Let me?
In their (in)finite mercy.
Tux is my copilot, and never tries to be a back-seat driver.
Tux, take the wheel!
How gracious of them.
Finally, the Any key!
How nice of them…
Why Microsoft is so obsessed with the word “copilot”? There’s like 4 different things with the same name.
Missed opportunity to re-brand clippy
Good. Clippy doesn’t deserve to get treated like that.
Microsoft will definitely have the power to bulldoze all other things named copilot, like Facebook did to meta. I’m still not over AI being a lame word now. I miss the time when it felt sci-fi and not like a corporate buzzword.
I can’t believe this came before Samsung letting you reprogram your Bixby key.
Shit, even Apple lets you reprogram the Action Button, insofar as you can program anything on iOS (which isn’t nothing, Shortcuts scripting can be pretty detailed).
I used to have my car commands (AC, location, seat heaters, etc) on a shortcut. It was stacked shortcuts calling APIs and passing tokens and storing these for later use to reuse the same token.
I have an app that does that on my S8, but it’s definitely not official support.
All I care to know is what code it sends to the machine so I can submit a merge to Plasma to default that key to opening krunner.
What does the Key on its own do, what character does it send? Is it something standard or is it something custom?
standard, surprisingly enough, it’s essentially just a shortcut to the key combination ctrl+shift+f23. guess microsoft figured they couldn’t leave all the extra F keys unattended
Probably Ctrl + shift + win + alt + C, or something like that. The same modifiers + first letter of the program work for other services like word and linkedin
It’s something like win-ctrl-f23
(Despite the physical buttons having been missing for a long time on regular keyboards, there are still scancodes for f13-f24)
For what it’s worth too, the Windows “Powertoys” utilities have always been able to remap it.
by the small icon it must be opening the context menu at the currently focused place.
Now they just need to allow me to actually uninstall it…
why even make it in the first place? just use a keyboard shortcut or something.
So you know the built-in keyboard shortcut on Windows that opens LinkedIn? (IIRC it’s Ctrl+Alt+Win+Shift+L)
That’s because Microsoft sold keyboards for a while with “Office keys,” so you could hit Office+W for Word, Office+X for Excel, etc. All that key would do is send all those modifiers. There are plenty of unused modifier key codes they could use instead, but they did this.
I’m guessing this key works the same.
part of the reason could be that this way users will always see the copilot icon
I didn’t even know that was a thing…