• I’m not saying this is going to happen but if we expanded the United States and took over Canada, how would the Republicans expect to ever win another election ? even if we only gave them five states they would get at that point 10 senators more than a dozen or so congresspeople, and then five really liberal governors.

    • Tiefling IRL
      9 days ago

      I think they expect it to capitulate and become a territory like Puerto Rico with no benefits. The other half of the equation is that Reps are banking on there never being another election again.

      But otherwise yeah, if Canada somehow got full statehood and added any number of states, Reps would never win again. The only Canadians who align with Republicans are the weird far right loons in the CPC. The LPC (and parts of CPC) are basically US Democrats, NDP is closest to the two or so progressives we have. Bloc Quebecoise would just cry at that point.