It’s supposed to be that insurance converts inherent risk into a predictable cost, but health insurance is not really doing that. The costs remain unpredictable.
The costs remain unpredictable.
I wholly disagree. I predict that the costs will be unnecessarily high.
Insurance must be the only industry that actively tries not to deliver the service that its customers pay them for.
well there’s the whole telecom industry too
And car insurance. And wall street. And Google with Pixel Pass. Actually I think capitalism just fails to deliver in general.
their profits only exist when human beings are denied care. humans have to suffer for that stock price.
Insurance is, at its core, a reasonable halfway measure towards public control of a critical resource. If you need something only very rarely, but it’s something that needs to exist ALL THE TIME just in case, insurance allows you to pool your resources with other people in the same boat and afford to keep an industry around just in case. Somebody will always be using it right now, and it’ll be there when you need it, because you paid into the pool.
The problem is, as always, the insertion of capitalism into the solution. If someone has to profit from this set of relationships, the motivation to provide the resource is in competition with the motivation to extract more profit. This is what happened to healthcare.
Insurance is only a halfway measure because we already have an organization capable of managing common resources that individuals use only rarely but which the public needs all the time: that organization is the government, or the governments at various levels. We manage lots of things this way: fixing roads, stopping houses from burning down, pulling people out of floodwaters, that kind of thing. You don’t need it all the time, but it’s there when you need it because you’re paying taxes to a government that has no profit motive from it. Insurance should only ever have existed temporarily while government infrastructure was debated and organized, but the for-profit industry managed to capture enough of the government to keep itself alive indefinitely.
In short, insurance isn’t inherently bad, just not meant to be a permanent fix. Capitalism is bad.
Private insurance should only exist for things that are both a) completely optional, and b) not inevitable (so… evitable?).
Auto insurance? Well, if it’s the law to have it, why is a private company involved whose sole model is to collect money and deny payments?
Health insurance? Well, it’s optional, but you will absolutely need to pay for Healthcare at some point (or you die early). Why, again, should we put an institution in charge whose sole purpose is to make the average person pay more than they get out of it?
Famous athlete leg insurance? High value possession insurance? Have at it, private insurance.
My ex suffers seizures. After years of bad doctors, he managed to see a neurological specialist who helped him manage his issues. His doctor informed his insurance that treatment was working and his symptoms had regressed - he even managed to earn his driver license back. His insurance took that as “he’s better now” and kicked him off. They sent him a bill for thousands of dollars that he had to pay before he could try to get back on his plan. He wasn’t able to afford his medication, nor his therapy, and his symptoms came back swinging. I still have a photo of his rejection letter somewhere that I keep as a reminder of how backwards and awful the insurance system is.