I’m trying to get a gauge of what people here are interested in.
This guy trying to steal your security questions!
What’s your favorite social security number?
My favorite genre is Denis Villenueve.
Favorite movie is The Princess Bride, second is Life Is Beautiful.
Favorite genre is “space western”.
I’d like to propose a micro-genre: Bromance films
Definition: Two or three characters (who need not actually be men) just getting up to mad shit and being great friends either before or as a result of the journey. Not entirely unlike a buddy cop movie but no need for cops.
Examples: Princess Bride, Road to El Dorado, Emperor’s New Groove, Three Musketeers
This micro-genre is absolutely predicated on the quality of it’s dialogue but it’s some of the best out there.
I think those are called “buddy comedies”, if you’d include things like Wedding Crashers.
Knights tale
I’m going to carry that weight.
See also: Trigun, Firefly, The Mandalorean
Slow, boring spy films like “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”
Favourite genre: psychological thriller
Favourite movie: Freddy Got Fingered
You and I can never be friends. Freddy Got Fingered fucked me up, and not in a good way.
Oh shut up you still laughed at backwards man.
I can walk backwards as fast as you can!
Big fan of long-form science fiction. Bladerunner 2049 is fantastic, as is Stalker by Tarkovsky.
Tarkovsky in particular has brilliant works.
Sci Fi top 6 ‐ focusing a bit on the soft sci-fi
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) dir: Stanley Kubrick
Arrival (2016) dir: Denis Villeneuve
Her (2013) dir: Spike Jonze
BladeRunner (1982) dir: Ridley Scott
Children of Men (2006) dir: Alfonso Cuarón
GATTACA (1997) dir: Andrew Niccol
Little known fact: all mattes are shot on first generation film. Kubrick would shoot the matte, put the film in storage, put it back in camera, then shoot the inside of the matte. It looks pristine to this day because there was no generation loss since there was only one generation even in the most effects heavy shots.
If you haven’t seen it, Ex Machina (2014) fits the vibe of your list. It’s one of my favorites.
I’ve seen it. I enjoyed it very much.
I picked Her for my A.I. entry because it was so much simpler, more understated, and close to our everyday experiences.
I also skipped Primer (2004) because I steered clear of time travel.
Actually, I’m wondering now what you thought of the 2002 Solaris remake. I’ve not seen the Tarkovsky version, and I’m assuming you have. Of his other films, I’ve heard of Stalker. Recommend any others specifically?
Haven’t seen either of Solaris, but the big deal here is that the US version loses a lot of Tarkovsky’s specific, drawn out and contemplative styling in favor of a more active and dynamic version for the US.
Andrei Rublev and Mirror are standouts, to my knowledge, and are generally seen as better than Solaris but not quite as great as Stalker.
Depending on the day, my favorite movie is either The Big Lebowski, Hot Fuzz, or Knives Out.
Favourite movie: The Lord of the Rings
Favourite genre: fantasy/sci-fi/historical movies of epic proportions with immersive worlds
I’ve been building my all time favorite 100 list but my number 1 has been constantly Casino Royale. The list: https://boxd.it/jQWau
I usually don’t have a specific genre of choice but I love to dig into micro genres for a stretch. Lately my favorite micro genre is “people in a room talking”. The obvious ones here are 12 Angry Men, Rear Window and My Dinner with Andre. Long Days Journey into Night, Buried, Locke, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe, Rope , Tape. “Before” series works well here too. A really good one I saw recently was Big Kahuna.
This also pairs well with tiny budget Sci-Fi. Like Man from Earth, Coherence, Another Earth, Moon, Vast of Night.
If you like people in a room talking, have you seen Coffee and Cigarettes?
Yes! I loved it
If you like tiny budged wild and short sci-fi, may i suggest blood machines? https://youtu.be/jLHhr8Xc4AM?si=S7M28c6pfUqRb2WW
Ah cool haven’t seen this one, thanks!
If you haven’t seen it yet, try Death and the Maiden (1994)
Added to the watchlist!
I like a variety of genres, I guess two of my easy favourites are Jurassic Park and The Lion King. I’m interested in good stories, with a preference for action and/or animation/ and/or special FX.
My least preferred genres are rom coms as they tend to be cheesy and lack both action and vfx. Also not a fan of gore horror.
If the plot and characters are lame I’ll still watch it for the visuals or for the action. But nothing beats a good story.
I like psychologically interesting movies, though my favorites aren’t necessarily all like that. Some big ones for me:
Spirited Away - Miyazaki film about a girl who stops off at an abandoned amusement park while driving to a new house with her parents, who eat food meant for spirits and become pigs. She is unable to escape and ends up in the spirit world, enslaved by a witch who controls a spirit bathhouse as the protagonist attempts to rescue her parents and escape
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - a man and woman break up in a very lightly sci fi world where it’s possible to erase people’s memories, and they choose to erase each other and inevitably the man regrets it as it’s happening in his mind
Perfect Blue - animated Japanese film about an Idol who tries to escape Idol life by becoming an actress, which is an incredibly difficult and stressful process as she deals with a stalker and the film/TV industry at the same time. As the movie continues she becomes so stressed and tired that the lines between reality and the films she’s in begin to blur together and she starts to lose grip on reality.
21 and 22 Jump Street - FUCK they’re just well written and well executed comedy.
My favorite movie is Kingpin
I just re-watched that movie and was kinda worried that it wouldn’t hold up. I haven’t seen that movie in like 20 years. It was way better than i remember.
Favorite: Alien Close second: Jaws Close third: GalaxyQuest
Favorite genre: sci-fi horror
My favorite movie is the Matrix (the first one). Gutted by what they did in the sequels.
Favorite genre is definitely Fantasy, love the world building in these movies.