Russia to work with the international community to return all abducted Ukrainian children to their families.

Since Russia’s full-scale war of aggression started in 2022, the Russian government has abducted, forcibly transferred, or facilitated the illegal deportation of at least 20,000 Ukrainian children. Senate Republicans rejected the resolution. They also objected to every other straightforward resolution offered by Senate Democrats, including urging Russian President Putin to end the war, clarifying that Russia started the war, stating that Russia committed war crimes, reaffirming the U.S.-Ukraine relationship and support for its sovereignty, and clarifying that no nation should forcibly seize territory of another.


    5 days ago

    A quick reminder that any peace deal must include the return of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia.


    Putin Discusses Child Abduction as Russian Woman Admits to Kidnapping 4-Year-Old From Ukraine

    On March 7, during a meeting with employees and beneficiaries of the Defenders of the Fatherland Fund, Russian leader Vladimir Putin had a conversation with Olga Doryokhina, who openly described how she kidnapped a 4-year-old Ukrainian girl from the temporarily occupied Kherson region and was attempting to adopt her.

    “In the Kherson region, we found our daughter. She is already with our family, currently under guardianship. We are working on formal adoption, but to us, she is our sunshine,” Doryokhina said.

    Putin asked the child’s age, to which she replied, “Four years old.”

    She went on to describe the abduction as a joyful event, saying, “A piece of happiness has returned to our family.”