Conservatives Plan to Ban Abortion MORE and Cut LGBT Rights MORE Starting Next January
Fixed that for you, newrepublic. D’ya see how you missed that? Almost, like, intentionally? Isn’t that weird? That you would sort of paper over the hate like that? Like, “oh in the future the republiQans will surely be wack, yo” wtf.
While you’re head’s in the right place, using the word “more” in that manner actually undermines the severity of the headline. If people are living fairly comfortably, and you say MORE of a bad thing is headed their way, they’ll think “well, I’m doing okay so far, I think it’ll be fine”.
LGBTQ Republicans be like: “but we’re the good ones right? Right??”
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Of course they exist, Bruce Jenner is always trying to maintain his relevance politically, there’s definitely quite a few other “celebrity” types who are also outspoken gay Republicans, sorry just jot sure why you added that caveat.
Those Republicans that you know are quite naive about the threat coming for them, and it’s not like the Christian right hasn’t been systematically taking over the Republican party for decades, my go to for this topic is Barry Goldwater’s famous quote:
Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.
As well as this quote:
I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in “A,” “B,” “C” and “D.” Just who do they think they are?
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Absolutely my bad, just completely went to Bruce rather than Caitlin, sorry it was just a brain fart.
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'Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. "
There’s no hate like Christian love.
Especially when it comes to women, My god the level of vitriol they have towards smart, independent women who want to control their own destiny and not be a house slave to some man 30+ years their senior utterly astonishing, especially since show it so openly and publicly.
But conservatives have long since abandoned the coded language and quiet talk, so i guess the openness shouldnt shock me anymore… yet it still does.
Lets double down on our highly unpopular opinions - hey you middle of the road conservatives how are you going to justify voting republican to your LGBTQ friends and family this time?
They don’t need to, that’s what propaganda is for! They even get LGBTQ people confused/angry enough to vote against their own best interests!
Source: Gay cousin voting for Trump because he’s mad about Palestine… (This was before the recent genocide) literally nothing to do with him, happening on the other side of the world, but yeah be mad about that and let wolves into the coup… You’re not a tasty chicken to them if you vote for them… That’s how that works right?
Getting people to vote against their best interest is like the only successful thing Republicans have ever really done on a large scale.
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Something something taxes something tough on crime
Conservatives will complain about broken families rasing kids then vote for wage cuts, force people to have kids and erode public education.
They are actively doing that right now.
Always have.
Christo-fascists be Christo-fascing
Learn how to shoot a handgun and a rifle while you still can.
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And vote like someone less fortunate depends on it. They do.
They’ll have to win the presidency, both houses of Congress and end the filibuster if they want to implement any of these plans. I guess it’s possible but unlikely. They could have done that in the first two years of Trump’s presidency if it really mattered to them. But all they really want is corporate tax cuts.
It’s important to keep news about these plans circulating though. Having a large anti-Trump turnout is the one thing that ensures they never get a chance to implement their agenda.
Project 2025 details exactly how they intend to do all of that.
They’ll have to win the presidency, both houses of Congress and end the filibuster if they want to implement any of these plans.
No they won’t. Trump will do as much as he can through executive orders, backed by a cabinet full of sycophants, a Supreme Court willing to back him up, and various state governments (Most notably, states like Florida and Texas) gleefully willing to march in lockstep. Anything that has to be done through Congress will be done via a pressure campaign of essentially grinding the government to a halt until the Democrats cave in and give them what they want (see the now-shuttered immigration bill that almost got passed as an example), which has been a strategy that has been proven effective for decades.
Good luck on trying to enforce those orders in Blue states.
They won’t have to.
Their plan is to shutter things at the federal level. Blue states won’t have a say in the matter. Their goal is to shutter agencies like the Department of Education. Their goal is to close DE&I programs at the federal level.
Sure, states can still do things like run a Head Start or fund their school meals programs if they want to. But how many states would be able to without the federal funds that currently support those programs? How many states would be willing to go through the effort? Or even able to?
None of this would need the support of blue states. They can just gut the funding and watch the state level programs shrivel up on their own.
So, they the want the blue states to secede.
Yes. Because then they can turn the army’s guns on the blue states with impunity. I’m pretty sure it’s why they float the idea among their base; so we hear it too, and it stays in our minds.
police in california are already brazenly violating California state law by sending license plate tracking info to red states. expect more and worse.
And for some reason California isn’t disarming and discharging them. The police there are acting as a hostile occupier opposing democratically decided rules.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone, they’ve been shouting it from the rooftops for decades
This is a shocking headline.
I know I was surprised.
Oh Kathy who squeaks with the voice of an angel
I don’t think you’re so big a 'bone!
I’d like to come over and roll in your clover
And kiss your blarney stone!
Conservatives love to hate everything and everyone. They love to make life miserable as much as possible, especially when it has no impact on their normal day to day life.
To be clear they love to make your life worse to enrich those and have convinced a massive voter base that their lives are getting worse because of you and not them.
If they owned a glass factory they would be hiring thugs to go around town breaking windows.
I hate them so much
Rotten filthy people, every last one.
I’m bi. I’m pretty sure I’m bi. Hold on let me ask my wife… Hold on I need to get this dick out of…I’ll just text her. She said yes.
Anyway 😉, are they going to come for us too? How about swingers? What about the naked people who burn art every year out I. The desert in one big “city” bs they just want to be naked and watch others be naked…are they coming for those folks too?
They’re going to come for anyone that disagrees with them or anyone that they don’t like.
Which if you disagree with them means you are included
Gosh darn it!
The uncomfortable answer here is that they’ll likely try to force y’all into exclusively hetero relationships through overwhelming force on those of us who are unwilling to do that. And yeah they’ll definitely come for swingers and such but it’ll be like enforcement of marijuana laws under bush.
It was more of a rhetorical question. We’re going to have to secretly love people that we can’t love out in the open. And by love I mean love and or sexually pleasuring. I hope Trump goes away on his own. Maybe in a dream where Stormy is choking him but in reality it’s a peanut that he didn’t chew. Or heart attack right during a flight somewhere on a Boeing, but I mean while outside of the plane. Boeing makes it hard to stay inside the plane at all times for certain seats.
I mean, if it works, we’ll just ignore their rules. States that have enshrined abortion access into their constitution aren’t going to just lay down and take it.
We will raise hell over this stuff if it actually happens.
Let’s raise a little preliminary hell just as a prophylactic measure.
I mean, if it works, we’ll just ignore their rules. States that have enshrined abortion access into their constitution aren’t going to just lay down and take it.
If they get their way and make it federal law, the fact that it’s enshrined in their state constitutions won’t matter. Just like it didn’t matter that some states had “trigger laws” already on the books long before Roe was overturned. Federal law supersedes state law.
Federal law supersedes state law.
*Greg Abbott disliked that reality check.*
And continued to ignore it.
They’ve made their bed by showing that nothing will happen if states choose to ignore federal laws- or SCROTUS rulings even.
Laws mean nothing unless they’re enforced.
You’ll get to ignore the laws, but those of us in red states won’t. Please don’t forget to raise hell for us too. “Just move” isn’t always an option.
I know, I wish it was 😕
I don’t know. My state is the poster child here and we might get a ballot initiative for things like access to adult HRT. But I’m not holding my breath.
But you can stop them with this one weird trick.
Republicans don’t want you to know this one weird trick.