The video equipment in our meeting rooms in office automatically count, zoom in on everyone and cut out a frame so you can see each individual. Great for introverts.
Thanks I hate it
I always put Magic Tape™ over my camera. When you turn it on you get a blurry image as if you were looking through a frosted window. You can make a show of wiping it and tell them that the lense must be damaged. Worst case scenario you get shipped a webcam or a new laptop. Unlikely though. Just remember to remove the tape before returning the computer.
Suit psychology is so different from tech workers. they don’t understand why tech workers don’t want to live stream their private working area and tech workers don’t understand why suits are obsessed with looking at people in meetings
Why are suits obsessed with looking at people in meetings?
When dealing in non technical meetings, visual communication is important in establishing rapport and as an OOB communication channel. And in their heads, suits are never in a technical meeting, even when they are in one.
I would say in most contexts leadership, the emotions you transmit visually are baggage that gets in the way of rational decisions.
Luckily asking that is almost illegal in Finland. Most don’t even have profile pics.
What? Why? is showing up to work also illegal?
This is my people waiting for a bus.
Holy shit. Do you ever talk to each other? Or that is too much interaction?
The building is a part of a police academy.
How is this relevant? I’m not trying to be combative, I’d really like some insight on your thought process.
There is a good chance these people are gonna be civil servants, whos job is to be among the people and interact.
For work…? I’m sorry I don’t understand
Can you see these people turning on the camera by default?
If all humans where this adorable in video calls, I would like them even more! 💜
The only good part of calls is when someone’s pet gets into frame. It’s usually cats bc they can jump into desks, but sometimes someone will pick their dog up for us.
They think I’m not paying attention when I look at the other monitor. Video calls are second screen content.
Change your lens/focal length
Enough schnozz there for everyone to boop
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When I got a MacBook from work, I went and bought a webcam as well, and chose a 'just adequate ’ 720p webcam that served the purpose without showing every pore on my face in super high resolution. It was just adequate, and I was very happy.
this funny meme also spicy meme
I got a petty good webcam for about $20 a while back. Set it up higher than my head and sit some good 30-40 cm (~15 American thumbs) from it. The image is just SO much better than the crappy integrated laptop webcam, it’s not even a comparison.