im sure texas will find some new, novel way to prevent democracy.
Ken Paxton will sweep in at the last second, invalidate the exact number of ballots that Cruz loses by or will just remove entire polling stations, and nobody will do anything about it
We can fight back against some of their voter suppression tactics
If you know people in texas, make sure they are checking their voter registration and re-register if purged
I use this neat trick to avoid getting purged. I register Republican.
Then I vote straight Democrat. When I can tell who the Democrat is. It’s not always easy in this dang state and all the stupid positions that are SUPPOSED to be non-partisan.
Fucking whacko fundies ruin everything.
“How could there be so many votes for the evil Demonrats when we have so many registered Republicans? That must mean they’re cheating so we’re gonna toss all the ‘irregular’ Demonrat votes!”
-Some “patriotic” governor.
Damn…that’s…actually pretty smart. Even if they catch on that people are doing this, what are they going to do? Purge republican registered voters?
I’m in MN and this is why I love mail in voting for all. I was able to sit down at my computer with my ballot and research all of the non-partisan candidates to see who they really are. There absolutely was a conservative nutjob vying for every contested spot.
It’s not just about voter suppression anymore. It’s also about using bullshit fraud accusations and lawfare tactics to stop the votes from being counted after they’re cast.
Frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of hearing the same tired refrain from people who don’t understand just how dire the the fight against the fascists’ tactics really is. WE NEED MORE THAN JUST MOTHERFUCKING ‘VOTER REGISTRATION’ TO STOP THIS! The tactics we need to be talking about are things like organizing counter-protests and removing traitorous MAGA election officials before they have a chance to conduct their sabotage.
PLEASE check your voter registration in TEXAS! If you moved in the past couple of years and changed counties, you REALLY need to check. If someone moves from Dallas to Plano, that’s a completely different county and you need to make sure you are registered in the RIGHT county! Hell, some of these cities are so massive that they span MULTIPLE counties! Like if you moved from East Frisco to West Frisco. Same city, different county (Collin to Denton). Or if you moved from East Dallas to North Dallas, you may have changed counties too (Dallas to Collin)!!
adjective: novel
new or unusual in an interesting way.
“he hit on a novel idea to solve his financial problems”
maybe it’s a new book telling the story of cheating
My heart is black and shriveled. It no longer has the capacity for hope, but I want to live in a world where Allred defeats that shit stain so bad.
“I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” - Al Franken
“When most people think of a cruise that’s full of shit, they think of Carnival. But we think of Ted.” - Also Al Franken
“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody could convict you.” - Lindsey Graham
Graham has very likely reneged on that sentiment.
I’m not Racist but why would I vote for a BLACK MAN when there’s a Perfectly good Canadian who Hates his Wife and Kids that’s trying to Steal My Money and give it to the Rich?
He might have gotten his citizenship due to the circumstances of his birth and parentage, but I’m sure I speak for most Canadians when I say: He’s not our buddy, guy!
Don’t call me “guy,” buddy!
Well I ain’t your friend, buddy!
… it’s “Well I ain’t your buddy, friend.”
Don’t call me “guy,” buddy!
And the guy I was responding to got it wrong too, so I winged it…
I’d like to see his birth certificate anyway.
Absolutely! Would be just like that bunch of he was actually an illegal!
Don’t forget he hates his dog too, left man’s best friend in the cold while he took his little Cancun trip. has everything you need for the election. You can register to vote, check your voter registration, check your polling locations and hours, and see the important dates. Voter registration must be received by Oct 7.
Polls open Oct 21-Nov 1, with a final day to vote on Nov 5. Polls will be open at least 9 hours the first week and at least 12 hours the second week and final voting day. Go in the first 2 weeks and there won’t be a long line! I’ve never waited more than 10 minutes when voting the first two weeks.
I visit Texas kinda often and it’s crazy how many people just don’t bother to vote, because they’ve made it so hard to vote. Insanely long lines waiting in the heat, registration issues, and just a general feeling that their vote won’t matter. They are amazed that my state basically treats voting day like celebrating a holiday
I visit Texas kinda often and it’s crazy how many people just don’t bother to vote, because they’ve made it so hard to vote.
There’s that, but there’s also a lot of learned helplessness. People assume that the state will always be red, so they don’t vote, thereby ensuring the state stays red and reinforcing the learned helplessness and teaching it to new generations. It doesn’t help that vulnerable minorities are fleeing the state, for understandable reasons, naturally, but everyone who leaves is one less vote against the entrenched republican hegemony.
Much of Republican policy in the state is centered around preserving this hegemony for its own sake. If you look at Republican policy through that lens, it becomes clear that Republicans have identified which demographics are likely to vote for Democrats, and are deliberately implementing policies to incarcerate or drive off those demographics.
When that dam finally breaks, Republicans are gonna have a very hard time coming back from it. Not only at the state level, but at the national level. So if Allred wins, expect every possible dirty trick. Expect the Supreme Court to get involved.
Idk why people procrastinate and go the last day. Texas was the first state to allow early voting in person(1980). It’s been around long enought that everyone should know about it. The people I’ve talked to who don’t vote just come up with excuses about not voting and the voter apathy is really strong here. The idea that your vote doesn’t count also needs to go away, TX has been very close to turning blue for a while. In 2016, Hillary needed only 5% more of the registered voters to win TX, in 2020 Biden needed less than 4%. In fast in 2020, Biden won more votes in TX than NY and Trump won more votes in CA than TX. We are so close, people just need to look up their local polling place and get there. Some are even open on the weekends.
Edit: I’ve only waited in line once to vote, because I always vote in the first 2 weeks of voting and that was for less than 10 minutes. The long line excuse only works on the final day to vote with everyone procrastinating. The polls are typically open the same hours during the second week of voting as the last day, so there isn’t really any special reason to go on the last day.
I’m not going to hold my breath. But if this happens I will laugh for a minute straight.
I’m thinking a big chunk of the voter base just confused his name for being a Republican
“Vote all red!”
“Alright, going to vote Allred”
<places tin foil hat on head>
I believe that tedd cruz along with mitch mconnell and lindsey graham all cheated in their last win. All three were in what look like tight races but all three ended up winning by big-ish margins given the polling. I have no evidence other than a feeling but I just can’t shake that feeling is somehow not completely wrong.
<Removes tinfoil hat>
If any of my completely unfounded conspiracy is right then Allred ain’t going to win .
<places tin foil hat on>
As someone from Kentucky, I could’ve sworn that I saw reports coming out that the margin McConnell was winning by in some rural counties was higher than the ratio of registered Republicans to Democrats. Implying that a large swath of rural democrats were voting for McConnell. Now, I don’t claim to know every democrat in the state. However, every democrat I met hates the guy and a lot of republicans hold their nose voting for him.
Also as quickly as I saw those reports, they vanished. Myriad of reasons to explain things, but sure seems odd, right?
<Removes tinfoil>
I mean, I’m not saying it’s not possible, but it seems like this could happen by Democrats not turning out to vote as much as their Republican counterparts in those areas.
Okay, I’m glad you said you saw reports about that too. It’s where my conspiracy theory started, but then there hasn’t been anything since so I genuinely gas lighted myself.
Hell it could be that there wasn’t anything there to report on, but it did disappear quickly and quietly.
Well it’s not legally considered cheating if it’s gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering does not affect state wide elections.
It does when it depresses the turnout of people who think their votes won’t do shit.
It also enables fucking around with poll sites, like closing most of the drive-through poll sites in the most populated county in Texas right in the middle of a pandemic.
Believe it or not, McConnell is elected by popular vote in the state. Crazy, right?
Repubs and ES&S machines. They are committing election fraud. Lindsey committed election fraud calling Georgia, that one is public knowledge. There’s no way that’s the extent of what they’re doing.
I’ve heard this story before. It’s starting to feel like it’s the football that Lucy is holding while I run at to kick the game winning field goal.
I guess Charles Schultz just grew up in a different time, but I always wondered why Charlie Brown never snapped, and just beat the shit out of her. Not the first time she did that. That would be psycho behavior to just start beating the shit out of one of your friends for doing that ONCE…but Wendy has made a whole life reputation out of being the one who does this…EVERY…SINGLE…TIME.
So after like 10 times, I’m surprised Charlie Brown never went “Ok, you know what, come here, bitch…” and then the next day’s comic strip Wendy would have a black eye. Then, 30 years later, these youtube shows could do these low budget list videos
“Ten times sunday morning cartoons got really really dark!”
And at like number 3 would be the time Peanuts suggested that Charlie Brown punched Wendy.
And maybe like number 7 could be the time Dilbert got really biggoted towards his new trans co-worker.
And number 1 would be Jon from the Garfield comics going completely fucking insane, feeding his 12lb cat a 6lb dish of lasagna every week, talking to, and understanding his cat (but for some reason NOT his dog), and his batshit insane dating life stratagies such as hiding in womens bushes, and surprising them at work unannounced during work hours. Yes, these are all legit things I absolutely remember reading in real garfield cartoons in the 90s.
…yeah. Where the fuck am I getting Wendy from??? Even the previous message I was replying to said “Lucy”. God dammit brain. I’m going to need you to not get dementia just yet. I’m only 41…
Username checks out
Also I’m 53 and I forgot what I was replying to while typing it
Hay guys, I’m looking for the thread to talk about our love of Wendy’s hamburgers. Am I in the right place?
(Credit: SMBC)
Oh wow
Large scale societal change doesn’t happen overnight. You have to keep pushing, sometimes for decades.
I wouldn’t put it past Republicans to accidentally vote for him because of his name
There’s gotta be at least a few Republican men that tell their wives, “remember, vote all red down the ballot” resulting in a few votes for him.
Texas voter here. On October 21st, early voting begins. Vote.
deleted by creator
I really hope so! We have the people; we just need the votes!!
We can do more than just hope, we can help make it happen! Vote, get active, volunteer for texas democrats
I’m surprised that Turd Cruz has had the time to detach himself from Trump’s asshole to consider the fact that he might lose.
I’d love to see it, but he’s not going to lose.
I’ve already admitted several times that I don’t understand the world anymore. I USED to understand the world. I don’t understand the world now. First Georgia became a swing state? Now TEXAS???
I…I mean, I’ll take it, but…what?
Texas has more registered Democrats than Republicans, but they don’t vote in the same numbers. Largely due to voter suppression policies (like 1 ballot drop box per county).
Does texas not have early mail-in voting?
Only for certain people. However we were the first state to have early in-person voting!
Hillary only needed 5% more of the registered voters to win in 2016. Biden needed less than 4%. We just need people to turn out.
In 2020, Biden received more votes in TX than NY and Trump received more votes in CA than TX.
Texas was majority Democrat into the 90s. It’s an urban, diverse and reasonably prosperous state. If it wasn’t for Bush becoming president, we’d probably have reached this point a decade ago.
Please make that puffy sad sack go away.
Talking of going away, ted cruise is already en route to cancun as we speak