Is he telling us he considers himself low T? Because it looks like he’s believing something he saw on 4chan.
He’s so dense he doesn’t realize he’s the low T person being described, not the alpha male.
He claims he’s autistic and has a breeding fetish so doubtless he thinks he’s twice as capable of sorting out truthiness.
“High T alpha males” oh good, they invented a new gender again and it sucks.
Bring out the scones and cucumber sandwiches, it’s high T!
Mmm, high tea… Haven’t played that in a while.
I’m a high T male, which is why I started balding at 20 and my balls are the size of grapes
Balding is not related to testosterone, but rather Dihydrogentestosterone (commonly referred to as DHT). Although high testosterone levels often mean high DHT levels as well, it is possible to have high DHT whilst still having low testosterone levels.
The amount of androgen receptors in your scalp is also relevant, some people are just unlucky and have lots of androgen receptors in that area and start balding at a young age despite average DHT levels
I started balding at 18. Is this what being alpha is like?
like, super alpha this time. S rank Alpha, but with a T. Best alpha this time, we promise.
Meh, I’ll just wait for the full release. Less bugs that way.
How does it compare to sigma tho?
i enjoyed this. also i think healthy forms of hyper gender are valid
Ice-T on drugs
All the “high T alpha males” I’ve ever met are also the least critical thinkers I’ve ever met.
And none of them have ever backed it up with a blood test
>be me >high T alpha male born to breed and lead >go to doc to confirm I am the most alpha of all >doc says your T levels are through the roof >fuck yeah it is I am a total chad >doc is like nah bruh you got the big C >mfw I only have 6 weeks to live
I got bic cockser. hel yea B)
Yeah I tend to think that anyone who identifies as high t alpha male is actually just the opposite.
They are usually the ones seeking admiration and approval. Meanwhile the free thinkers are just doing our days and caring for our tribes. No approval needed.
“Pele who can’t defend themselves physically”
Like Elon, who pulled out of a fight he tried to start with Zuck because he’d get his ass kicked?
I think his mom told him not to.
I find it unlikely he’d listen to a woman. Unless maybe she threatened to take away the power cord
I’m still hoping this happens and leads to a WWE style outcome.
Elon has a heart attack on the ring and falls on top of Zuck pinning and smothering him. Zuck is forced to tap and Elon is stretchered out the ring
He’s posting 4chan screenshots now?
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
We post greentexts and laugh, he posts this and says “interesting observation”.
He retweeted it from a page. Be noted those are both very right wing and very gatekeepy about autism (if they’re really autistic and not just some weirdo claiming to be such).
as someone with autism do NOT let us control everything. You’d get 27,000 cats and a ton of trains without any issues being solved.
I think a ton of trains would actually solve a lot of issues
cats too tbh
Ironically may result in the resurgence of the bee population due to cats murdering the bird population
A ton of trains would be less than one train
Fine, we’ll upgrade to a shit ton instead.
deleted by creator
optimised solutions often create negative secondary effects in other systems - it’s not (always) that people are resistant to fixing things, it’s that when people get attached to an “optimised solution” and it comes into contact with the real world, it’s often difficult for them to take valid criticisms that aren’t about the system
It’s almost always for a selfish reason though. For instance, health insurance in the U.S. could easily go away if the government combined all of the funding for public healthcare systems. It won’t happen because of the for profit healthcare industry.
Do not betray your own tribe brother. After all, why shouldn’t we get 27000 cats?
I’m allergic.
skill issue
As an aneurotypical person, which, according to elon musk, makes me immune to propaganda and means that all my decisions are selfless, i can say that he is a liar who tries to make himself above other people and cares more about his public image than his kids
Alpha males ain’t shit. I’m a Neutrino male. Highest penetration power 😤
Can’t even feel anything though. Can you penetrate any harder my guy?
As a beta, I can only penetrate a few millimeters but I can do a lot of damage if swallowed.
10/10 physics joke right here folks
Oh, so right-wing men with the right genes are the chad and everyone else is the soyjak.
Truly an “interesting observation,” thanks Elon.
And by “right genes” they mean “my Daddy is rich” of course.
I think he’s also including racists and other misanthropes.
Autistic people are well known for not feeling the need to fit in. That’s why no autistic person ever spends 90% of their time in public masking who they really are
Dont get too close to the edge of this sarchasm, its a long drop to the bottom.
Shit… I just gazed into that abyss.
I guess they forgot that people like Martin Luther King Jr. got shot and killed for speaking out against these so called “high T, alpha males.”
Being proud of using intimidation tactics is fucking weird and pathetic. Blaming it on garbage pseudo science lowers the bar into degeneracy. THEN turning it into victim blaming…“you’re too weak to have anything worthwhile to contribute” is just… wow.
Evolutionary psychology was an interesting hypothesis, but it will never recover from these dipshits utilizing it as the loudest dog whistle in history…used to justify sexism and bigotry. I wish they’d all get in elons rocket and be the first people to land on the sun.
The post is starting out with the wrong assumptions so naturally it’s conclusions are wrong, top tier shitpost.
In the old days we’d use this kind of pseudoscience for mischief (you know, trolling), now it’s disinformation spread by useful idiots to upend their democracies.
In the old old days, this was referred to as “religion” and was used to keep “those people” in their “place”…
TLDR; “weak people have to conform to social consensus otherwise they get hurt I guess?”
I, on the other hand, am a big, strong, high T alpha male, that isn’t worried about what anyone thinks! I am a free thinker, and I know my opinions are correct because I instantly based this entire opinion on a subjective, anecdotal view of the world that I then extrapolated meaning out of, the best evidence! /s
A democracy that is only democratic for the select few? I wonder what that’s called…
Um… aktuly its called a Constitutional Republic.