I actually remember learning that no one living in that area could be buried in the cemetery. Fun fact!
Because living people usually don’t get buried. Only dead ones
You’ll be pleased to know that despite your attempt I got someone with that joke :)
That’s such a weird rule. I wonder why. I guess maybe they don’t want to have superstitious buyers in the future worry about ghosts having a short commute back to their old homes?
What? No, it’s because they’re still alive silly :).
Ayyy gottem
Sometimes, dead IS better.
If tv shows have taught me anything, with the right mob connection you can get an exemption to that rule.
Well maybe if Billy Batts woulda’ kept his mouth shut he wouldn’t be bleedin’ out in the trunk of the Cadillac
I moved next to a cemetery. When asked how’s the area I loved to reply (accompanied by my wife eye roll) “dead quiet!”
That’s Mt Hope Cemetery in Rochester, NY if anyone’s interested. Really cool cemetery to walk through!
Is it really? I remember Mt.'Hope being more flat, but I’ve only gone to the side with the tennis courts and the soccer field (for anyone that doesn’t know, the University of Rochester and a bunch of it’s facilities are right next to Mt. Hope, a sort of cemetery/public park hybrid).
Yup, closer to downtown further away from UofR, closer to Ford St Bridge it gets very hilly
They may sell due to high demand. I hear people are just dying to get in there.
I wouldn’t have thought it would be so quiet, what with the coffins.
It’s actually loud because it’s so busy there. You could even say it’s the dead center of town.
When I was in college my room was in a house on the end of campus right across the street from a cemetery. Best neighbors I’ve ever had.
Right in the dead center of town!
What about the neighbors next door though?
I came for clever zombie jokes. I am leaving disappointed.