Neighborhood cats shit right in the middle of my lawn. It stinks and the robot lawn mover makes it even worse.

I do NOT like cats, and this is not helping.

What works to keep them from shitting on my lawn?

The votes have spoken. Some people are cat lovers; thanks for the great advice from the rest of you! I will not go out of my way to accommodate other people’s pets that aren’t welcome on my property. My first weapon of choice will be chili because it’s simple and cheap. Other ideas have been noted.

    • FiveMacs
      272 years ago

      Cool, Imma just let a dog shit on your lawn and when you get annoyed you can just accept that dogs shit outside.

        • FiveMacs
          162 years ago

          Doubt it. You’d 100% be telling someone to clean up their dog shit.

          Also, the shit is only a small aspect of the disrespect and neglect people push on their outdoor cats.

          I cannot fathom the low intelligence required when it comes to people not understanding why you should have cats unmonitored, unleashed and roaming free.

            72 years ago

            Doubt it. You’d 100% be telling someone to clean up their dog shit.

            I’m glad you and the fictional version of me you’ve constructed can carry on this conversation without my continued involvement.

            • FiveMacs
              112 years ago

              Don’t need your involvement to know you’re full of shit and that if your lawn was covered in dogshit from your neighbours that you wouldn’t be pissed off.

                62 years ago

                I don’t care if an animal shits on my lawn. I’m not rolling round on it, and I’m not super precious about my bougie lawnmower like OP.

                Are you incapable of imagining that there are people out there who aren’t joyless karens?

                • FiveMacs
                  42 years ago

                  Tf are you talking about joyless…there is no joy in someone being careless with their ‘pet’ and neglecting them while letting them roam because look how cute fluffy is.

            42 years ago

            Oh the shock and horror, the animal that hasn’t been fully domesticated yet likes to be outside. Just because you let your cat go outside doesn’t mean you’re neglecting it.

            There are 5 basic welfare needs: suitable environment, suitable diet, need to be housed with or without other animals (species specific), need to be protected from suffering/disease and the need to show natural behaviours. Sure most of them can be met indoors but you can’t provide a suitable environment or let them show natural behaviours unless you allow them to go outside when they need to or you live in a mansion that’s big enough for a cat to fill it’s territorial range.

            • FiveMacs
              32 years ago

              Cool, so they are not domesticated so we should consider them pests and have the population culled because it’s an invasive species. Thanks

                42 years ago

                So all non domesticated animals are pests now? What about geese? Or deer? Are they all pests? They’re invasive species in certain countries too.

  • qyron
    462 years ago

    A motion activated or retomely deployable sprinkler system would work wonders. No need for drenching the critter, just interrupt or annoy the cat. After a few forced baths, the cat would associate shitting on your lawn with getting wet and just move to safer grounds.

    352 years ago

    All these psychopaths saying kill the cat or catch it and relocate it are fucking deranged. Talk to the owners if you know who it is… firstly, I’m sure they would at least be receptive to the problem and if they’re not then maybe look into legal outlets. If you’ve gone out of your way to post on lemmy you’re technically savvy enough to look up local laws. people have also posted actual remediation methods that aren’t terrible and could actually improve your lawn in some scenarios as well so maybe try those out if you’re into them.

    I’m positive that no one wants to lose a pet in any capacity. Just some simple communication with the owners could solve this, and if not, there are other options.

    Sorry you’re going through this though, shit sucks. Pun intended.

      342 years ago

      I can 100% guarantee you that the owners will just be extremely confused about the idea that people might not want other people’s “pets” in their yard. I can 100% guarantee you that the response will just be “well it’s a cat.”

      And it means that if something ever happens to this small animal, OP will get blamed for it if he says anything to the neighbors.

          2 years ago

          Yeah, I’ve dealt with this situation before. People who let cats roam free like this seem to live in a world where there is precisely one socially acceptable exception to otherwise generally accepted neighborly decorum - cats. Suggesting that you don’t want their cat on your property makes you the asshole in their eyes, because they literally cannot comprehend any solution to the problem. Obviously the sky is blue, and cats are allowed to shit wherever they want. Thus spake the toxoplasmosis.

  • iquanyin
    272 years ago

    @PlutoniumAcid i’m 64, i’ve lived in over a hundred different places, including rural and suburbs with lawns. literally never ever had this problem. not even when i owned cat! so it seems you’re cursed. you need to find the witch or wizard you offended and make amends.

    i’m really amazed this would even happen, as cat prefer to bury their waste so they like places they can dig miles more than lawns. i wonder: did your u maybe see one cat, once, poop and now you think all poop is cat poop? because dogs are a lot more likely to be doing this regularly than cats.

    • Turkey_Titty_city
      2 years ago

      yeah, cats bury their shit. they don’t shit on grass and leave it exposed.

      only time cats shit in the open is to prove a point. OP probably pissed off this cat

      82 years ago

      Elderly cats don’t bury their shit. A neighbour’s cat used to bury stealth bombs in my garden until he got too old and decrepit to bother. The pinnacle was a gross runny shit on top of a creeping thyme. I was thrilled when he died, but then she got a young feisty cat that slaughters birds. Sigh.

        82 years ago

        In general, many feral cats do not bury their shit. I have no idea why people keep saying this like it’s a fact - I have dealt with this exact same, well, shit at several places I’ve lived. Most of the time it is cats shitting in the raised beds, but I have also seen some who like a certain plot of grass or weeds.

    • downpunxx
      62 years ago

      I wouldn’t trust anyone whose lived in a hundred different places about anything at all

      • Bo7a
        82 years ago

        Can you explain this a bit? I am having a hard time understanding how living in different places would make someone less informed. I would assume the opposite by default, but I’m interested in your thought process.

        • Pisodeuorrior
          32 years ago

          It’s the narrow thought process of one who has always lived in the she spot, I would imagine.

        • Fushuan [he/him]
          22 years ago

          I’m guessing that their thought process is something akin to, if they have had to hop THAT much, their judgement can’t be good since if it were, they would have settled before reaching the high number of 100. I don’t agree, but that’s my guess

        12 years ago

        I do this all the time so unknown animals leave my garden alone. To me it smells great and the one time a neighbor asked I said it was roundup then said it was a joke and it’s actually tropicals fertilizer. Nobody has ever complained about spicy air.

        • iAmTheTot
          42 years ago

          I know that there are certain laws against booby trapping your property, for example. As I said, I don’t know the specifics but that’s what it made me think of.

            72 years ago

            I don’t think it counts as a booby trap. The intended mechanism is not burning the cat. The chillis will smell and the smell with keep the cat away.

            It is not hidden with a trigger, or another thing to throw the chillis at the cat (or small children.) That would a booby trap.

  • Random_Character_A
    232 years ago

    Go with it, not against it. Make a small sandbox. Cat would favour that as a toilet over anything else.

    • FiveMacs
      202 years ago

      Go with what…continuing to allow people to have strays? No thanks… relocate the cat or give it to the SPCA to be sold to someone who ACTUALLY cares about the animals wellbeing.

      Don’t cater to neglectful owners by providing places for them to shit in the wild. Disgusting

        122 years ago

        Ignoring strays, you do realise there is no practical way for a cat owner to control where their cat takes a shit?
        That is not negligence, it’s nature.

        You can’t tell a dog where to shit, the difference being you’ll pick it up where you can, and it probably can’t climb fences.

          182 years ago

          There literally is. You can respect your neighbors by not letting your cat roam free, the same way I don’t let my dog roam free. I really do not understand why people have trouble with this very simple concept.

        • FiveMacs
          132 years ago

          Yeah…keep it inside and give it a box of whatever to shit in. This also isn’t just about their shit but the utter disrespect for the animal to allow it to roam free, unsupervised and the disrespect to the other humans who are forced to live with the animal you chose to set free

      • macisr
        2 years ago

        Throughout history, humanity has had to adapt to nature instead of trying to change it to suit humans in various ocasions. Where a cat takes a shit is one of those times lol. That said, cats are normally clean as fuck. My cats live free in the backyard and I have never seen or smell where they shit because they bury it very well and never in the middle of the yard. I don’t know how op is having problems with that, it is just weird.

        • FiveMacs
          82 years ago

          Cats are domestic animals. We literally altered nature then flew them around the world. They are not native to NA. Keep your cats leashed or indoors and monitored when outside.

      • lol3droflxp
        52 years ago

        The cat is happy to go outside. It’s their natural behaviour. Doesn’t mean I approve but don’t spin this as being neglectful.

        • FiveMacs
          32 years ago

          No shit. Dogs like going outside too, but it’s considered neglect if you aren’t in direct supervision.

          It’s neglectful. You don’t know when it last ate, you don’t know what diseases it gets…it’s uncaring, and neglectful to the animal.

  • uphillbothways
    222 years ago

    Easy. Get rid of the lawn. Animals live outside. If it’s not this cat, it’ll be something else.

    222 years ago

    Place a box with sand near the area you want to protect. Move it further away a feet or so by day. In 10 days that cat will be shitting wherever you guided it to. Leave the box and or the sand. Done.

    Low cost. Low effort. No animal cruelty. No dealing with neighbor. Effective.

    • Vengefu1 Tuna
      52 years ago

      Using this method, OP could guide the cat poop in the owner’s yard.

  • BananaTrifleViolin
    202 years ago

    Are you sure it’s cats?

    Have you seen the cats pooping or just sniffing the poop?

    Depends where you are, but foxes would be a more likely bet. Fox poop stinks too - really foul stuff. Cat poop generally is quite inocuos once it drys out, although a lawn mowing bot slicing it up would make sense for making it worse.

    I have never heard of cats pooping in the middle of a lawn before. Normally they like private and safe spaces to poop as they’re vulnerable when pooping, and normally they’re fastidious about burying it where possible.

    iF it really is cats, then maybe get a gravel section next to your lawn that they might prefer to go in? A litter box essentially.

    172 years ago

    Put in a sand pit somewhere you are ok with them shitting. Training domesticated cats is an undertaking that in my limited experience comes down to giving them an option they’d prefer over their current behavior. Trying to dissuade a feral cat from shitting where they please humanely seems like a loosing battle.

    • @PlutoniumAcid@lemmy.worldOP
      222 years ago

      I am OK with them shitting not on my property. If I’d wanted cat shit, I’d get a cat. I don’t, so I don’t. These aren’t feral cats.

        42 years ago

        The irony being that cats don’t shit in their own gardens, best way to stop getting cat shit in your garden is to get a cat.

    • FiveMacs
      82 years ago

      It’s best to just trap them and relocate them far far away. Or bring them to whatever shelter will sell these cats to more families that will then have more outdoor cats.

          2 years ago

          True. Although letting cats roam around isn’t great either. They often get diseases (e.g. feline AIDS) or get run over and tend to decimate local wildlife. It’s not awesome.

          PS but doing this doesn’t solve anything. They will get another cat and do the same goddamn thing.

          • FiveMacs
            62 years ago

            Eventually they run out of cats…

            But I agree, it’s short term. People that have outdoor cats should be charged with animal neglect and prevented from owning animals as a long term solution

        • FiveMacs
          2 years ago

          What…relocate an obvious stray? If they cared so much they wouldn’t let it roam like a stray.

          Why do people always defend those who clearly don’t care about their cats well being in the first place by claiming ‘its an outdoor cat’.

          Your logic is ass backwards. Leash your cat when it’s outdoors or don’t have a cat.

            62 years ago

            And your logic is bass ackwards. The solution is to educate people about how bad letting cats live outdoors is, not pretend that their pet is a feral. All you’ll do that way is eventually come home to broken windows once they find out who stole their cat. Tell them how much better (and longer) their cat’s life will be if they live indoors vs. outdoors and you’re much more likely to actually change something.

            The majority of people don’t know any better. And if they grew up with cats, it’s very likely that that’s how they were taught that you care for a cat. It’s only been in the past 20 years or so that the consensus on how cats should be kept has shifted from outdoors to indoors. Hell, look at how common declawing cats still is.

            • FiveMacs
              32 years ago

              Ahhh yes because educating people about how they are neglectful with animals clearly works…I’ve been telling people for years and guess what, they still open the window and let them roam.

              These people know it’s wrong, but they don’t care because look how cute the cat is…plus it won’t shut up because they keep allowing the behaviours. If it truly is the case about people being ignorant about cats, why aren’t there more dogs roaming…they know it’s wrong, they just don’t care.

                22 years ago

                The reason there aren’t more dogs roaming is because dogs are a completely separate species from the wild wolves they descended from, house cats still interbreed with wildcats because we haven’t domesticated them yet.

                • FiveMacs
                  02 years ago

                  Ahhh yes, justification for people to be careless with the pets. Gotta love it.

          2 years ago

          Don’t take your neighbours pet away. Don’t punish an animal that doesn’t know it’s doing anything wrong, punish the owner… by reporting them. Or relocating the cat shit to their front step. Or you can start by just talking to them

          • FiveMacs
            62 years ago

            It’s not a pet if they let it roam and don’t even know where the hell the thing is or what it’s doing. They are the neglectful owners and shouldn’t have a pet. Keep your cats indoors or risk losing them.

            22 years ago

            The neighbors will be sure to tell their cat to stop shitting in the lawn. The cat will listen, and stop, surely.

              32 years ago

              Maybe they don’t realize how far they’re wandering, it’s just worth a shot is all. It’s not the only option available anyway, people absolutely can get fines handed out as well. I have more aggressive location ideas where the cat poop can be placed as well…

              • FiveMacs
                42 years ago

                Who cares if they don’t realize it, they shouldn’t even be letting cats roam in the first place …they are neglectful about the cats well being by even letting it roam free outside unsupervised.

                  22 years ago

                  The reason to care about that is to improve your chances of solving the problem. If it turns out they are doing that unintentionally, talking to them may fix or reduce your problem, pretty straightforward.

    172 years ago

    Plant some lemongrass.

    When that shows to only be partially effective, accept the fact that you can’t control the ongoings of the world in every fashion.