I’m nearly fifty, now. Why am I disillusioned by capitalism? Because the illusion is thin and flimsy. I really hope the disillusionment of millennials isn’t just because they don’t have a good enough retirement plan, or anything else that can be easily fixed. I hope that they are waking up to realize that giving unelected, unaccountable, private owners of capital control over the production and distribution of goods, services, and information, is an extremist, antidemocratic idea, that is driving the global climate crisis, and the slide toward fascism.
I love this comment. You put into words what I’ve been trying to convey to others. Thank you.
I believe that all concentrations of power are potentially dangerous because you never know into what hands that concentration of power is being put. Too often it’s concentrated in the hands of those personality types of the dark triad: narcissists, machiavellians, psychopaths. Those people should never have any authority or control over any human beings, and they should be prohibited from being in powewful positions. They are far too dangerous, and I believe that most of our world problems derive from these personality types.
Holy shit even their mental health claims about others is projection, I’m absolutely screaming on the rooftops.
Hoarding is a mental illness.
The Dark Triad is oversimplified pseudoscience
I’m describing Cluster B personality disorders. The science is there and it’s real. All these people should never be in ANY positions of power or over people. That is my point. They are too dangerous.
I know what the fuck yah are talking about and you have proven my point with this ignorant ass comment. Educate yourself.
Ah… so I struck a nerve. Maybe I found one in the wild?
This isn’t personal to you, so don’t take offense. If you do belong to this group, I’m sorry to say, you’re not well. If you don’t, I don’t know why you’re trying to deny that this is real science. It’s not hard to verify for anyone who does simple research. Heck, you could go to a public library and find plenty of scientific sources.
For everyone else reading this, Cluster B: A person with this type has difficulties regulating their emotions and behavior. Others may consider their behavior dramatic, emotional, or erratic. There are four cluster B disorders: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders.
You can find sources everywhere, but here is where I grabbed the above: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320508#:~:text=Cluster B%3A A person with,histrionic%2C and narcissistic personality disorders.
This is the dark triad I was talking about. I believe that people with this disorder should never be allowed to hold any positions of power whatsoever. They have proven to be too dangerous. If you read about the symptoms, it’s pretty easy to understand why.
Some weekend researcher talking to someone who is in this field, so maybe ask yourself if you really know what the hell you are talking about.
Yea it is personal to me because I get to see the damage people like you that parrot uninformed bullshit that hurts real human beings, vilifying people they have no qualifications to speak about.
The dark triad is pop science of the worst kind helping fund the personality test market. You can also find sources on the contrary, and you can learn the background of the two people who created it. Do you think psychiatrist are using things like the dark triad questionnaires or the 16 personality test to help diagnose a patient? No.
I’m not even going into the positions of power, my point stick with the usefulness of the dark triad.
Lol! Bull shit!
Nice try tho. 😅
I was wondering who I’m dealing with and I read some of your comments. You admitted in one that your autistic. You wrote: “As an autistic person who struggles…”.
Yeah… you’re in the field… as a patient!
Again, my comment is backed by plenty of medical science. I know, because I am studying this, and it’s super easy to find just doing a Google search. There are a ton of academic papers on this.
Here is just one: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0092656602005056
Whoever you are, you’re a shining example of what is bad about social media, and you’re exactly the kind of person that I was talking about in this tread. May you never hold any power over anyone.
They’ve played Monopoly enough to recognize it’s their turn to roll, holding $6 and no property, and the board is covered in hotels.
I don’t know why I did not recognize the feeling before but yeah. This is what it feels like but it’s real life.
Bring back tax rates of 90% again for the obscenely rich - it was that way up until the late 1900s. Back when the US actually funded things that benefit most people not just tax breaks for already rich people.
It was 50% before Reagan reduced it to 38%. The tax brackets aren’t nearly as large a contributor to inequality as the loopholes in tax law. Accelerated depreciation, tax credits, and the expensing rules for employee stock options are largely to blame for corporate tax evasion.
Not even caring about the specific number:
- why do tax brackets end at about the 5%? Basically wealthy and ultra-wealthy pay same rate as upper middle. We need more steps
- why are there so many non-salary sources of wealth with lower tax rates, when only the wealthy can take advantage?
The bottom half of r tax system is reasonably progressive, so why not the top?
Federal Tax Rates 2024 Tax Rate | For Single Filers
10% $0 to $11,600 12% $11,600 to $47,150 22% $47,150 to $100,525 24% $100,525 to $191,950 32% $191,950 to $243,725 35% $243,725 to $609,350 37% $609,350 or more
Plus state/local taxes on top of that.
Ok, fine, there’s a step or two in the ”wealthy” category, but my point holds.
- Why is someone who makes $X income taxed at the same rate as someone who makes (1,000 * $X) income?
- Why can more wealthy pay lower taxes for different sources of wealth, and claim that “it’s not income”
Plus state taxes usually have few to no brackets, and I’ve only heard of one having a millionaires tax
I wasn’t disputing your point—just throwing in a little extra info since I literally had that table open in a different tab (it’s April in America). I honestly doubt changing those rates would impact things much though. I think we need an asset tax (like the one that exists in most states for houses and that we call property tax) that impacts stocks. Probably a massive change in estate taxes too.
Thanks for adding the info.
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You’re talking about income tax rates, and I agree that the top tax rates should be higher, but this won’t fix the problem because billionaires don’t make their money from salaries. Most of their money is theoretical and tied up in ownership of shares of a company.
They can sell shares or earn dividends to make money, so capital gains should also be taxed at a much higher rate. But billionaires often choose not to sell shares either because they have a better option…
They take out low interest rates loans using their shares as collateral. The interest rates they are charged are generally going to be far lower than the interest on their stocks that stay invested,. This is where most of their liquidity comes from, because loans aren’t taxed, and in some regard is almost an infinite money glitch for billionaires.
I think we need to make it illegal to use financial holdings as collateral for loans, at least for starters.
I think we need to make it illegal to use financial holdings as collateral for loans, at least for starters.
And maybe a tax on assets over a set limit. Own more than $10M in assets? Time to start paying back society.
You could tax them at 100% but it wouldn’t fix the problem. There are simply just not enough of them. While wealth inequality is a problem, this alone don’t fix it. It is just a crutch.
no, increasing taxes on the wealthy, while simultaneously funding the IRS to go after white collar tax cheats, would 100% fix the problem.
And this would somehow cause a significant number of houses to be built? And if people have more money thru distribution of some sort, would they work harder to build more houses? If they don’t, how does this help?
One way to spot a troll is that they quickly change arguments to avoid accountability. Like how you start by saying that taxation can’t fix the problem and when someone disagrees instead of pulling out data and digging into why, you instead randomly pivot to housing availability, which is currently also a problem related to finances, but distinctly separate from taxation strategies.
I don’t blame this person for not wanting to waste time engaging with you.
after perusing your other comments, I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re a disingenuous right wing troll. I don’t care to educate you on something you’ll more than likely ignore.
The fact you can not answer that speaks volumes. Really it does.
lmao sure, go back to telegram loser
The retort is an insult. Lol.
Taxes could pay for government hired construction workers/companies to build government funded housing. Easy, try another goal post
Who are these people and what other work does not get done?
Construction workers are people who work in the field of construction. Framers, tapers, plumbers, electricians, etc.
So if it’s not a perfect solution it shouldn’t be done?
You may be right that a 90% tax on certain amount of wealth may not solve all the problems but that is a ton of money this country is leaving on the table that could really help people that need assistance.
If you read my post, I did say wealth inequality is an issue. Bit to directly answer your question, if everyone suddenly recieved more money, would they differently be motivated to build more houses or create more cogs to make it lives better? And if they don’t, how does this help us?
It’s weird that you think that tax money goes directly into the pockets of individual citizens…
But when the government gets more income it can be used to fund public programs like WIC, CHIPS, Free lunch program for children, help the homeless, improve infrastructure, etc. You know, government working to support it’s population and not let the country become a shit hole.
If you don’t like how the government is spending the tax money then that is an election argument (vote someone in that supports your views). My way of seeing things is that if this country has given someone the ability to make a 3 comma amount of wealth then arguing that paying back into that system is evil then that person really doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.
So, we can’t tax their “unrealised gains” on stocks, but they can borrow against these same gains?
I don’t understand the connection between my post and your response?
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“Fink was refreshingly blunt that it’s not hard to figure out why millennials and Gen Z workers are economically anxious. “They believe my generation — the Baby Boomers — have focused on their own financial well-being to the detriment of who comes next. And in the case of retirement, they’re right,” he said.”
“While Fink correctly identified a key problem, his proposed solution wasn’t to bring back pension plans. It was a new BlackRock product that helps people better manage their retirement spending. In other words, it’s a way for BlackRock to likely make more money.”
This is basically the current stage of capitalism. If by the end by some miracle you accrued some wealth, they’ll make sure to grab it so there’s no inheritance left.
Sell your house and buy into a retirement community, then a retirement home, and after that poke and prod you in a hospital for months on end to extend your life for a few weeks.
by the end by some miracle you accrued some wealth, they’ll make sure to grab it so there’s no inheritance left.
Privatized Healthcare and nursing homes. If I had kids I’d just intentionally overdose on heroin before I ended up in such “care” situations.
Fink correctly identified a key problem, his proposed solution wasn’t to bring back pension plans. It was a new BlackRock product that helps people better manage their retirement spending.
You motherfucker.
The advice for a “managing” a 401(k) is to just put money into it and ignore it- there’s literally no managing required. The problem is this was never good enough and you god damn parasitic leeches want to take even that pittance away.
It is the 1% vs the working class, not generation vs generation.
I would really like this to be true. At least in my country the younger population (e.g. under 25s) is moving extreme-right instead of anti-capitalism. The amount of Andrew Tate fans that apparently do not even oppose human trafficking is insane.
Are they pro corporate though?
Sometimes these right leaning people are mad and are expressing things wrong but they still are aware how most companies are abusing the system.
I was libertarian right put of high school. I was rightfully upset with what the government does. It wasn’t till later I realized it was the 1% controlling it, and that was a nig problem.
These days I just want to self select into a 2000ish person commune. (Studies shoe that peoplestart viewing each other as strangersonce you approach 2000 population)
Who needs a state? Oh wait, the need is that other nation states will assault you instantly if they sense weakness. Must be a cultural issue that we cannot live in “peace” without having a massive authoritarian nightmare hovering over every aspect of our lives.
I was a card carrying libertarian until about 23-24.
20 years later I want Nordic Socialism (at the very least) & most CEOs fed into woodchippers as they would be more useful as mulch.
Cos they ain’t got no fucking capital.
Cause I click on a link to read a news article and the only thing I get is a pop up asking me to subscribe so i can view the news article.
I don’t know, maybe because a decent house costs $2M and there’s little chance my kids could live here unless we pass down significant wealth?
While Fink correctly identified a key problem, his proposed solution wasn’t to bring back pension plans. It was a new BlackRock product that helps people better manage their retirement spending. In other words, it’s a way for BlackRock to likely make more money.
it was a new BlackRock product
I laughed out loud when I read that.
“You know what I really need to help pay for groceries this month? A new BlackRock product!”
It’s not just folks under 40.
I’m over 40 and I support this message.
One good step could be, heritage tax and affordable housing, believe me with these two people under 40 will do better.
UBI would be a fucking godsend for WAY more people than anyone is willing to admit at this point. It’s insane. It’s an absolutely trivial solution to wealth inequality. But of course, the wealthy don’t want to surrender the wealth they’ve accumulated and are just bogarting from the rest of us. Gilded age v2.0.
As an aside, the French have successfully dealt with such situations in the past.
UBI saves capitalism from itself. Are we really sure we want to work and fight towards preserving this system that hurts us and our loved ones on a daily basis?
If we are bleeding in the streets, why reform capitalism? The reason I am bringing this up is that we already tried this.
Could you imagine getting a early 20th centruy labor movement going these days? Well let’s just imagine by some miracle we did and we reformed capitalism just like you want. According to the time line of the New Deal era to now, we would AT MOST, buy a ceasefire for 2-4 generations.
You see, you are trying to negotiate peace with putin. Yeah you got a peace deal… for now. The 1% will bide its time and slowly use the surplus labor value it steals from the working class to errode institutions and public will.
Reforming capitalism is only delaying end stage capitalism, not preventing it.
Eventually, we will be right back to the guided age (this time, its the 3.0 version!). Eventually your kids kids will be struggling working 3 jobs to make ends meet if not sooner.
Let’s not waste the blood sweat and tears of those willing to fight for a better tomorrow like we did in the past. Never again.
Let’s not negotiate with financial terrorists.
Let’s learn from our mistakes.
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