I can’t imagine what it must be like going through life being afraid of everything all the time and also having a fantasy in which you get to kill someone.
Just your regular US “conservative”.
😭😭😭oBaMa BiN lADIn Is GoNnA tAkE mAh GuNs😭😭😭
My neighbor is “that guy.”
Doesn’t leave his house or even answer the door without a gun.
Very nice guy, just terrified of… stuff?
My brother has a neighbor who regularly yells crazy rants at the neighbors on his lawn while holding his gun in the air. The cops have been called and claim they can do nothing. This would be in Atlanta, so I’m not exactly shocked…
It’s not fear. The guy in the picture walks around with guns because he wants to, not because he’s scared. He wants to be challenged. He wants to be able to pull out his gun and shoot someone.
These people are not “scared” as much as they want to be feared.
They want an excuse to kill. That’s it.
I’m surrounded by it in Texas and you’re 100% correct. These guys fetishize their guns and the idea of killing people. You’ll note after being around a 2A nut that they aren’t discussing things that worry them. Most of the language that you hear is along the lines of “I wish they would” or “I’d pop a motherfucker for trying that”.
They are genuinely looking for an excuse to legally murder someone and you should not feel safe around them.
It’s still fear. They’re just hiding their fear behind machismo. Like bullies always do.
Someone could just pull this guy’s own back-gun and plug him at the grocery store. Looks like he could barely reach it without cramping up his old man arms. Though I assume he has to remove it before sitting in his truck all day.
You realize that people can lie to themselves and others and often rationalize reasons for their actions that are not the real reasons for their actions right?
I think there’s an element of fear, too. The ones I’ve heard from are absolutely certain that they WILL be attacked. Someone WILL invade their home, and they will have to defend themselves. It’s not “if”, it’s “when”.
I assume these are the people that shoot someone who pulled into the wrong driveway by accident.
They want to be feared because they live in fear themselves. That’s why these assholes keep murdering people for pulling into their driveway by mistake. They’re terrified all the time. Conservative media has made them fear everything and they think the only answer is to show that they’re tougher than everyone else.
I’ve noticed recently a lot of conservative 2A people using the phrase “be ready to flip the switch” a lot recently. Usually it’s in the context of flipping the switch to killing people. And it always seems to be in a domestic context–they aren’t talking about enlisting in a foreign war.
They want to be feared
They also confuse people being in fear of them with people respecting them.
Science disagrees with you:
“Specifically, the research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala – typically thought of as the “primitive brain” – is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives “think differently” from others.”
Not wrong, but the foundation for that is also form of “fear”, the wish to be feared stems from the inner fear of looking weak and vulnerable. This is not a person who’s at ease with himself or of the path he’s chosen. He’s hurting, a lot. Even knowing all this, it’s still hard to feel empathy because of the way he chooses to deal with his psychological issues.
A friend that I’ve known for like fifteen years - I found out last year that he has guns. He just doesn’t ever talk about them.
Same here. Knew a guy who conceal carried with a license for like 4 years before I ever found out. People who truly do it for defense rarely want people to know they have it.
And they’re so fkin somber about them too.
“Doesn’t it make you feel powerful?”
‘Not at all.’
These are the people i have no issue with guns.
LiberalGunNut™ here! I’m more than a little tired of liberals calling us “afraid”. I have a Colt .45 on my desk at all times and a RIA .45 on my headboard. Not the slightest bit scared, or even mildly worried. But I’ve had some crazy shit come in my front door, more than once. Ever suffered a home invasion? How about by a bear? (Yes, both really happened, and more.) I also carry in the woods and on the water. Given that I’m legal, why not?
I avoid places where I might be scared, especially when armed. Who risks 20-to-life in a concrete and steel box if your case goes pear shaped?!
No one says, “Look at that fool with his kitchen fire extinguisher! LOL, bet he even checks it every 6-months and logs it. What a wuss!” (I have 2 other extinguishers as well, at camp and in my truck.)
This guy? Hell I know. Bet this, he’s one of those who has no understanding of self-defense law. Justified shooting is a far narrower line than most think, regardless of one’s attitude towards guns.
In any case, open carry people are plain stupid. The photographer already has the drop on him. All I see are 3 free guns.
Honestly, Your last two sentences are what I noticed.
Someone could easily sneak behind, or use another forward distraction to grab that butt gun while that guy’s hands are both occupied carrying other things.
He doesn’t look prepared at all to actually protect anything. Given his size, he should put all the guns, his cookie (or whatever he bought), and his keys in a bag so he has at least one hand free to defend himself. He could do more damage hulk smashing than trying to hit something with a tiny projectile.
The fact you need a gun with you at all times says enough about how scared you are.
If you need a gun to feel safe, you live in a shithole country.
I hate to point this out, but I live in a shithole country
The way you say “get to kill someone” instead of “you’re forced to kill someone to protect yourself and other innocent lives” really ties up this comment well. It is exactly the mindset of the open carry crowd.
It has to be very stressful.
Especially someone as big as that. That guy looks like he is well over six feet tall. Who the hell is he scared of?
Bet he’s one of the people who believed antifa would show up in small towns and destroy everything in 2020.
Ignoring the gun violence crisis in America aspect, people who make 1 single thing their entire personality are so annoying. You like guns, whatever. But you now have to always be wearing one and even your clothes need to always feature guns!? Trying to talk to this dude about anything else must be exhausting…
Don’t worry, I’m sure he’d be happy to talk about his political views.
We all know his politics lol
Also the eternal question, “does this truck make my penis look small?”
Nah, your penis makes your penis look small
I bet he has lots of other interests. He’s just really afraid of people too, so he needs to let everyone know he has guns so they won’t pick on him.
Such a dainty snowflake packaged into a giant, soft body LOL.
I bet he has lots of other interests.
Such as watching youtube videos about flat earth, vaccines, lizard people, anti-lgbt, and those durn libruls
You’re a poet.
You know I won’t knock people who are just very passionate about something. Sometimes I wish I wouldn’t wear so many plain boring shirts and projected some of my interests more into the world. Maybe it would spark some good conversations… You know, like campaign finance & election reform! WOOO!
Guns = 3, Ass = 0
That’s some negative ass if I’ve ever seen one. The man is owed some ass.
Straight frog butt
He keeps it clenched shut at ALL times in case one of those GAYS gets the drop on him. He can shoot the back holstered gun to blow their cock clean off before it gets too close to his precious hole.
3 you can see, I would bet he’s also wearing at least one ankle holster.
What’s wild is it would be so incredibly easy to just walk up behind him and grab the gun in the small of his back while shoving him down. He’s dead from his own firearm before he can even process what has happened.
That’s the gun holding his pants up. It’s like a keystone… pull it out and the those pants will be around his ankles before he knew what hit him. Just slide right down over his diminished gluteals.
I guarantee you such a thing exists.
Edit: Yep.
That’s what’s known as a “responsible gun owner.”
Are we going to ignore the 30 keys? I own 3 cars but don’t carry a key to the third one on a regular basis as it’s undergoing some extended maintenance. It’s got to be slightly exhausting to carry 20 extra lbs of crap on your waist.
Yeah and those keys.
You can’t convince me this guy doesn’t have some form of mental illness.
I carry when I can. But concealed inside the waistband like a responsible fucking adult. You’re absolutely right
I always see open carry as a large target. IF I was the bad guy, I would go for the people with visible guns first.
I understand open carry from a political statement perspective, but now that many states have constitutional carry, if you’re just carrying for protection it should probably be concealed.
I’ll never be not amazed by this kind of discussion, however often I read them. :) Makes me a little happy to be on he other side of the atlantic ocean.
I live in a European country with concealed(but not open) carry
I would put money on Czech. Switzerland has very strict gun laws that make it so that you can’t really use your gun unless you are at a licensed firing range. Czech republic probably the most liberal gun laws in Europe.
If you’re out in the wilderness hunting or in a place where you can be hunted (by bears, mountain lions etc) that’s understandable. Once I came across a hiker in the montains with a glock on his backpack shoulder strap for easy access in case of emergency. Nicest dude ever.
I like the legal protection for people like that but the downside is it allows stuff like this post to occur in public places.
When a stick-up kid knows a mark has a gun that is just a pay day. They aren’t going to do the stick up and then decide to get their gun out, they had that gun on you before you ever knew they were there.
That much paranoia only raises the red flags.
It’s called living in rural 'Murica.
Just remember that guy is like 5 times more likely to kill himself (or accidentally kill someone else) than to use one of those guns in a legitimate self defense scenario…
But he’s even likelier to have a heart attack than either of those. If he really wanted to protect himself he’d do some exercise.
You’re telling me that a guy that insecure might be emotionally unstable? NoOOooOooOoo…
Some clouds have chrome linings
Nobody going to point out the ridiculous key ring? OK, maybe he needs all those keys for his job. Why the hell would you carry that around?!
This poor man desperately needs to feel important, needs to look important.
And for those of you not into gun culture, this guy is a wild outlier. There’s nothing practical or sensible being rigged like that. You won’t find anyone teaching or condoning this sort of thing, only as an example of what not to do.
It only takes a few “wild outliers.”
Also, there should not be a “culture” devoted to an inanimate object.
Instead of a “culture,” think of it as a “fandom.”
He’s the equivalent of a person wearing a ton of anime stuff in public. Or a Trekkie wearing a uniform.
Until a gun is able to shoot waifu body pillows at me I’m not taking this as a valid argument.
Appropriate regulations would allow the responsible carrying of weapons while stripping people like this of the ability to, well…do that. It would also probably help to normalize the culture in the eyes of the people who speak up against it.
That’d be stupid easy to make, just scale up a t-shirt gun. You’ll have to make it, since companies will likely deem that not commercially viable enough to mass produce outside Japan, but nothing is stopping you from doing it.
I legit love this idea and am going to start equating these guys with the guys that have those ahegao faces all over their car.
“P…p…pull my trigger, senpai?”
Exactly. It’s a fandom. I love Star Trek, which actually has a moral code attached to it. I wouldn’t call Trekkies a culture.
Until a Trekkie walks into a school or supermarket and kills a bunch of folks with his cosplay tricorder, it’s not fandom. It’s violent insecurity and idiocy masquerading as bravery.
“drinking” culture, “bicycle” culture, “car” culture. It’s just a way to express society’s attitude towards those in animate object, and how our lives are impacted as a result.
Drinking culture in the US determines that you shouldn’t drive while intoxicated. Car culture makes it impossible to get out of the bar withot driving, so it means that the most common way to get your drunk friend home is to call them an Uber.
Also can indicate time frequently spent on something.
Drinking culture – parties most weekends, select entertainment connected to alcohol (music festivals, nightclubs, tourist destinations)
Car culture – behind the wheel every day
Gun culture – engage in discourse, meet friends at the shooting range, hunting
There’s no way that many keys fit into his pocket. So he has no choice but to carry them everywhere. His only other option would be to clip them to his belt, but that would leave less room for guns.
outlier? surely not.
Exactly these doofs make us look so bad.
Open carry is only okay when hunting or out in the wilderness where other animals can hunt and kill you.
Under any other circumstances it’s a huge liability and gives you no tactical advantage whatsoever as a wise character once said.
I carry when I can. Very few notice, and those that do know what to look for because they’re doing the same. Responsible gun ownership is not for show.
You won’t find anyone teaching or condoning this sort of thing, only as an example of what not to do.
Well, anyone competent, some bubba probably has a youtube channel…
I hope that back gun isn’t loaded. If so, he would be the easiest person to rob on earth.
Of course it’s loaded. Carrying around an unloaded gun is unAmerican!
It’s also pretty stupid
Yeah, he’s one wrong move away from getting a second ass crack.
Or it’s actually unloaded. And he wishes every day for someone to grab it, so he can whip around and shoot a motherfucker legally.
ding ding ding. the overlooked answer. these people are looking to kill you. don’t be stupid. be prepared.
If you grab it, he’ll shoot you with the one he’s got sticking out of his anus.
I don’t think they make one big enough to stay up his ass.
It’d have to be bigger than his head cause you know that makes several visits
Looks like he already shot his ass off.
Is that what happened to Hank Hill?
Cotton got his shins shot off, Hank got his ass shot off?
Just big brained thinking going on there. Can’t shoot your own ass off of you’ve got no ass.
Maybe he’s packing so much heat because he’s traumatized from someone stealing his ass.
That guy’s entire personality is just gun.
The more the guns, the bigger the coward.
Oh how I wish these people would actually experience the armed showdown with the US government they all crave. I need that drone footage. Oh the juicy videos from 1000ft above of Skeeter and his J6 posse disappearing in a cloud of smoke like ants.
Nah, just a single encounter with a robber or something.
Either they show their true cowardliness and run away like everyone else, get shot by the robber because they will down anyone with a gun first, or get shot by the police for being confused as the criminal.
They all have this idea that they are some super hero that will save the day, but the chance of that happening is extremely low.
However small a chance, at least it’s a chance
Reminds me of “One a in a million?! That mean’s there’s still a chance!” from Dumb & Dumber.
Glad you got a happy memory out of it
There is a chance sure.
But they are more likely to die from the examples I mentioned, than they would be the hero.
So no intelligence what so ever.
You’re right. I forgot you said it so it’s 100% facts. My bad
Let me put it this way: you have a better chance of being hit by lighting or struck by a meteor.
I also carry around a med kit just in case. And a small compass. And various other tools. Always expecting to use none of them.
Maybe it helps I’m in Florida though, so anything can happen haha
That’s what they saw in the movies (like westerners, or James Bond) and that’s what they’re emulating.
get shot by the police for being confused as the criminal.
I’m really curious how often that happens.
Are you suggesting the US government will drone strike US neighborhoods?
OP may not be suggesting that but I am. They did exactly that and would do it again if they “needed” to.
If suggesting means “wanting to see” then yes. Unless of course those people get off the Maga cult and become human again. The chances of which are slim. They are not Americans anymore anyway, they pledged allegiance to the new global fascist movement. So they need to be dealt with appropriately
The most recent one I’m aware of went fairly peaceful. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundy_standoff
Waco and Ruby Ridge already happened.
And so did Oklahoma City. Pretty sure the Feds are behind if we’re counting bodies for scoring.
Barely survived. We soy boys are tough.
Real men open carry by walking around shirtless with a gun gaffer taped to their shoulder blade so if a terrorist ever tells them to put their hands behind their head they can pop one off when they don’t expect
Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Fucker !
TBS: Yippee Ki-Yay Margaret Thatcher!
Even McClain only had one gun, and he had to take it off someone.
Ho ho ho…
I hate everyone
At least that’s a revolver he’s packing. He’ll be limited to six shots with that before reloading, and not some ridiculous number like nine or sixteen.
After all, if you cannot solve a non-military, non-combat problem with six shots or less, you are unlikely to solve it with more.
five if he’s practicing safe gun handling and keeping the hammer on an empty cylinder.
But considering the fact that he has it stuffed in his ass crack, who are we kidding. Yeah…it’s six.
That was important in 1873. It’s 2024 and modern guns have extra safety features.
Old revolvers had the firing in on the hammer and could fire if they were dropped and landed on an uncooked hammer. For most of the past century, however, the firing pin has been separate from the hammer and that kind of drop-fire is impossible.
Guy’s still a dumbass, but every time someone says something so outlandishly incorrect it just gives ammunition to right-wing nut jobs who love to point out how little the other side knows about firearms.
Old revolvers had the firing in on the hammer and could fire if they were dropped and landed on an uncooked hammer. For most of the past century, however, the firing pin has been separate from the hammer and that kind of drop-fire is impossible.
I have some bad news for you. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/06/investigates/sig-sauer-p320-drop-fire/
That model was one of the most popular service pistols - LOADS and LOADS of them out there. That is also not the only model with drop-fire problems… Remington 700s will unintentional discharge as well:
There are others I cannot recall.
It’s a problem.
Since these are not revolvers, they don’t add to the point of carrying on an empty cylinder.
Outside of the revolver discussion, it’s important to note that both of these examples were the result of QA issues that have since been corrected.
Revolvers aren’t designed that way anymore.
Counters with design problems in auto-loaders and shotguns.
Welcome to arguing on the internet!
Especially about guns in a liberal space.
note t
But since you have a fixation with revolvers … here ya go: https://www.guns.com/news/2018/09/17/rossi-safety-warning-some-revolvers-may-fire-if-dropped
Like I said. drop-firing still a problem.
Firstly, I don’t have an obsession with revolvers; it’s just that you responded to a conversation specifically about design changes in revolvers that mitigated the need to carry on empty cylinder.
Secondly, this is another example of a limited QA issue that has since been corrected with a recall. It doesn’t seem to indicate that a modern revolver with properly functioning parts would be dangerous to carry with all cylinders loaded. Otherwise, are you to say all airbags are dangerous just because of the Takata/Honda issue that killed some people when the airbags exploded?
All airbags are dangerous, and this has been known for decades. It’s a literal explosive box sitting right besides your thumbs. The fact they save lives doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Now, if that’s valid for an item developed exclusively to save lives, imagine what we can say about a weapon intended solely for killing and maiming.
bsession with revolvers; it’s just that you responded to a conversation specifically about design changes in revolvers that mitigated the need to carry on empty cylinder.
Secondly, this is another example of a limited QA issue that
… Whatever. Information free positions are impossible to discuss, you have a great evening and good luck with that stuff.
That’s not the statement I was replying to. The “this only happened to revolvers like 100 years ago” was the focus, which is just factually wrong. Still happens, sooo… great? I guess. Have a nice day
There’s lots of guns with problems. But double-action revolvers like the one in the picture aren’t subject to the same issues as a Colt Single Action Army.
Yeah, the P365 was and is a dumpster fire of a gun the Army never should have adopted over the objectively superior guns it was up against from Glock, Beretta, HK, and Smith and Wesson.
Though zero of them in military service ever had that problem. It was discovered in the army Modular Handgun trials and corrected prior to deployment. What they didn’t do was fix the guns being sold to the public until a YouTube video came out showing the issue. People should have gone to jail for that bullshit.
Yeah, Remington makes shitty guns and has for decades.
Taurus made guns that shoot when shaken, and are still sold in California because California won’t authorize newer, safer models to be sold.
Was not aware that it had been fixed. Thanks for the clarification.
In this thread
Left and right holster don’t look like revolvers, and he’s probably gotta backup stuffed under a fat roll upfront.
Nah, look at those pants and that stance; dude’s got cold steel between those cheeks.
“The only men I let inside me are Jesus, and Smith & Wesson YEEEEHAW BROTHER!”
We got a Hank Hill build here. No ass to hide a gun, let alone their fragile sense of safety.
Judging by the complete lack of any shape to the pants I’m not sure he actually has any cheeks to speak of.
All you need is a skeleton riding a motorcycle and the caps lock key and you’ll be ready to join !the_pack@lemmy.world
if it’s non combat that gun should never come out, they aren’t supposed to be a deterrent but I guess that’s what he’s going for with this goofy look lol
After all, if you cannot solve a non-military, non-combat problem with six shots or less, you are unlikely to solve it with more.
This is really a terrible take. 6 shots is likely not enough in most self defense circumstances. Especially if it’s more than 1 attacker.
Revolver “Shalashaska” “Ocelot” Ocelot
Don’t tell the cops that they need to use that whole mag every time.
Relevant https://xkcd.com/692/
Take a closer look, he’s got at least 3 guns on him, I wouldn’t be too surprised if it was 4.
This guy is easily 6’-7" tall and needs to carry 3 guns around to feel safe
Three… that you can see.
There’s no way this guy doesn’t have an ankle carry.
You need a backup gun when your three primary guns aren’t enough.
I was thinking a place more… Fermented.
Is that some kind of 6-shooter in the small of back? If so…perhaps he should consider carrying just one pistol with an extended mag…would make life easier and more effective.
How do you even grab that one out of its holster smoothly?
You have to take it with your left hand behind your back, then pop the catch on the holster, then lift the barrel clear of the holster. All that while under fire or in a deadly situation.
All I can imagine is this guy dead on the ground with his left hand awkwardly caught between his belt loop and his pistol, bleeding from the asshole he accidentally shot himself in.
No way he’s that tall, it’s just the angle of the camera.