I fixed computer games just by blowing at them.
Sure pops…
Buy physical copies. If you can’t do that, download full installers w/no cloud launchers, and back up those mofos… and find no-CD / no-Steam / offline cracks. If that doesn’t work, torrent hacked versions as a last resort. Own your games goddammit, you paid for them.
That would be fine and dandy if games weren’t routinely released as a buggy unfinished and unfinishable mess.
That’s why you don’t get them at launch, and skip them if they are never fixed.
Noo, you really only own a usage license mumbo jumbo.
Except i didn’t buy a usage license but a game.
When my parents were young, bugs used to be physical.
You can still do that smh
Yep. Nothing like firing up the game service on your one free hour to relax and seeing a 1.8GB update waiting to be downloaded before playing.
At least Steam has an offline mode. Fucks with achievements, though …