I had another day where i just kind of Wanted to take things easy, so i booted up minecraft Wii U edition after discovering i had a ROM backup on my external SSD. So i fired it up in Cemu along with the latest version and booted into a survival world how i would when i was younger. Easy mode, bonus chest, and the Gamma cranked way up to max. If i really wanted to be true to when i was younger i would have played Xbox 360 edition and played a older version, but sadly none of those were accessible to me, so i played with what i had on hand.

I ended up building this cozy little shack to live in, then i went on the hunt for sheep and found my 3 victims. Returning home with the wool in hand i got nice nights rest in my bed. Not before watching the sunset though.

After that i went to harvest some cobblestone and gave my house a nice little cobble trim:

It was by this point i realized i had committed the terrible crime of forgetting to open my map. So i did that

By this point it started getting late for me, so i decided i wanted to get some iron before logging off. I set off towards the hills, I entered my first cave and ran into my first mob:

It blew up in my face, but shortly after i managed to return home with my iron, before logging off.

  • gl4d10
    84 months ago

    i love these posts, this hits extra hard for me, i’ll never forget the day i saw some weird blocky game on a forum, downloaded it to show all my friends 'cause it just felt so open and infinite, i never knew to make a house, the mobs spawned and i’d die every night, but i could feel that something was out there in this blocky world, and all these years later there actually is so much more to this game, but it will never have that mystery potential that it did to me back then despite the fact that it is actually so much more expansive now, thank you for letting me remember that feel, appreciating you and the posts

    • Silverchase
      44 months ago

      My friend kept pestering me to try the game in 2009. The first thing I did in Alpha was die in overworld lava.

      • MyNameIsAtticusOP
        14 months ago

        I remember my first death vividly. I glitched out and lost my diamond sword after getting shoved into lava by a zombie while mining

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      24 months ago

      That’s definitely is a sentiment I share with the feeling of mystery it had. I remember me and my Sister would spend hours trying to summon Herobrine or summon the Wither before it was added to console edition. It’s something that’s hard to recapture now I feel like, especially because the game’s inner workings have been explained. That’s not to say modern Minecraft sucks, but I do miss those feelings of mystery with it.

  • @Nikls94@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Pro tip:

    A 50:50 mixture of Isopropyl Alcohol and destilled water burns extremely cold.

    Soaking a wooden sword in it and lighting it would result in a wooden sword with fire enchantment. It would not burn the wood itself. You can even soak a cloak in it - it does not harm the cloak one bit!

    Edit: this is for all those, who wanted a burning wooden sword in Minecraft. I know I wanted one.

    Edit2: better explanation.

    • andrew_bidlaw
      24 months ago

      Is it by any chance a mixture fire show artists use during festivals and events?

  • @toynbee@lemmy.world
    64 months ago

    Previously, I have not commented on your posts, but I appreciate them. You have your imitators and they have some good stuff, but so far as I can tell, you’re their progenitor. Thank you for your Lemmy contributions.

    Obviously this comment doesn’t add much to the conversation, but it’s my 1337th comment, so I wanted it to be a joyful one … And currently every other post on my feed is depressing or at least highly contentious, so I would appreciate you for being the exception even if I didn’t enjoy your content.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      24 months ago

      Thank you for the appreciation. I enjoy sharing these screenshots with people, it’s something I look forward too everyday. I feel like it offers a nice variety and it makes me happy seeing what people have to say about the games in the comments.

  • asudox
    24 months ago

    Brings back memories when I used to play Minecraft on my PS4.

    Goddam, I really miss those tutorial maps. Anywhere I can find them and play them in Minecraft Java?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      24 months ago

      I downloaded a few off the wiki a few years ago irc. The chests were all busted, but the blocks were all the same