I just can’t grasp how you could say shit like this and not immediately realize you are a bad person.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
They believe they are the good guys.
Apparently it used to be much more fashionable to punch people in the mouth. Buzz Aldrin,
american hero, comes to mind.Buzz Aldrin, douchebag, endorsed Trump.
Michael Collins was way cooler.
Well that is disappointing. Goddamn it Buzz.
In my heart I know that these children are in desperate need of love but my brain says they all need a good smack in the mouth.
smack in the mouth first, love after they admitted they were wrong and apologized. Let’s just no hold our breath on that second part though 🙄
I’m sure they’ll listen.
I feel I’m going to be saying this a lot… Women, repeat after me: “MAGA cut off. No pussy for 4-years.”
Nothing else, not even a pithy one-liner, nothing for them to grab onto or ague about, simply a hard NO. Can y’all please make this a real movement?
Wasn’t there a pair of warring African tribes where the women got together and told the men they were cut off until they made peace? May be misremembering a bit, but it worked, instantly.
EDIT: Looks to be more than one such story in Africa alone.
There was an ancient Greek play by Aristophanes.
Edit: someone needs to put this on without modernizing it. This sounds hilarious.
A Spartan herald then appears with a large burden (an erection) scarcely hidden inside his tunic and he requests to see the ruling council to arrange peace talks. The magistrate, now also sporting a prodigious burden, laughs at the herald’s embarrassing situation but agrees that peace talks should begin.
I read it in college. Went in thinking I would hate it. I was very wrong.
There is the 4B movement. I don’t know much about it, but I think it started in South Korea. Basically, women are swearing off men for…I don’t know how long.
Breed them out of existence.
This is correct but it’s delusional to think saying this to them would work. They need to be deeply afraid to express their opinions. They’re dug in and if this year taught us anything it’s that they aren’t convincible. The only realistic path forward is to make them fearful. Ridicule isn’t enough. They need to be afraid if they voice their opinions. Afraid for their reputations, afraid for their careers, and afraid for their very lives. If they aren’t afraid at that level then we’ll only sink farther. Them not getting laid isn’t nearly enough. They should live terrified that people will find out who they really are, and they must be afraid at the highest level.
EDIT: Reading this back I realize how this sounds, I’m NOT saying that anyone should take that kind of action, but when Sherman matched to the sea, that kind of fear was the goal and it briefly worked. Likewise after the civil rights movement. It’s nothing more than the tolerance paradox.
Yeah, right-wing cretins have no shame in the sense of being able to be embarrassed by logical conclusions or contradictions. This comic is really only meant (or at least shared by me) as a kind of commiseration between non-fascists.
So accurate!
Arm yourself women. Be ready to kill to protect yourselves!
I’m already armed and thanks to only coming out about 6 years ago I was taught how to shoot as part of a “father-son bonding activity” So thanks dad, you may be a transphobic ass but you still taught me how to shoot, and I’m grateful for that, even though you regret it.
We’re going to need an underground railroad for women in this situation. Otherwise, they are going to start executing women who have killed in the name of self-defense.
Arm yourself
women.Be ready to kill to protect yourselves!Applies to anyone in a, let’s say, at risk group of people
This slogan sounds so much like a parody on Rightist ideology that despite all evidence I’m still struggling to believe it’s an actual Rightist slogan
Since 2020, they’ve gone mask off.
So that whole anti-masking thing was also metaphoric?
So sad the younger generation had to be exposed to this type of rhetoric. When I first read the slogan that’s exactly what I thought… There are a complete lack of social skills Make them parrot some losers slogan.
Imagine voting for an orange man because you can’t get laid and can’t keep a wife. Being a republican man means being unable to find a wife, have sex, have kids, have a relationship, and being unfathomably gullible.
The funny part is Trump is going to import the very people that make white republican men uncomfortable. Interracial relationships are about to explode and white incels are going to lose their minds.
Vance isn’t getting you an Indian wife and Trump isn’t making anime real.
This needs to be a national thing.
“Make conservatives incels again!” but for real this time.
Not all conservative are incels but all incels are conservative.
There are enough right wing women to keep this true.
Protecting those women from violence is the hard part. Women googling “can my husband tell who i voted for” saw an uptick leading into the election. Not sure there are any good solutions or outcomes given the typical attitude of law enforcement likely to side with conservative men.
Nah, they dont give a shit about logic, they only know “own the libs!”.
Just call them weird. That’ll work, right?
The Harris campaign dropped that after the first month, even though it seemed to be the only thing that got under Trump and Vance’s skin.
They got Geoff Garin, former Clinton campaign co-chief strategist, who told them to drop “We’re not going back” - not forward looking enough (they didn’t) and drop “weird” - too negative (they did).
Wow that makes so much sense and now I know who to be mad at. Kamala had so much steam until shortly after announcing Walz and then I just felt like they really fell into the background. And trump is never truly in jist the background, he makes the media too much money
I think there’s plenty of people to be mad at, more than enough blame to go around.
Biden could have chosen to be the transitionary president he “signaled” that he’d be by stepping out of the race 6-12 months earlier, and allowing for a full primary season for democrats to rally around a candidate and a platform.
The Harris campaign could have rejected the failed 2016 strategy of courting moderate republican at the expense of blue collar democrats, rather than champion the Cheney family endorsement, in spite internal protests.
I’m not willing to scapegoat just one person for this loss, this was the whole damn team. The DNC needs to realize that people vote when they’re excited to vote. That whether they’re door knocking or just talking to their friends, the base is going to get those low propensity voters out if they’re bragging about some great thing democrats will do. And it’s a lot easier when that thing is healthcare or amnesty (Obama), rather than small business tax cuts and a republican bill on the border.
The 4B movement is going to rise until the problem gets resolved.
And I am all for it. You go queens!
And yet y’all can’t say “cock?”
Oh, that astrix is obscuring a much fouler word, but you are a bit too young to learn it yet. We will tell you when you’re older.
edit: tough crowd
… cuck?
A self-cuckblocking slogan?
As in, the person saying the phrase is preventing themself from being or becoming a cuck, preventing themself from… having a woman cheat on them whilst knowing about it?
Sorry, no, there is no “super hidden extra curse word”. It’s obviously “self-cockblocking”. I was just making a bad joke.
Your ‘joke’ then was lying about something having a hidden meaning simply to seem patronizing, to gaslight and infantilize?
Seriously, walk me through this, I don’t even see how that is a bad joke, it isn’t a joke at all, it’s just an insulting lie.
Shut the fuck up nerd.
Well, I thought it was so obviously “self-cockblocking” that it would be apparent there was no “super secret hidden extra curse word”. Given that, I didn’t think it would come across as patronizing, infantalizing, or as gaslighting, but instead as just a bit silly. Since you know, there really is no other word that makes sense, so the “lie” would be abundantly apparent and as such no insult could be taken.
To add on to that, “we will tell you when you’re older” is just what people say when they don’t want to explain an obscene word or concept, which fit well with the idea that this fictional word was “unfit for polite discussion”.
So with all that in mind. Since OP rightly pointed out that “cock” really isn’t worth censoring, I felt it would play on the readers expectations that, if cock wasn’t worth it, there must be some worse hidden word that justified the astrix!
And we could all laugh,
“oh ho ho! They are using the super secret hidden curse word that must never be spoken!”
we’d say.Comfortable in the knowledge that in reality it was just a bit of overly cautious censoring of cock… And we would all have a good chuckle.
I’m really not great at jokes and I’m sorry if this one made anyone feel patronized, gaslit, or infatalized.
Edit: if I had a do over, I’d say:
Oh, that’s not cock… Nobody would censor cock… That must be! gasp… No, nevermind, I dare not say it, it is forbidden.
I got your joke and enjoyed it. If I’d gotten here sooner, I would’ve explained that it’s the social curse word you’re only allowed to know if you’re old enough.