no Swedish law is being violated
Unfortunately, Swedish courts disagreed
Not at that time. That came after the us government pushed the swedish government to do something and they in turn “strongly hinted” to the swedish judiciary system that they better do something.
And finally the sentencing judge socialised professionally with pro-copyright lobbyists.
That came after the us government pushed the swedish government
🎶 We’re all living in Amerika, Amerika ist wunderbar 🎵
It is quite interesting that American corporations harass everyone, not just us Americans.
I got together with the other Americans, and we’re cool of you all want to do something about them.
🎶 We’re all living in Amerika, America it’s wonder bra ;P
}===[( W )( W )]==={
That’s like actually the next line though.
“Amerika, coco-cola, wonderbra”
Its the actual joke that they have all the same products.
Sometime waawwrrrrr
Yeah I wrote it that way on purpose, it’s a locale thing, that’s how we sing it here and it felt right for fun storytelling ;P
Nice bravado but he ultimately wasted years of his life in solitary confinement.
Maybe not years. Certainly months.Actually it was over a year when you add the reported stints together.Why was he in solitary?
I believe it was because he failed to return to Sweden to serve his Pirate Bay sentence and instead remained in Cambodia where he was living at the time. There was an international warrant out for his arrest and when he was deported back to Sweden he was judged at risk of flight or further “criminal activities”. He was removed from solitary after a few months, so I’m not sure if he was put back there for his later, longer sentence of hacking.
EDIT: He was later held in solitary confinement in Denmark for at least 10 months while awaiting trial for hacking.
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20 years ago, Pirate Bay’s response
Holy shit I’m so old 😭
20 years ago
Sees letter is dated 2004…
Why have you done this to me?
That’s like 8 years ago.
Wait… crap. We are old.
I refuse to think of 2000 as anything but the future where will all have flying cars.
I graduated high school in 2004 😭
sad Napster noises
One day I hope to write a “go fuck yourself” email of this caliber.
If every peasant started treating his opressor like this, we might actually start getting results.
We would need all peasants doing it at once. One peasant doing it just means you get your head cut off, which unfortunately doesn’t help.
Some truth in that for sure.
I was talking more about when you get a chance to dunk one these clowns and you can do without getting hurt or you are willing to take calculated risk. Do it!
Most plebs now either too scared or otherwise unwilling to some basic FAFO and this made owner class brazen
Piracy is one of the best tools to tell the regime to get fucked IMHO
Seeing them bent our of shape over it is some of the best cope entertainment out there
Despite all the lawsuits, it’s still sailing
But not run by the original owners. And the current team is really shady. I wouldn’t trust downloading an .exe from there.
Good thing you don’t download executables from torrent sites?
Well, many do…
From the torrents though
Don’t you ever pirate software?
My point is the executables are delivered by bittorrent, not from the pirate bay.
In that case your comment doesn’t make much sense, because when people say “don’t trust that torrent site” they mean the contents of the torrents hosted there. In fact, if you use magnets, you don’t download anything at all from torrent sites ever.
Your browser downloads the web pages which includes the magnet text
So is your point to argue semantics?
“Downloading” colloquially referes to the proces of saving some data onto persistent storage device. When you open HTML pages they are loaded directly into RAM. They might be saved to drive if they are cached. But no regular person would refer to that process as downloading. Even I, as a webdev, don’t.
Windows executables are really shady.
Riddled with malware, but still sailing
Been using it for decades, never an issue for me. What in the world are you trying to download over there??
Well if he’s daft enough to go looking for it, what’s he expecting?
Me when gaining access to the computer of someone I don’t like
I’d say this might be true for programs, but as long as you download movies, shows and music I’d assume it’s fine as long as you use common sense.
The technologically illiterate pirate is an easy target.
Just don’t download any software and you’ll be fine. Sure, there are better trackers for movies, TV shows and music nowadays, but I’m still glad we have The Pirate Bay
The Darknet Diaries podcast made a really good episode about The Pirate Bay, telling the entire story, including funny stories like the responses to these letters, and interviewing Peter Sunde, one of the 3 founders.
Thanks, you gave me a new podcast to listen to.
It’s one of my favorites! Also check out Search Engine, one of my favorite new podcasts with an amazing host. “What’s the best phone to do crimes on”, the latest episode, is excellent—Darknet Diaries covered the subject as well, but this goes into even more detail.
I also loved “Who’s behind all those spammy text messages?” but that one gets DARK.
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll definitely check that out
Thank you! Added as well!
IIRC, the US accusers even quoted US federal law at TPB in emails preceding this. They had probably just assumed TPB were US based and this response where how they found out.
I’m still salty about Sweden bending over about this, tho. Sovereignty is a lie.
There are tolerated quirks, and then there is insubordination. Defying US Copyright Law would have been the latter, it was not tolerated.
Actually absolute bad-asses!
Don’t download this song
Remember when they tried to buy Sealand?
Wait… Like the Principality of Sealand?
Was Major Bates still there?
I remember this being discussed at length on various forums at the time (the legality, questions about what would happen if it all fell into the sea.) but as with so much of the Internet, it appears to have been largely lost. Luckily I was not imagining things this time and did find a couple of references.
Death of a data haven: cypherpunks, WikiLeaks, and the world’s smallest nation | Ars Technica
The hunt for the cofounders of torrent site The Pirate Bay was a lengthy game of cat-and-mouse, spanning several continents. In the end, Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Gottfrid Svartholm all ended up in prison.
This puts me in mind of Arkell vs. Pressdram.
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