Not sure if there’s an app yet, I found one on the Android store by Arakassia…
On android:
- Open link in Firefox.
- Tap the three dots.
- Tap “add to start screen”
There’s your app!
On iOS through Safari:
Tap the Share icon
Scroll down a little.
Add to Home Screen.
I’m still scrolling. Will it ever stop???
help me.
Seems to work fine as a PWA-esque shortcut on iOS for the time being
endless feed
to fight algorithm addiction
to fight algorithm addiction
Uuuuuh that’s not the way to fight an addiction, right? Who is this person working for, exactly?
Think of it as a methadone clinic for doomscrollers.
I may have a problem
We’re here to help! We just need someone to implement doomscroll / infiniscroll into Lemmy, lol.
Honestly the fact that Lemmy doesn’t have infinite scroll (on my UI, at least) has helped me a lot in terms of not wasting hours at a time on my phone
I’ve got news for you: basically every app I’ve used so far for lemmy has infinite scroll. Currently Thunder previously Sync.
Oh dear!
If methadone was also educational 🌈⭐
I don’t think there’s an algorithm involved actually. Just lovely facts.
Well, there has to be some kind of algorithm. Even picking a random Wikipedia article technically is an algorithm, just not one that adapts to the user
True, but outside CS the word has come to refer to a certain brand of complex heuristics or ML inference.
An algorithm usually involves lots of complex calculations and weights. Picking a number from a pool of numbers at random is as simple as it gets.
In comsci, there are no real random numbers. They are all seeded psuedo-random number algorithms. (Unless you integrate with some third party random as a service setup)
Yes but the common interpretation of “the algorithm” is that of the social media and YouTube style one. Recommending items of interest etc but easily manipulated by bad actors.
Wiki random is about as opposite to that as possible.
The modern interpretation, sure.
And agreed, “random, you might like this” is not as random as “here is a page on red food colouring”
That’s a common misconception. You can measure a lot of ambient noise and extract entropy. Like time between inputs or how long it took an HDD to seek.
Most modern PC CPUs even have dedicated hardware for generating random numbers from electrical ambient noise. I don’t trust them however.
That’s why I said seeded. Seeded from noise. The random number generator (function) is still an algorithm…
Right, but in the context of social media feeds, “algorithm” always refers to an algorithm for personalised content.
Think of it as taking methadone instead of heroin.
Ironically, my overly chatty doctor was ranting about how methadone is a racket and they string people along for years instead of titrating them off. He prescribes Suboxone, apparently.
“Some people just wanna watch the world learn.”
Just found this article that for some reason has me dying of laughter: ICBM address
That’s hilarious
If you enjoy this, have a peek at The Jargon File. Classic hacker slang is something else.
Saw this posted in a ADHD com a few days back. Every comment was just like “oh no…”. I opened it and like 20 minutes later realized, oh no. I can and have spent many entire days just reading Wikipedia and following linked subjects. So much so I run out in areas. I can’t handle a lot of visual and audio stimulation, short form content is such a nightmare for me, can’t watch it. But give me pages of the most dense info and I’m hooked. I just need the option to download every paper referenced from every Wikipedia page I visit.
Would be cool if the official Wikipedia mobile app integrated this functionality! It does have a ‘random articles’ card, but it’s nothing like this.
Not sure ‘addiction’ is being defeated here, though 😆 Like if I’m addicted to sausages, giving me bacon instead isn’t really solving the root of the issue. The issue being those sexy, sexy pigs.
The addiction isn’t being defeated, it’s just being redirected from something worthless to something useful. Well, at least less useless.
That’s actually really cool. I like that the dev has expressed that he doesn’t want to make the algorithm addictive and just keep it random 😅
This is exactly what I needed
Does it fight algorithm addiction or does it just utilise existing algorithm addiction to give you something slightly more informative?
I would disagree on the “slightly more informative” part. I have used it and in my opinion, it’s “highly informative and educational”.
It’s like what vaping is to nicotine addiction.
Better than the alternative, buttt
Butt nicotine? What kind of weird stuff you into?
I think it’s more “Butt as an alternative to algorithms” which I fully agree with. Butts are better than algorithms
Depends on the butt, I’ve seen some nice algorithms.
Blowimg smoke up people’s asses, duh! /s
Apparently it doesn’t use a personalised algorithm. So I’d say the first one.
Web 1.0 cures web 2.0 again.
It’s a neat way to stumble upon interesting information randomly Time is a flat circle
Everyday I read wikipedia and everyday, I learn something new. Fucking love this free resource
WikiTok > TikTok
I know it needs to maintain the Wiki name for branding purposes, but WikTok meshes better.
Alternatively WikiToko would be cute
WikiTiki ?
I recall people in the past spending their day reading random Wikipedia trivia. Overal the knowledge is rather useless.
Useless? Knowledge for its own sake is worth pursuing.
Is it though?
Depends on what you’re into, what you do, etc… Could be the difference between winning Final Jeopardy and not. Or being able to identify Alessandro Gazzi by name in a police lineup, for example.
I mean you can just swipe if it’s not your jam. I think this is a great idea.
deleted by creator
There is no knowledge that is not power.
Useless knowledge is still better than tiktok
Information > misinformation
Maybe, but you will win more pub quizzes and it’s better than brainrot content
As opposed to spending the day reading social media where the knowledge is useful?
Knowledge is a good in and of itself
Because Tiktok is so much better.
As someone who loved the random article feature and will sometimes peruse Wikipedia at random, this is extremely fascinating to me.
I see the dev don’t want recommendation algorithm. All good to avoid the recommendation bubble, but a category/tags might be nice instead of random everything.