I couldn’t imagine. I very much want to leave.
I couldn’t imagine. I very much want to leave.
I wouldn’t be terribly surprised. I grew up in Geneva, but I lived in Oviedo when I was in high school.
I’ve lived in central Florida my entire life.
When I was starting at a new job I mentioned that I grew up in Geneva. The person I was chatting with were curious and asked what it was like growing up in Europe. I responded that if I was raised in Europe I’d never live in Florida. Geneva, FL is a fucking armpit.
Lol, I didn’t even say it was bad. I think it’s an alright show. I just don’t think it’s especially poignant or anything.
Holy fucking shit… The game concepts and mechanics are the ingredients!
I kinda liked the airsoft feel, though. Makes me feel like Rambo. I guess I know what I’m doing once I’m done with starfield.
Assuming hades 2 doesn’t come out before then lol
Duly noted, I’ll check that out the next time I get the itch to play. I disliked that about the game. It’s actually my main gripe. I didn’t like being careful of not blowing up too much stuff so that I didn’t hit the “main quest threshold” or whatever.
I just want to enjoy the outdoors and kill peggies.
Are there any weapon mods? I found the variety lacking, beyond the broken dlc guns.
which should be proportional to the amount of times the game is downloaded
I have a 500GB SSD and >300 games. Do you have any idea how often I uninstall and reinstall games? Even smaller Indy games?
I wish I disagreed with you, the only thing I can push back on is saying the open world is fake.
It’s a damn shame, because far cry 5 has by far my favorite setting of the series. I’d love for someone to take a second stab of that kind of setting.
Imo, despite the bugs and sometimes because of them, they’re really fun games.
I’m sure a lawn mower wouldn’t turn that into a war crime. I’m sure their neighbors would have no problem with this.
It’s also not very good.
deleted by creator
And it has less than half of Earth’s gravity and no magnetosphere. Anyone who lived there long time will have their muscles atrophy and be irradiated.
I have no disagreement beyond your description of them. I agree that they’re sycophantic dipshits.
Like, Mars doesn’t have a magnetosphere. How the fuck do you make one of those? How do you make the gravity stronger?
I dont believe that anything as dramatic as terraforming is practical or even possible.
I’d also like to add that the amount you’d need to terraphorm Mars you could just… do to Earth. I think a lot of the points you made are valid, but some of those questions are pretty hypothetical.
Idk, I think it’d be neat for humanity to go off planet and extrasolar. Even if it’s not a priority, you can’t really do that unless you’re working towards it. Doesn’t really matter to me regardless, I’ll be long dead before it happens.
dont get me started on colonization of other planets
Oh, please do, I’m curious.
I used to read shonen jump when I was a child and I remember reading the debut of the English translation when it came out. I fell off anime and didn’t start watching it again until a few years ago.
My mind was fucking blown that they were still making new episodes. It wasn’t even a spin off, it’s the same show.
Eta: when I say “child” I meant I was 8 or 9. I turned 30 last month.
You couldn’t torture that shit out of me. St. Peter could ask me to admit to it to get into heaven, and I’d walk straight past him into hell.
Wait, now I’m confused. Planes don’t eat dinosaurs? What was Sully about, then?