Why the hell would my fridge be connected tonthe water main in the first place?
I guess if you have one of those fancy fridges where you can get cold water or ice. Some of them require a water connection
Its a pretty common feature
…in US. Pretty rare in the EU where apartments usually come with the cheapest fridge available.
This… Also my water already comes at 10C in the summer, even less in the winter… Any colder and you’d have to bite and chew it rather than drink…
Just a glass full of crushed ice and drink your water like a true American 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
But to be serious, I’d like to have a water filter in my fridge. The water here has a bit too much calc to my taste.
You don’t buy filtered water? We usually refill our 5 gallons at one of the local water filter shops
Some refrigerators can dispense cold filtered water.
Mine is. It has an automatic life maker and filtered water dispenser. It’s pretty common in houses in America, less so in rentals.
Automatic life maker‽ You definitely need to clean your dispenser tube…
I was just talking to my partner about how I have cum ducts last night, so this is on par for me atm.
Oh look at this guy with his fancy fridge that just gives away water!
What are you talking about?
I get not everyone has clean running water in the world, this sounds backwards.
How do you end up in place where you can multifunction fridges but not clean running water?
Same place where you go bankrupt by calling an ambulance… And they consider themselves a developed country lol
Hey! You watch your mouth! We’ve developed lots of things including how to efficiently go bankrupt from a medical emergency!
Having freedom means the freedom to not afford living, too.
The city of Flint, Michigan, has entered the chat. But in more seriousness there are plenty of mostly harmless impurities in many municipal water systems such as an excess of minerals i.e. “hard water” and water filters can improve the quality of water that is considered clean enough to drink.
Had me thinking for a moment before I realized that I’m too European to understand this.
Yeah, me too. If drinking water was unsuitable in my country, we’d hang the politicians from a lamppost or at the least talk about it endlessly in the newspaper until they did something.
Is this a meme I am too European to understand?
My fridge has water hookup but no filter. It makes ice. I have never cleaned it. I put the ice in everything. At the same time, I get really weird about drinking out of fridges at vrbos as they often have a water Dispenser with a filter and zero indication of when that filter was ever changed (never is a safe bet).
I added a filter to my ice maker. I just have a new filter shipped every 6 months so I remember to change it.
I don’t have a energy leak the size of an ice/water dispenser in my fridge. I use those unwieldy things known as bottles.
shit how do you clean the dispenser tubes
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I have literally never done this in my entire life and yet I seem healthy.
Care to explain why?
I use a filtered tap which doesn’t give cold water, as the fridge water is freezing.