Rationalist check-list:

  1. Incorrect use of analogy? Check.
  2. Pseudoscientific nonsense used to make your point seem more profound? Check.
  3. Tortured use of probability estimates? Check.
  4. Over-long description of a point that could just have easily been made in 1 sentence? Check.

This email by SBF is basically one big malapropism.

  • Codex
    41 year ago

    As cringe as “wave function collapse” and “uncanny valley” are for the blatant misuse here, “alignment” is just another rich asshole meme right now. “Alighnment” is just a fancy way to say “agreeing with me.” They want employees “aligned” with their “vision” aka indulging every stupid whim without pushback. They want AI to be “aligned” too and are extremely frightened that because they understand absolutely nothing about computers, there’s a possibility a machine might NOT do whatever stupid thing they say, so every software needs backdoors and “alignment” to ensure the CEO always has a way to force their will.

    WFC appears to just mean concepts that he doesn’t understand or doesn’t know about. He’s mistaken the idea that things can be in a complex mix of states for “things haven’t gone my way yet, or I don’t know what I want.” Uncanny Valley he appears to think just means “when I’m uncomfortable and not getting my way.” He, of course, mixes his metaphors and starts talking about “collapsing the valley” which is not a thing.

    Fucking moron.

    • @froztbyte
      51 year ago

      while you appear to be directionally correct with your observations, are you aware where you’re posting and who this sub is about?

      because “just another rich asshole meme” is, unfortunately, not all this is. it might be that as well, but it is also something else.

      also, if you didn’t know what this was about, and my comment makes you find out: consadulations and welcome to the club