There were many lingua francas of which French was supposedly the first global lingua franca. That changed and it became English (from what I understand). We will probably see another language become the lingua franca, so my question is: should it be English? Are there better candidates out there? Why / why not?
Not even my hate for the US or Britain is enough for me to learn Latin. I had this shit for 5 years and I didnt learn anything. Fuck this bullshit.
😂😂😂 I had to learn this crap for 5 years, too. And all I can remember is the one sentence which I learned:
“Gallia est divisa in partes tres.”
But I don’t know for what this is good for. 🤭
I know the first few sentences from the first lection of my first Latin book
Ubi est Quintus? Quintus in hortus est. Quinte, Quinte, Caecilia clamat"
That basically all I remember.
🤔 when I see this: do you mean “Ubi est”?
My first sentence was: “Marcus silvam currit.” 😂
Yes I meant that. My auto correction fucked it up.
Yea, I think English might become the glue between languages that will strengthen, not weaken the EU, same with the Indian Union (they are both Eurasian peninsulas too :D)