Anyone wants to get some McDies with big fries? 🍟 🍔😏

  • ThePowerOfGeek
    1405 months ago

    Given his rapidly accelerating cognitive decline, I wouldn’t let him anywhere near a deep fryer. He’s liable to accidentally burn that restaurant down if he has another ‘dancing episode’ or something similar.

  • irotsoma
    1155 months ago

    He’ll take one basket out of a fryer and say he worked as a fry cook for the rest of the campaign. Make him do it for a single hour at a peak time without any help and see what happens. Bet he or someone there will end up in the hospital and no one will get any fries.

    715 months ago

    He won’t do a second debate release his medical records, or go on 60 Minutes, but he’ll stand in front of a fry cooker for a 20 minute photo op because he thinks Kamala Harris lied about… *checks notes* working at McDonalds? And what exactly does this prove? Is anybody really going to be fooled into believing that the dude born into wealth and living in a gilded tower will suddenly manifest some empathy for the common man’s plight by working one shift at a Mickey D’s?

      375 months ago

      I’d be surprised if he actually works a full shift. And either way, I guarantee there is no way he gets the average employee treatment. Aside from the bad press it would generate for them with all the cameras around, there is a real danger of hurting the fuhrer’s feelings and being put on his probably-not-so-metaphorical hit list.

        255 months ago

        I think I heard him say at one of his appearances that he’s going to work for 30 minutes, and then said it would be longer than Kamala ever worked there. So yeah, he’s never been planning on putting in a full shift.

        • Doom
          165 months ago

          Y’all he’s gonna just get photos and leave he’s not working in the slightest

          65 months ago

          I bet he didn’t even consult with the franchisee or mcdonalds corporate and is going to get told to fuck off when he shows up

      105 months ago

      Is anybody really going to be fooled into believing that the dude born into wealth and living in a gilded tower will suddenly manifest some empathy for the common man’s plight by working one shift at a Mickey D’s?

      Yes. Yes they will. Faux News and Newsmax will make sure of that. :(

    • Flying Squid
      55 months ago

      Apparently he thinks that showing McDonald’s work would be way too easy for Kamala Harris is an attack on her.

    5 months ago

    As a general rule, I’m against harassing food service employees. But if someone were to throw a shake at him, I think we could let it slide this one time

  • Scott
    5 months ago

    They hiring convicted felons now?

    • FuglyDuck
      205 months ago

      I kinda hope he decides to listen to music and sway while it bubbles over and causes a grease fire. Which he then tries to extinguish with water.

      Hope everyone knows where the exits are.

    • Flying Squid
      35 months ago

      Just sticks his face right in the boiling oil to try to start chowing down.

    385 months ago

    It’ll probably be more like standing next to the fryer with a teenager nearby to make sure he doesn’t fuck everything up.

    245 months ago

    Googling this, it seems like he’s trying to EMPHASIZE Harris working there when she was younger. If he actually does this, it will backfire spectacularly.

    If he says she’s lying about working there, it just looks like an insane conspiracy theory because it’s one of the most common jobs. It’s not like an impossible thing.

    If he tries to say it’s easy so no one should be impressed with her, he just insults every fast food worker in America.

    I think this is a really smart move if he never mentions Harris, it makes him look more down to Earth and humble which…he needs. If he’s doing it as a commentary on Harris, it’s going to backfire.

    • n1ckn4m3
      275 months ago

      If him standing up physically mocking and verbally mocking a disabled veteran didn’t backfire, I’m past the point of thinking anything he does at all will alienate a single member of his base.

    • Flying Squid
      145 months ago

      I can’t imagine what possible reason someone would have to lie about working at McDonald’s. I really can’t.

      15 months ago

      I can’t imagine he’d care about insulting every fast food work in the country, and all of his voters love to pick on them so I don’t see how that would even hurt him.

      15 months ago

      Best case scenario this is going to be “Vance ordering donuts” levels of kind of sad. It’s the easiest job in the restaurant, and he’ll do it kind of shitty for 10 minutes while people around him are putting in, transferring, and bagging fries. Then he’ll pretend he was a big help.

  • Optional
    145 months ago

    Oh god. I hope that goes as every law in the universe demands that it must go: horribly wrong.

    But it’ll probably be another law-breaking trump act with zero consequences.

  • Verdant Banana
    5 months ago

    Harris, for her part, continues to use her middle-class upbringing and time working at McDonald’s in advertisements and stump speeches as a contrast with Trump, who had his early career started at his father’s real estate company before growing to the billionaire he is today.

    this is fake solidarity

    no way that either of the two candidates have any idea of what working at a McDonald’s for less than a living wage and never being able to get anywhere feels like

    fuck Trump and fuck Harris and fuck their cake too

    • CubitOom
      205 months ago

      Agree, working at a McDonald’s today is not about the “work”. It’s about the pay and the ability to live the lifestyle that job would afford. Which is not something either candidate would ever experience, after todays wages, cost of living, and inflation is factored in.

      However, Harris probably has an idea of what that life would be like and has the ability to empathise. Where as Trump will just use the photo op as a way to get free McDonald’s

      I think one of the two most beneficial things that could be done for America would be to enact a proper living wage that is in line with inflation. Not only would that help the minimum wage workers but it would also increase tax revenue.

      However the best way to increase the tax revenue would be to tax the rich. Either way, Trump would definitely not do either.

    • Xyre
      155 months ago

      Didn’t she work at McDonald’s as a teenager? Presumably paid minimum wage?

        45 months ago

        I think the point GP was trying to make was that Harris didn’t rely on the McDonald’s wage to put food on the table

        5 months ago

        If I had to guess, it’s both because their comment can be read as them asserting that someone who worked at McDonald’s… doesn’t know what working at McDonald’s is like, and because they’re asserting that the there’s no realistic difference in life experience between the white male child of a corrupt multigagillionaire and the black-indian female child of a research oncologist and an economics professor.

        Were either of them poor growing up? No. Are there many steps between “poor” and “having a gold toilet” that a person can be at? Oh you betcha, and suggesting there isn’t is either myopic or intentionally deceptive.

        • Match!!
          85 months ago

          i am happy to include the child of divorced POC professors in the “poor” bracket

          65 months ago

          If you’ll allow an interpetation of their comment, it read to me as them saying Trump and Harris are similarly out of touch with the common workers.

          Harris even said that she only worked there for a summer to earn some extra pocket money, no one was relying on her income for housing or to be fed.

          It’s certainly a far cry from people working a fast food job as a second or third job to keep their kids fed, which I believe to be the people she’s trying to connect with, which I see as disingenuous.

          If it’s even true she worked there, I wouldn’t put it past a politician to lie about something like that to connect with common workers. Kinda like that republican who borrowed a family to take pictures.

          But for the sake of the discussion, let’s say it is true. A summer job is still not the same as the reality of wage slavery that many people are suffering through, which Harris did not.

            5 months ago

            If you’ll allow an interpetation of their comment

            How dare you offer a counter interpretation to my interpretation you terrible person (I wish I didn’t need to include this but /s, you are not a terrible person)

            Taken on it’s own that’s a fair and totally valid criticism, I think the pushback is just due to conflating the two experiences as equally out of touch. Anyone who is 59 and has had a steady white collar career is going to lack first-hand experience with the current minimum wage work life, but Harris is a great deal more likely to be able to at least accurately conceptualize and empathize with what it’s like vs. someone who’s never worked a day in their life and was given $419 million dollars by their father.

            Conflating the two as the same is the issue, not casting skepticism on the impact of Harris’ teen summer job on her understanding of the challenges facing modern American families, and that’s the reason they’re being downvoted (imo).

              25 months ago

              Ah gotcha. I didn’t see it as the two being equal in their levels of out of touchness. No discussion is required on Trump’s level of disconnection with the common person. Hopefully they’ll make him dig his grave with the golden spoon he was born with.

              Harris is certainly out of touch, and while not at the same level as Trump, she’s certainly closer to him than she is to us, despite whatever summer job she’s had.

    125 months ago

    Trump with a little headset waving his hands “trust me, it’s a big beautiful mac, the biggest mac, the Haitians hunted it”