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My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don’t know how good they got it
Lil Nabû-zēr-kitti-lišir woulda killed for better toys
That’s a toy car before cars were a thing.
I was gonna say, it looks so much like a car. Like a race car, even.
How the hell did they manage to get their hands on my very first pinewood derby car?
We need a child for scale to see if it’s a pinewood racer, or a tiny push-car.
I wish my Pinewood Derby car looked that good.
Who fucking wrote that description, a middle-schooler?
It sounds AI generated. The last sentence is very telltale chatgpt speak.
Ey, yo, killer username. MECFS research is ridiculously under funded.
Hahha cheers!
Hot wheels; Made in Mesopotamia
What’s up with these kids and their ‘wheels’? My kids will never be allowed to go anywhere near these things, or they’ll turn out lazy slobs who can’t carry things by themselves but get an ‘ox cart’ for it. What happened to our glorious nation?
You joke… but I could swear I have legitimately seen cuneiform tablets that basically translate to that very complaint.
I want to see the racetrack that came in the same box.
Kids often make vrooming noises when they push toy cars around now. What noises did Mesopotanian kids make when playing with this?
I was going to say “chariot noises” but it looks like the oldest are from ~1950 BC, in Russia of all places?
My opinion on pyramid building Egyptian pharaohs is ruined and will never be remade.
Broke bitches didn’t even have chariots because "no one has invented them yet.’
I think you might be right about chariot noises actually. The Encyclopedia Britannica suggests that chariots, including four wheeled versions, were first invented in Mesopotania around 3000BC, which would tie in nicely with the estimated age of the toy. It’d be like having a model of the latest and greatest supercar, or possibly tank.
That’s interesting. Wikipedia claimed the oldest examples were Russian… I wonder what that bias there was!
‘My dad got to ride one in the last campaign against the mesonites!’
‘Bullshit! your dad was shoveling horse shit the whole way.’
‘Never said he was at the front lines. They let him ride the thing around before putting the horses up. Said if the campaigns go well maybe I’ll get to have one when it’s my turn in the army.’
Shouldn’t Turkiye return this to the country it originated from or does that discourse only apply to the British?
May I make a humble request to not honor Erdogan’s absurd requirement that everyone call his country the name he wants it to be called, what with him being a fascist piece of shit?
Atatürk was fine with it being called Turkey by the West despite literally winning independence from European occupiers and founding the modern nation.
That should tell you all you need to know.
Turkey is Turkey 🦃!!
mesopotamia is a region which contains a part of turkiye.
Further, traveling artifact exhibits are a thing, not that OP would ever learn that in person.
They should absolutely return it, or at least ask permission to exhibit it.