given the absolute fucking state of the open source community in general, and the fact that hacker news of all places is where the majority of new open source projects get discovered, is there any interest in starting a community here where folks can announce and solicit for help with their open source projects?

we could possibly use NotAwfulTech, but:

  • I kind of want to keep self-promotion out of that community
  • my code is probably awful for everyone else, that’s why I’m seeking contributors

let me know if anyone’s down for the new community or wants to expand the scope of NotAwfulTech to include stuff like this. if you’re on team new community also feel free to suggest a name

  • @swlabr
    59 months ago

    Thanks for the rec!

    • Steve
      39 months ago

      Always happy to recommend his work. It’s a shame sometimes his ideas are considered silly or far-fetched because they go against scale-up thinking