Everyone needs to put the toilet seat down. Flushing with the lid up is committing biological warfare on yourself and everything else in the bathroom.
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Thanks for the link!
It did say that it reduces particle spread by 30-60% though, yet with qualifiers too.
My natural intuitive thought is that the lid down surely limits the spreading, i.e. the left side of this picture, especially as compared with the right side:
Also, I want to (half jokingly) complain that they treat the MS2 bacteriophage like one of the bad guys there, as if killing the E. coili wouldn’t make it one of our allies in that fight:-). (I say jokingly bc most people reading such an article would know that, but also what they really used it for was a detection vector, probably bc the protein wrapping eases sample collection by reducing degradation.)
Besides, not all seats are the same. The lid on my toilet wraps around the top of the bowl, which seems like it would reduce spread.
It would be neat if someone developed a product where like you could spray a mist into the air, or I guess pour a liquid into the bowl, turn off the lights, flush the toilet and then watch as it glows where all the “stuff” spreads:-). But for now, at least these studies are better than nothing.:-D
I mean you could kinda do that yourself with UV ink and an appropriate flashlight. Put some in the bowl and some in the tank, maybe even different colors to see which portion contributes more.
There you go then, now we can all go nuts, flushing away!:-)
Why don’t they make sealing lids?
Not only that, peeing sitting down is easier and more relaxing for men.
unless the toilet is too small
I hate when my piece swabs the underside of the toilet seat 🤮
But watching with great satisfaction as your turd circles down the toilet is one of life’s great joys.
I always flush, then put the seat down. I picked it up as a habit when we had a dog that would drink the toilet water
There is no product on the market I could find (with a normal price that isn’t some $15,000 super toilet) that will open and close the lid and then flush for you. There are automatic seats, but they are timed such that it’s completely unreasonable to stand and wait for them to close before flushing.
Crazy to think they’re are no hands free options available.
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Agreed. Two words y’all: fecal spray. Enjoy brushing your teeth.
close the lid.
now everybody has to adjust the toilet before using it.
No, close the lid because that’s how you avoid coating everything in the room with a film of urine and feces. Open toilets are disgusting.
i mean, that too. that’s the excuse i give when people demand to know why I always “fucking” close the “goddamn” lid :3
Also, then stuff can’t accidentally fall into the toilet
TIL I’m a moron always being careful around the toilet so I don’t drop something in…when I could’ve just closed the lid.
Well now you can sit on that closed lid and reflect on your life
Closing the lid so the toilet pipe ghost doesn’t come out
the stinkiest ghosts.
Leave it up so spiders cant hide under it.
Is that a Zelda reference?
No I made it up but yeah why not. Zelda 64 super secret. Secret wall Young Link.
Lawful evil
Lawful Good IMO
Me, an alpha male sitting down to pee and closing the lid afterwards: what are you talking about you degenerates
Lower the lid before you flush. Aerosolized poop and pee is a thing.
That’s what I do
Fuck that I pee through the lid
It’s probably an American problem.
More efficient. Healthier for some.
My partner and I have separate bathrooms. It saves bottlenecks and conflicts, and is worth it to us, even in our small house. We keep our own rooms clean, enforcing the “I am an adult” rule, you make a mess, you clean it up. Piss splash is gross to clean up. I don’t make an extra mess if I do not need to.
- Men, women, and everyone in between and between all sit at some point when using the toilet.
- It’s unsanitary to flush with the lid up.
It doesn’t make any difference if you flush with the lid up. Poop particles will still go everywhere, even if the lid is down. There was a study on it that came out earlier this year.
Thanks for the link
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Why don’t we keep the toilet in a room separate from the shower and sink? I’ve never fucking understood it.
U mean an outthouse?
those don’t have water bowls, no micro particulates to be thrown about.
Yep, mathematically people sit more often than stand when using a toilet.
Men, women, and everyone in between and between all sit at some point when using the toilet.
The most efficient thing to do is leave the toilet seat the way it is when you’re done. Minimal effort.
The most fair thing to do, oddly, is to leave the seat in the opposite position it was when you got there; everybody flips it once, it may be before or after you use it. Fair.
It’s unsanitary to flush with the lid up.
I’m in this camp though, so it’s always left down.
The most fair thing to do, oddly, is to leave the seat in the opposite position it was when you got there; everybody flips it once, it may be before or after you use it. Fair.
I’ll remember this one, I love it when people are actually logical about things.
Reminds me of canal locks. The etiquette is to always close the doors after you leave, and people get angry when you don’t. But it’s infuriating because it actually creates more work for everyone. If you leave the doors closed then the next person always has to stop their boat to open them, but if you leave them open there’s a 50% chance the correct set of doors is open for the next person to sail right in. If you’re in the unlucky 50% it makes no difference, because you had to stop to empty the lock anyway and afterwards you get to sail off without closing them.
People also think closing them saves water, which is another can of people-not-understanding-physics worms.
If you aren’t putting not just the seat but also the lid down, you’re just spraying your house with piss and shit particles.
Close the lid before flushing, you uncouth animals
And what if I want poop particles around my house huh? When was the last time you asked me
Fair point. Hey !PatFussy, do you want disgusting shit particles flying all over your house?
I do thanks. I like to keep a nice gloss of poo coating every inch of my bathroom. Is this not normal?
Normal is overrated
Can closing the lid prevent disgusting shit particles but allow the delicious shit particles?
Hmm. Okay, for a one-time payment of $8,000.00 I’ll pop over and install our patented “Discerning Shitter Filter,” guarantee to let only the tastiest of all shit particles enter your atmosphere
civet bean coffee hear we come
But wait tho, does that mean some people never flush while they’re on the toilet? Like they keep sitting there in the poo smell? Unless you’re passing deer pellets and their presence underneath doesn’t begin to haunt your soul, you need to flush while you’re sitting there and not quite done.
How much time are you spending on the toilet that it becomes a problem?
My poos are quite epic
Fair enough lol
For you maybe
Well yes but presumably your own ass is doing the job of blocking shit-spray in those scenarios
i sit down because I’m an adult and clean my own toilet. Standing is gross.
Yeah it’s way more work to have to clean up unless you don’t mind your bathroom smelling of piss.
We both put the lid down after we’re done
For anyone that thinks about shit plumes: Iirc last time I heard it mentioned and looked at the study, it was based on public restrooms with high pressure flushing mechanisms, not the slow flush tank dump I think most people have at home. If it sounds loud and splashy, maybe a shit plume, if it’s a sploosh swirl blub blub, prolly not a shit plume. Pouring water on shit doesn’t really aerosolize it, power washing it does.
I mean easy to check, put a sheet of film on the toilet when flushing and look at the splash pattern
That " study" more dubious than that. It was really just an uncontrolled experiment.
My wife does this, no lie. Took me awhile to figure out why the lid was always up after she moved in.
You made a good choice
I pee with the toilet seat down for extra difficulty
I also use my penis on hard mode.
I sit on the toilet to pee at home. Why do all guys just not do that? It’s better in every way.
Never got an unwanted dunk?
Nah. Short penis privilege 😎
I pee with the lid down too, expert difficulty.
Close the fucking toilet you heathens. All of you.
i’ve never understood this tbh.
Just check it before you use it, and adjust it if needed, unless you’re hyper conscious of the particulates that tend to result from flushing, in which case fuck it, close it everytime.
close it everytime.
I belive that is what your supposed to do, and the main reason why there is a lid.
Only other potential reason I can think of is oder, but if your toilet smells that bad you ain’t flushing and cleaning it enough.
That’s what we do at my house, close all lids.
Close the lid so the cat doesn’t drink/fall in?
If it’s a problem from there, it’s not a battle of “who needs the seat in what configuration,” it’s a battle of “who deserves to touch the icky parts and who deserves the icky parts touched for them” at which point we’re through.
I think women should start pissing standing so my fellow fragile penis owner, who think standing while pissing is the only option, learn how filthy a toilet gets if you don’t put your parts in the bowl.
If i piss while sitting is way worse, pee fall trough the space between the seat and the WC body.
I’ve started reflexively putting the seat and lid down because otherwise my toddler will put whatever he can in the toilet.