Some light sneerclub content in these dark times.

Eliezer complements Musk on the creation of community notes. (A project which predates the takeover of twitter by a couple of years (see the join date: )).

In reaction Musk admits he never read HPMOR and he suggests a watered down Turing test involving HPMOR.

Eliezer invents HPMOR wireheads in reaction to this.

  • @SoyweiserOP
    19 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • [object Object]
        39 months ago

        @Soyweiser @self and these replies I’m making to your post also aren’t showing up, but they are incrementing the new posts number for the thread. maybe this subthread got detached somehow due to a Lemmy bug? I wouldn’t be too surprised

      • @SoyweiserOP
        39 months ago

        Yeah nevermind, it showed up, must have forgotten to reload the tab I was looking at or something. The perils of having different tabs open. Problem between chair and keyboard.