So when I started programming in 2001, it was du jour in the communities I participated in to be highly critical of other languages. Other languages sucked, the people using them were losers or stupid, if they would just use a real language, such as the one we used, everything would just be better.


This sort of culturally-encoded language was really prevalent around condemning PHP and Java. Developers in these languages were actively referred to as less competent than developers in the other, more blessed languages.

And at the time, as a new developer, I internalised this pretty heavily. The language I was in was blessed, obviously, not because I was using it but because it was better designed than a language like PHP, less wordy and annoying than Java, more flexible than many other options.

It didn’t matter that it was (and remains) difficult to read, it was that we were better for using it.

I repeated this pattern for a really long time, and as I learned new languages and patterns I’d repeat the same behaviour in those new environments. I was almost certainly not that fun to be around, a microcosm of the broader unpleasantness in tech.

At least, until I got called on it.

    2 months ago

    So should we be entirely uncritical of whichever language people choose to use because it might be percieved as offputting to someone? Would someone writing in brainfuck or whitespace or FORTRAN66 for an actual project (i.e. not just for their own interest) not be subject to critisim for that choice?

    Discussion of how languages have bad features and what they could do better is how progress gets made and languages improve over time. I personally find it annoying the level of recent dumping on python that seems to be popular, but they often have a point. Those points are useful in figuring out either how to make those languages better or how the next language to be created should be. Labeling that as problematic and “actively participating in the exclusion of women from STEM” seems to me to be a huge reach.

      2 months ago

      Criticizing a language is fine, but many people take the fact that someone else uses a language they don’t like personally and call them idiots and fools for it.

      That’s the attitude this blog post is arguing against

      Other languages sucked, the people using them were losers or stupid, if they would just use a real language, such as the one we used, everything would just be better.

        2 months ago

        If they had stuck to that I wouldnt have an issue with it, but they broaden it out to

        I’m tired of calling people out again and again for dumping on PHP.

        I’m tired of people dumping on Windows, that most popular operating system, because it’s not what we choose to use

        I dont see critising PHP or Windows as a problem, both have serious faults. The argument put forth here conflates two things: That critising a language is bad (fine IMO), critising people for liking a language is bad (not fine). We should welcome the former while insisting the later isnt acceptable.

    62 months ago

    This is really odd cause one of the first things I learned as a dev is that there is no one superior tool, otherwise everyone would use that instead of the right one for the job.

      22 months ago

      You come from a healthy background is what I’m hearing. And that’s good, and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. What you have there is absolutely the right mindset to have. These tools are made by humans, who have their own set of problems they want to solve with their tools. It may not be the best tool, but it can work pretty damn well.

      However, it’s also not uncommon to see communities rage and fight over the superiority of their tools, if not just to shun those that they think are inferior. It’s a blatantly childish or tribalistic behaviour, depending on how you look at humanity. And you’ll see this outside of programming too; in the office, in town, on the streets. People engage in this behaviour so that they can show that “I am on your side”, for the side where they think is the right or superior side, based on factors like a perception of group size, a perception of power, a perception of closeness. It appeals to a common human desire to belong to a strong group. It appeals to the human desire to feel safe. And when you start looking at it that way, that’s not too different from how animals behave. It’s important to note that not all humans have the same amount of desire for this sort of tribe, or would give into that desire to engage in such behaviours, but it’s not surprising to see.

      In any case, this article is essentially a callout to the sort of toxic behaviour done for the sake of feeling superior, that exists within the programming community, to a point where some may even say is a major subculture.

    42 months ago

    The same also applies to other things, like tools.

    I’m working in Java ecosystem and there’s a noticeable trend to look down on people who don’t use IntelliJ Idea. I’ve recently joined a new project and I was strongly encouraged to use it. Therefore I’m currently 3 weeks into my 4th attempt over past 10 years to switch to this tool and it simply doesn’t work for me. I’ve been using Eclipse since around 2007, know it very well and it gets the job done. I will not claim that it is better than Idea. I just don’t think switching would give me enough return on investment. Especially now, as I’m still learning the new project.

    Another reason not to switch is to avoid becoming dependant on an expensive tool. My current team is using Ultimate edition and I’ve noticed that they are really depending on the extra features.

    12 months ago

    There are a lot of programming languages. Also, features can often be hacked onto or off of a language. It’s therefore important to be able to quickly reject a language based on undesirable features. It’s also important to recall the big picture: to maintain a large amount of instructions or transformations which have been proven correct. Anything which gets in the way of that big picture should be quickly rejected.