Olive is a 3 1/2 yr old Airedoodle.

She’s 50% Airedale Terrier, 36% approx standard poodle, and 16% approx Labrador Retriever.

Out of all these smart breeds, she missed out on all the smarts. She’s not that bright, but a very loving amazing, large dog.

  • @Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    Every dog is a mutt if you look back far enough.

    This sounds like the plot of a disney film from the 80s where they not so subtly tackle issues of racism. But because its for kids, it’s animated dogs.

    Then a dalmatian can be voiced by Micheal Jackson, and sing it doesn’t matter if your black and white. Ya know…cause he’s both? See it works on so many levels!!!