A project called “Remove-DEI” shows the tweaks used to remove “forbidden words” from a database about childhood school readiness.
The updates, shown in Github commits, are to a database for the Department of Health and Human Services’ Head Start program. They show a project called “Remove-DEI,” which reveal some of the back-and-forth that is happening behind the scenes to align federal agencies with Donald Trump’s executive orders that forbid almost anything having to do with race or gender within federal agencies. The Github pages show software engineers discussing amongst themselves how to best remove all instances of “forbidden words” from a specific database, and the code updates they used to do it. The changes also show that, while thousands of government datasets are disappearing from the internet, even ones that remain are having parts of their utility deprecated or broken in a way that may not be visible to those outside the government.
Let me get this straight. This is the “free speech absolutist” doing this, right?
GitHub is owned by Microsoft.
This is being done by trump and musk.
Microsoft just own the company where this is being discussed because the people actually doing the work are treating it like any other software project.
Are you excusing it?
I think you’re missing something here.
GitHub isn’t doing anything. It’s just a repository where people can track changes that are happening by end users. The end users are using GitHub and are removing DEI stuff from their products at the direction of the US government (AKA. Musk and Trump).
Being angry at Microsoft is like being angry at a grocery store chain because you saw a kid being told by his grandpa to feed stale bread (from that grocery store) to some ducks.
Maybe, I’ll reread, I’ve something to do shortly that will take most of my day but I’ll come back tonight to this. Thank you
To add, GitHub is actually a great place to be making these changes, because with GitHub you retain history of the edits and prior versions. So after Trump changes his mind or loses power, the missing information can be brought back in fairly easily. Nothing is permanently lost.
Revert a 4 year old commit without dealing with conflict hell? I sure wish them luck
So after Trump changes his mind or loses power, the missing information can be brought back in fairly easily. Nothing is permanently lost.
It’s funny they have absolutely no idea.
Missing information being brought back? Assuming they don’t destroy backups. Assuming there are backups.
Excusing what? Someone called out the “free speech absolutist” hypocrisy. You assumed they were talking about Github or Microsoft for some reason. I corrected you.
Maybe learn how to contribute to a conversation?
Don’t feed the worthless troll.
And people discussing it are employed by musk?
The people that are discussing it are exposing it and showing what is happening. And the tools provided by GitHub are helping.
So your original comment was celebrating Microsoft?
Are you too stupid to understand the difference between hosting software source code and modifying it?
Microsoft/github are not the ones making changes through commits.
Since people can drown in water, we must ban water!
I yell at the road when people drive badly, too.
Read 1984, if you haven’t already.
This is exactly what The Party does through simplifying the Newspeak dictionary - targeting words to remove from the lexicon to make even communicating against The Party’s narrative impossible.
DEI is being Unpersoned
This is why it’s essential, now more than ever, to keep these words and notions alive, let the truth be an act of rebellion in itself.
Life is meaningless without diversity, and it is up to each and every one of us to protect it.
They usually don’t care, they just claim some imaginary East-Asian country banned any kind of self-expression to the point all people are wearing the same clothes, which made crime disappear over night or some similar bullshit. They want to claim humans are not different by nature.
The irony that the author was red scared… all this authoritarianism… certainly Trump’s a commie.
The author got backstabbed and almost killed by Stalinists, who turned on them instead of fighting the fascists.
What a waste of human endeavor.
Literally flushing money down the drain to feed ego. It’s honestly pathetic and disgusting.
Nuh uhn! It’s streamlining the woke removal with maximum efficiencyTM
Imagine being this fragile
I’m a contractor for uscis. We were ordered to change all instances of the word ‘immigrant’ to ‘alien’. We said ok and shrugged because our systems actually use the word ‘person’. They didn’t say anything about that and we didn’t ask
Don’t post stuff like this. They’re actively looking for more things to fuck up.
This level of pettiness could be amusing if it wasn’t in control of the world’s largest army and nuclear arsenal.
Edit: and not actively trying to murder people, now that I think about it.
Let’s hope that jarheads have some common sense.
Wasn’t there some top brass saying during first term that it’s not that clear-cut “obey bitch” if Mango Mussolini says “fire”?
It’s not that unlike what companies were doing to appease the woke gods, a friend works at Salesforce and he had to change the name of a class called Blacklist to something else because apparently they’re not allowed to use the word black in any context in the code
But, it is unlike that. Companies were changing the name of an existing feature to be more inclusive. Trump is more REMOVING data sets or data fields entirely. It’s not renaming “gender” to “sex” because they believe there is no difference, it’s completely removing climate change information from websites.
I wonder how they communicated GUI colors then.
draw.set_color(r=0,g=0,b=0) # Adjust text color to very very dark grey
Some parts of some DEI initiatives were dumb during the BLM protests, therefore we must do digital nazi bookburnings.🤡
Same with the master branch.
You what the master terminology comes from? Master and slave. USB devices do this day use this terminology master device and slave device. There’s no reason to be perpetuating the terms sever and client work fine. Main branch also works fine.
Master in branch meant the same as the master of an audio track or video. We haven’t all stopped saying “remaster” or “masterpiece”.
As it turns out, there are software developers from outside the country with people whose grandparents-grandparents were chattel slaves, and they name things without the same baggage. It’s Gulf of America stuff, but for the ‘good guys’.
I don’t think the argument is worth having.
Only thing I will say is that the audio world has no common meaning for a slave.
Programming does.The point is that no branch was ever called a slave branch, just as no audio copy was ever called a slave copy. One does not direct the other in the same way that master and slave implies. Usually quite the opposite.
Oh and master-slave usually refers to hardware infrastructure, not programming. Where, as you mentioned, client-service is the equivalent, or parent and child.
or parent and child.
No, that’s supportive of child-porn! /s
The server does not necessarily control the client though. Looking at the list of alternatives, I like boss/controller–worker the most.
I like boss/controller–worker the most.
Meh, might need to change it in the future if the commie government comes to power.
Main branch sounds like it’s pro-tree and therefore anti-mushroom! Get him, everyone!!!
You what the master terminology comes from? Master and slave.
You know who cares and makes a fuss about it? White 'murican virtue-signaling programmers.
No one else cares or gives it any other connotation. Oh no! The slave branch is being oppressed! Let’s free the slave branch! is something no one ever said (except maybe the Monty Pythons).
The difference is that racism is still quite trendy in the US (suspected to make a fabulous come-back now that they reelected Mango Mussolini and his fascist side-kick); in Rest of the World™ not as much although right-wing fucks are also on the rise.
And the US was probably last abolishing slavery (but i could be wrong on that one).Is not about freeing the “slave branch” you numb skull it’s just about using more appropriate terminology in every day life and in the work force. I don’t want to talk to my boss about the slave device and master devices if I’m working on USB shit. No fucking reason to keep it the same other than to appease whiny ass conservative bigots who have nothing better to do then bitch about the world trying to better itself.
Imo the main branch should be called the trunk.
Blocklist is way better than blacklist anyway 😇
Apparently the new slogan is “Vox Populi No DEI”.
The content filtering approach to government, or, if you will, a filterocracy.
for f in $(find .); do sed -i 's/wokeness//g' $f; done
This will break if the filename has spaces in it iirc.
Regex is the real deep state
find -exec
my dude
Will they return the master-slave terminology? It’s actually funny how the Newspeak wheel is turning.
It’s called an euphemism treadmill
I think you’re missing the point - Democrats failed to pass UBI and M4A because they love the genocides.
What would happen if someone began adding banned words to important parts of a database?
Does anyone have a list of words that the new administration is now allowing that the previous administration had blocked?
Looking for an advanced copy of the Newspeak Dictionary?
No, I’m curious to know which words or phrases the last administration wasn’t allowing. My guess is that there isn’t such a list.
I am too. And I can’t help thinking I’m in some dystopian society.
Witch sistahs, what are we gonna do!! Im literally shaking uncontrollably, my transphibian body is levitating.
Are these the new camp gaurds?