WP8 still has the most responsive and fluid UI I’ve used on a phone.
No, i can’t unsee the face hugger
Growing up:
The frog looks cool af
Wife is out for the evening, so I’m having a couple of beers, doing laundry and playing Baldurs Gate 3.
Nah, go for the chu-hi on the left.
The video equipment in our meeting rooms in office automatically count, zoom in on everyone and cut out a frame so you can see each individual. Great for introverts.
Oh it’s fine :) I was wondering if I had misread the op when I saw all the Taittsuu comments…
It was ツイッター and later corrected. Now I’m going to check out Taittsuu 😎
That’s not “taittsu”, it read tsuittaa = twitter
Edit: apparently katakana had a typo, the correct was indeed Taittsu.
Village people intensifies
Haha, last big title to be ported to the Switch, isn’t it. Now I’m off to go listen to the ost.
Same in Swedish! “dubbel v”
Idol in my ass
Just wanted to add that tea with black beans, red beans, roasted barley, roasted rice etc are common in Japan. I assume Taiwan has the same, judging from the drinks posted above (the label even says the Japanese name in roman letters).
Same, I was wondering how WB would shut down a Nintendo-owned developer…