“You’ve invented MORE forms of bread? Human ingenuity never ceases to impress!”
One of my favorite tidbits about Ancient Rome is that they maintained a little mud hut in the middle of the Eternal City exactly as it (supposedly) was from the earliest days of Rome. Romulus’s personal residence. Maintained as a squalid little thing as a reminder of just how far human technique had progressed since the days that a little mud hut was the residence of a Roman king.
Expectations: “You have 30 seconds to explain why Germans still exist”
Reality: “What the fuck is pasta?”
“You’ve invented MORE forms of bread? Human ingenuity never ceases to impress!”
One of my favorite tidbits about Ancient Rome is that they maintained a little mud hut in the middle of the Eternal City exactly as it (supposedly) was from the earliest days of Rome. Romulus’s personal residence. Maintained as a squalid little thing as a reminder of just how far human technique had progressed since the days that a little mud hut was the residence of a Roman king.