“had to do it to 'em”
it’s like a 4d pun or smth
“had to do it to 'em”
Spaced from Simon Pegg and Friends is probably the series i have rewatched the most, was just going to watch it again this week with a friend, it’s been a couple years, but it always is good
what if i internalize it tho?
mhweewee sheaooo ohn honky tonk?
i completely agree, i just dislike the flavour of protein in general, it’s hard to find things that i like and maybe a lot of vegan options just don’t hide the bean taste enough for me either, the most processed meat has always been the most edible to me and i love a lot of vegan processed options as well, but when faced with the $2 sausages or the $7 sausages, it shouldn’t be expected to be the easiest choice for a shopper to make imo, i love anyone willing to take up that front for sure, but it’s funny just how willing some people seem to be to alienate people entirely from something that could only grow the gateway into the movement
i only eat so much quinoa and soba because it’s quicker to eat and doesn’t taste like meat or beans which are both honestly pretty good if they’re done right, but i don’t have the time or money, i look forward to the days of cheaper vegan options but we’re still a ways off and i splurge just whenever i can
also, if someone ever comes out with a vegan lil’ smokies (not a bbq carrot), and if someone remembers this post, pls msg me cause i would actually pay up to $12 a pack to fund the mission for something good and gross and easy like that for a litl potluck or even just for me with some mustard and pillsbury crescents -_-
da 2’s gameplay is not the best for sure, i think even inquistion might have been a bit more fun to play, but in terms of the story, look i may have just been really high, but i have never cried actual tears like that twice, like the end and then the dlc, idk but i really felt connected to my hawke more than any other character except well, my city elf from origins, origins is def the best of the three hands down, but da:kirkwall had an excellent story that i understand why people didn’t like twist there, but it just felt so right for the story i played, i loved it
bold of you to assume that i have the means to self-administer, if one doesn’t have the means are they just not worthy of peace? or do they have to risk someone going to jail for murder for assisting?
hidradenitis suppurativa
edit: i read wrong, that’s uncured, i could imagine that along with what you mentioned, a lot are likely nutrition-based, treatments have gotten better for a lot of things, outlooks and lifespans for certain genetic conditions, but off the top of my head i can’t think of anything that has a “cure” that’s not viral or environmental
paint me like one of your maiar
the other big thing is that for most with chronic illnesses, the public isn’t looking, nor do they care, if i had the money, i would try anything, but i hardly leave my house and i can’t afford to work, so i’ll take whatever my insurance covers even if that ininofitself decreases my lifespan and causes me pain, hey actually, you just reminded me of a cure that “the public” doesn’t talk much about, when will euthanasia be legal? oh but that also is an abrupt end to a condition that could still be squeezed for profit, do you know your audience?
i love these posts, this hits extra hard for me, i’ll never forget the day i saw some weird blocky game on a forum, downloaded it to show all my friends 'cause it just felt so open and infinite, i never knew to make a house, the mobs spawned and i’d die every night, but i could feel that something was out there in this blocky world, and all these years later there actually is so much more to this game, but it will never have that mystery potential that it did to me back then despite the fact that it is actually so much more expansive now, thank you for letting me remember that feel, appreciating you and the posts
this is me, but i make another new folder and put everything in the new folder cause i don’t feel like looking to see if it could be important, i’ll do it later maybe
ah, the commercial that ended communism
i remember watching one of those youtube deep dive videos about, i think it was resident evil or silent hill, and how there was this main contributor to their wiki who was always notating references to circumcision and a lot of other people had a problem with it, and there was a lot of infighting in the edits to pages, does anyone know the video that i’m talking about? i’d watch it again tbh, like, guy was a little unhinged but i kind of felt he was at least a little right
imagine alienating your child to the point where they feel this way, providing them access to guns, and then deciding to sue google when faced with the undeniable proof that you just couldn’t parent, this is a tru american florida story
what’s a power bottom in lesbian?
gods, i miss sarah palin, simpler times, i think about jeb bush and sunday funday, i’m gonna splurge on some avocados so they’re ready for the big event and i just hope that i have enough advance notice to turn on “Rock You Like a Hurricane”