Stopping immediately is a violation of our agreement with WHO and the world. It’s illegal, AND wrong. The CDC should refuse.
You really have to talk to the Don like you would to a 1 yo, otherwise he won’t understand.
I’m having trouble with the second half of this headline. Who honestly expected an orderly and extended withdrawal from this guy?
It’s required by law. The US has made commitments.
No argument here. It’s illegal. But how could anyone be paying attention expect that to stop him?
who expected “an extended withdrawal”, who expects and extended anything with trump, i mean, what, were none of these people sentient during his last administration, he did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and changed his mind when he liked, and threw everything into chaos on a whim
And knowing this, we collectively should do everything possible to stop his BS.
I tried, I voted, my people voted, we overwhelmingly voted for Kamala Harris (as we’ve overwhelmingly have voted straight ticket Democrat for the last 100 years), you know who overwhemlingly didn’t vote for Kamala Harris, “progressive” leftists who wanted to protest Jews in support of Islamofacist terrorists. I’m a bit over “we” at the moment. Young Democrats couldn’t recognize the moment, or the responsibility they were entrusted with in a safe, free, and fair election, and didn’t turn out to do the simplest easiest lowest effort action possible, in filling out a ballot for Kamala Harris, instead sitting it out and virtue signaling, wasting their vote. I’ve zero faith in any sustained effective “resistance” from anyone at all, and regardless, me and my Zionist friends aren’t welcome in the “progressive” circlejerks the do nothings will be hosting.
you know who overwhemlingly didn’t vote for Kamala Harris, “progressive” leftists who wanted to protest Jews in support of Islamofacist terrorists.
Thank you for saying this. Tolerance paradox paradoxing hard; I will never understand those people and their naive, stubborn black-and-white thinking.