Some sort of camp to help ADHD folks work on their concentration?
Laughed too hard at this. It’s a Focus Group!!!
call it a focus village or soemthing
I imagine a terrible, awful future Forest Gump remake.
“They had these camps that helped folks with their concentration or something like that. They said I was a shine-ning example, so I got to meet the president of the United States, again.”
“They tell me this guy is the best example. Got treated, got rich in shrimp. What a guy! Our camps are great, the best camps in all the world.”
Camera pans to Trump shaking hands with Kim Jong Un.
“In Korea, everybody got these pic-tures of their leader on the wall. We got those in Alabama too.”
I fucking HATE these clickbait headlines. Read the dang article and look at the quotes:
“I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it— to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities,” he said during the broadcast. (emphasis added)
RFK is a total whackjob, but it’s pretty clear he’s talking about some kind of voluntary “farm therapy” (which probably isn’t demonstrably effective anyway) and not a concentration camp.
PLEASE we got enough bombastic language and clickbait over the Biden years. There are PLENTY of things wrong with the actual quote above without taking us into clickbait territory.
Let’s criticize him on the grounds of being scientific but proposing very un-scientific actions. Let’s criticize him for proposing ineffective solutions, but please, focus on his ACTUAL statement instead of trying to fluff it into some goddamn headline.
deleted by creator
Stop fucking sane washing him
You’ll notice I called him a “total whackjob”. I do not say he is sane. However, I wish to criticize what he ACTUALLY said instead of some bombastic caricature of his plan. In no way do I support or endorse RFK, but let’s be accurate with our criticism.
Focus on the topic at hand. Making up all these statements will just make people roll their eyes when or if it actually happens. Don’t be the boy who cried wolf.
deleted by creator
Can you link a source for this?
I have a neurodivergent kid and haven’t heard anything about this. Do you have any sources?
Very well put. I have ‘outrage fatigue’ from the past couple of years. Since RFK and Trump have so many dubious plans and statements, can’t we find enough problems with what they have ACTUALLY said instead of having to catastrophize about the subtext of their words?
Time to add to my block list. What a useless rag.
100% They are part of the death of journalism. Inaccurate, hyped headlines that disagree with the body of the article. Designed to get “engagement” and not to inform. Fuck them.
I’ve never seen a futurist community online that isn’t just an attention-span-bankrupt group of headline-whores and hype-addicts, desperately trying to escape reality by embracing futurist ideas and sensational new stories without critical thought.
can we report this sort of thing here? downvoting has never worked.
Lemmy needs a few more things, like reporting and time sort etc
Voluntary, as in NYPD saying you’ll be arrested if you don’t voluntarily go into their overcrowded bedbug homeless shelter?
This is not as benign as you think. RFK already thinks vaccines annd prescribed meds are child abuse.
You clearly have not read the history of Nazi era labor camps. They had very nice sounding propaganda for Germans to believe too.
Don’t kid yourself. They mean forced labor camps.
I have read the history of Nazi era labor camps. I do not believe every outcome that occurred in Nazi Germany will occur here. Since neither Trump, nor RFK, is in charge yet, you and I can only conjecture about what they will do once they are in charge. I prefer to restrict my criticism to their stated plans instead of these hyperbolic statements, but you do you.
I guess under the same reasoning that this will be Nazi Germany, we will also be doing a land invasion of Mexico and/or Canada for more “living space”. If you don’t believe that to be true, then the best I can say is we will have a partial overlap with Nazi Germany. Assuming you do not believe there will be a land-invasion of our closest neighboring countries, can you explain what parts of Nazi Germany I can expect and what I cannot?
So far, I understand your reasoning to be that Trump and Co. have identical goals to Nazi Germany. I am curious how this meshes with Trump’s broad support of Israel, which would probably be in conflict with the antisemitism of Nazi Germany.
They’ve told us what they plan to do. Believe them.
Sorry, let me ask more directly. The aims of Trump are exactly the same as Hitler? If no, why are we talking about Nazi-era death camps?
The difference between you and I is that I am reading the actual words from these fellows (who I don’t like very much anyway) to try to determine their stated goals and you seem to just be saying “TRUMP = NAZI”.
We all benefit from having an accurate picture of the country next year. You seem to say it’s Nazi Germany. Is it, or is it not?
They said they plan to make large scale detention camps to hold and deport up to 18 to 20 million undocumented immigrants. This is exactly what the Nazis said they would do to their target groups as well. It was only after deporting such a large mass of people became logistically impossible that they resorted to mass death camps. That is, if you believe their Nuremberg testimony.
They said they plan to make large scale detention camps to hold and deport up to 18 to 20 million undocumented immigrants.
The original thread was talking about users of Adderall and other prescription drugs. Are you saying that the plan will be to send Adderall / prescription drug users and undocumented immigrants to the same labor camps?
I’m saying they’re expanding the list of who they wish to detain. Just like the Nazis did.
I don’t believe your questions are asked in good faith.
I get what you’re saying, but would people in germany in 1932 have been able to predict what was going to happen in between 1934-9?
What I am saying is that people are extrapolating that Trump will have death camps soon because that’s what Nazi Germany did. Since Trump breaks with Nazi Germany in many ways (such as he advocates for friendly relations with the Jewish state, Israel), we can say as a matter of fact that he has policy differences from Nazi Germany.
If Trump’s behavior differs from Nazi Germany, then it does not follow that he will establish death camps.
I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the Nazi analogy with Trump. I will agree that he shows some authoritarian tendencies, but philosophically they have some critical differences:
“The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness.”
Adolf Hitler
“America is a land of opportunity, not a place where divisions are created based on race, religion, or background.”
Donald Trump
“Germany will either be a world power or will not be at all.”
Adolf Hitler
“Great nations do not fight endless wars.”
Donald Trump
Those are quotes directly from the two of them and I would say they differ very much in their views of Democracy and the role of warfare in the modern world.
Trump is such an absolute disaster that you can easily find things to criticize him on without the flawed equivocation to one of the worst dictators of the 20th century:
- Multiple Bankruptcies
- Business Practices: (Trump University was sued for fraud and settled for $25 million in 2016 without admitting wrongdoing)
- Tax Avoidance
- Impeachments
- Election Misinformation
- Environmental Rollbacks (such as withdrawing from the Paris Accord)
Stating the above is far more factual and accurate than a crude equivocation to Nazi Germany. Given the above, I can say it’s pretty likely we can expect more of the same in his next presidential tour, such as further environmental rollbacks. Despite my distaste for the man, I cannot envision him starting death camps and exterminating people, or starting land invasions to expand the US, which is what Nazi Germany would do.
All of the above is quite a bit longer than “TRUMP = NAZI”, but I believe speaking in detail about the specific mistakes Trump made (or will make) lets us have a more productive conversation about how to deal with them and may also enable us to contrast his approach to whomever seeks election in the US in 2028.
We’ve had enough pointless name calling in the US in the past couple of years. Let’s elevate the discussion and hopefully we will be a better nation in the wake of Trump’s reign.
Why pick two of his better quotes to make your point? It just make your argument look weak.
What about the constant resist dog whistling? The “eating the dogs” stuff? The wearing proud boys colours?
Although these wellness farms might seem like a worthwhile idea on paper, there are plenty of ways these kinds of systems could be rife with abuse. It’s also unclear how different they would really be from the rehabilitation facilities that already exist across the country, and RFK’s claims that most of the issues come down to not eating organic food also don’t seem to be based on hard science.
Means well but it sounds here like they’ll be volunteering at a farm for 3-4 uears, wasting their time
Oh yeah… “volunteering.”
And for “as much time as they need.”
Doesn’t seem ominous at all from a guy with a brainworm in a government that’s being jizzed on by the whole for-profit-prison industry. I’m sure they’ll have no interest in these “wellness farms”.
Arbeit macht frei.
First thing that came to mind reading the headline
Sure, totally voluntary. With barbed wire, guards, prison gangs, and court orders. Just like the reform schools for teenagers.
You should go write for
This is exactly how the marketing for reform schools looks. They show pictures of happy kids doing fun things. And in reality they just torture kids into obedience.
Who decides if they need it ?
According to the RFK quote above, the person themselves. According to a lot of the posters in this thread: Republican Death Squads.
Assuming this is government funded, I’d be more than happy to spend a couple of years at such a place. I need to take a break from reality and not worry about bills for a bit.
Some additional context: RFK proposed these farms will be funded by sales tax on cannabis products. Whether you consider that government funded or not is up to you.
I don’t care so long as food and shelter are provided, and I don’t have to pay for it.
Reading the actual quote makes it sound a lot WORSE.
Less like “farm therapy” and more like:
I actually like the idea, if they fund it.
I could go away for a year no questions asked.Assuming it is implemented as RFK says, I agree. I can see some people choosing to take some time on a farm to try to address their drug addictions.
Since neither Trump (nor RFK) have a track record of delivering, I will believe it when I see it. If people in the USA wrestling with drug addiction had a choice to work at a wellness farm it seems like a positive development to me. Since Team Trump is big on words and short on action, I won’t give them the benefit of the doubt here. I suspect it’s just another entry in the long list of stuff they talk about and then don’t actually do.
from the description it sounds like public healthcare, rehab. yea, it sounds good
People want excitement more than they want truth.
This is why Trump was elected again.
MAGAs are not some strange species of subhuman. They’re humans like us, genetically identical almost, same with nazis and Jim Jones cultists and everyone else who has ever done anything inexplicable. They have the same vulnerabilities and the same biases and the same reactions. If they’re dumber, then the stories their brains will tell them to explain their feelings will also be dumber, but your brain does the same thing every time you feel a thing.
We’re all going to have to confront this unpleasant fact about just how much free-will we actually have in the coming decade as more and more of reality becomes compromised in our daily scrolling rituals, as more bots and scammers and influencers become far more sophisticated and intelligent in their schemes.
I hope that after some period of hardship and confusion we all look at information in a different way, as the internet becomes consumed by the AI slop engine and nobody can prove what’s real anymore and anyone can manipulate anyone else’s image and voice perfectly and we all have to embrace new attitudes towards ourselves and our ego.
People want excitement more than they want truth.
This isn’t what I want. I believe I am the minority opinion now.
We’re all subhuman because humanity is a myth we invented for ourselves. We’re still just dumb fucking apes, slinging our shit at apes that look different and mimicking the apes we think look like us. As a species we won’t grow or reflect upon anything. We’re just trying to filter out our civilization.
“Voluntary”… In the same way that gay conversion therapy is voluntary, or the same way those kid murdering behavioral farms are voluntary.
I got into great shape mentally and physically with a limited diet and constant farm chores. Of course, I was alone and not surrounded by brain worms piloting human hosts so maybe that was what worked.
“I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities,” he said during the broadcast.
Isn’t it neat how he mixes in prescribed medical treatments? Neato.
Uh yeah, no.
I once thought it might be an idea to try and back off from 100mg sertraline to 50mg sertraline and on day two I wanted to strangle people. You can take my SSRIs from my cold dead hands.
Yeah, I’m on 300mg sertraline daily, and I sometimes have trouble getting my prescription filled (understandable, it’s a way bigger dose than usual)
But if I’m not on it, the suicidal thoughts usually start on day 3
So if they were to take my SSRIs, I would quickly be killed by my own cold, dead hands
I’m going to try and write on my brain to turn those thoughts entirely on the people who decided I shouldn’t get my meds anymore.
How are you going to kill yourself with your own cold dead hands? That implies you’re already dead. I guess you could chop them off and strangely yourself with them. That’d be pretty gruesome, but you do you I guess.
New level of “the stranger” achieved. Your own severed dead hand.
“Have you tried going outside and snapping out of it?”
-RFK Jr., probably
So school shootings are a mental health problem, so he wants to do the opposite of help. Goddamn, make these people make sense.
“Have you tried going outside and snapping out of it?”
He should let the brain worm get some sunlight.
Yeah, getting on and off medications is no easy task sometimes. And we already have mental health facilities you can go to for med adjustments. It’s just not free.
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. On my current dose, I’m pretty good. Less? I very quickly go back to the state that brought me to where I needed to get on this medication. I am much better off staying on this dose until the end of my days, and frankly, so is everyone who has to interact with me.
That said, “not being free” made it so that I couldn’t stay on meds when I was in my twenties. The several other obstacles I dealt with over the decades mostly had to do with insurance that I had.
That’s fair, if you need the meds, you need the meds.
Also, “get reparented” is some very sinister cult programming (ie brain washing) language…
Also extremely “these people should not be treated as having the legal autonomy of adults” vibes
It’s all the same when you believe in conspiracy theories, are not a Dr., and had a brain worm die in your head.
Also, how in the hell do we not have at least a medical degree as the very 1st requirement for a position that controls/shapes medical care for the country?!
… to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it — to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities …
Is this paid time/leave? Who does he envision paying for his “wellness farms”? Or is this him envisioning everyone creating some commune farm where everyone is eating mushrooms and killing bears?
does that include his new bosses?
gonna need at least four years to get them all cleaned up and ‘reconnected with communities’.
and we better lock 'em all up just to make sure we don’t miss a straggler or two.
I sure hope there will be people there that know what they’re doing. Benzo withdrawal is no joke and can lead to seizures.
So his solution to ADHD is a concentration camp?
Sure, that way they can learn to concentrate.
That’s what trump said to the ICC when they issued a public statement in 2025 about criminalizing mental illness
And a tax on cannabis sales would fund these farms, he proposed.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but… is he really suggesting a federal tax on a federally illegal substance?
You hope he is just being clever and indirectly talking about legalizing cannabis, but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
but you know that in reality he is just so incompetent that he has no idea what he is talking about.
The reality is he’s very well educated and an overall intelligent person. His views are pure malice, not stupidity. Don’t be a dunce and underestimate him
He may be well educated, but he’s dumb as fuck.
Dude thinks the guy who stares at eclipses and changes hurricanes with a sharpie is smart lmfao. Wow
To be fair, they’re not talking about Trump, but RFK Jr.
They think the guy who straps a whale head to the top of his car and drives home with it is smart.
He also thought COVID was engineered to not hurt Asians and only Ashkenazi Jews. I’m not sure what kind of education these rich brats get but it definitely doesn’t make them smart.
Correct me if I’m wrong but are you pretending you don’t know the war on drugs to be utter bullshit that’s damaging society?
The war on drugs is bullshit, but the fact is that the US government still considers it a schedule 1 drug. My point is that they shouldn’t be able to tax it while still pretending that it should be illegal.
Well no the hypocrisy shouldn’t exist, that I agree with.
But I’d rather have taxation from cannabis while enduring the annoying hypocrisy rather than not have taxed cannabis and still listen to the hypocrisy.
The legal situation in the US is kinda weird. You can go to a legal shop to buy legal weed and when you walk out a federal agent might arrest you.
Well, yeah? Tax stamps have pretty much always been required, and yes, on illegal weed.
A lot of Americans have to pass a drug test to get a new job. Perhaps RFK would like if we applied this reasoning to Trump’s whole cabinet?
They’re skipping the FBI checks. Safe to say there will be no drug tests.
There was reports on how the white house apothecary was pushing a lot of prescription drugs during his last presidency, so I’ll expect RFK to jail all of those.
So they’re just already saying the “camps” part out loud, eh? I guess when you have Hitler’s playbook, you can move faster than Hitler did.
Is he not aware that the fascist pumpkin he will be working for pops those like breath mints?? Please do send that rapist con man to a labor camp.
Yes I am sure not being hypocrites is high on their list of concerns
Internal consistency was never their strong point.
Being Human was never their strong point. :)
The death cultists: It only counts if you have a prescription.
As a minority with ADHD I guess I’m fucked.
Summer Camp 2025 here we come! /s
Wait, which minority? Because you might get “accidentally” deported before you get sent to a “wellness farm”.
Nothing to see here, just politics as usual, the liberals are just trying to scare everyone. /s
They pay your mortgage and buy your kids food while you’re there?
Next you’re gonna assume they don’t send a bill when you’re done
This is part of some rural grift facilities which probably started with “trouble teens”. In recent years I’ve seen reports of these “farms” for “distressed” women. It’s usually a place with Ranch in the name. Example:
Permaculture farms, for example, are already well known for relying on abusive work conditions. See Joel Salatin:
Are these the same people that abduct teens at night and bring them to these camps where they die of dehydration?
Those are more like wilderness survival training, except nobody in charge has any wilderness survival training of their own.
He mentioned SSRIs in the article. Now I’m imagining a bunch of PTSD infantry combat vets laughing their ass off at the instructor.
Yeah, I already started weaning myself off my depression meds. Went cold turkey once, and that was a nightmare. They’re planning to kill the VA, so fuck our service. I’m never getting cut off again. I’ll switch to natural alternatives, thank you.
Probably still easy to get from Mexico. Your mental health is important and shits about to get a whole lot more depressing
True, and I’ll consider that for certain things, but I’m not taking that particular risk again. Mental health is nothing to toy with, and cold turkey is not an option. I can function generally depressed, no problem. I can’t risk memory lapses and emotional whatever the fuck those were.
When was this written???
Jul 25
At 3:48 edt
During a national holiday called Sharon Adarlo
From the looks of things, 20 minutes into the future.
Phew, glad my psychiatrist prescribed me Ritalin.
Definitely safe